Monday 16 February 2015


Who said that life is perfect? Who? Answer Me! Ooh, you have just decided to keep quite & let me hear my own hoarse voice echoing in this hollow void of life. No matter, I will still get an answer out of you. It seems that the rebellious nature in you has finally decided to show its face in the hood & what a sight it is.

To each his own, as such is the advice one is given in an untimely fashion when all that you touch shatters like fragile glass. You get shunned like a leper & left to your own devices. Wherever you turn you are seen as a failure, a no-good, a disappointment, a non-achiever, a nobody, well, all these are just branded names & not who you are.

If we let the mindset of those around us make as feel invaluable as they deem us, then we shall be truly destined for ultimate doom. Each time you want to do something, you here somebody say, "sasa uko sure utaweza kweli na vile wewe hushinda ukimess up". This disheartens a number of us because we see ourselves as not amounting to anything.

Who you are is not defined by those around you but by what you think of yourself. Yes, we  all make mistakes & no one is made perfect. For in all our mistakes we are meant to learn and understand that at times mistakes will be made whether intentionally or not. If you are wrong, own up to it & don't let your mistake envelope you in a cloud of guilt.

In this life that we live, everyone gets knocked down but not everyone bounces back. You need to keep moving forward and take that big leap forward without hesitation or looking back. Sometimes it is through the wrong choices that we make that we end up in the right place. 

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