Monday 6 April 2020


Hey you! Yes, you the one who is seated there in your house or at the balcony or the sitting  room or your bedroom as has now become the new normal. Don't look behind you no one else is there & wipe that confused & puzzled look from your face, I am talking to you. All wanted to let you know is that you are blessed & highly favored. 

It may not seem like it, taking it further into consideration that we are now on a county lock down like a mouse in a trap but it is all for our own good (don't you think so?). We shall overcome, have no fear. Though it kind of feels like the earth just sent us all to our rooms to think about what we have done. 

We are social beings who strangely pick an individual to become our life partner, close friend, lover, spouse, best friend & so on. The algorithm for such behavior is unknown to us when we are brought into this world not by our vote or by our decision but by the actions of two who come to tango. 

It is only when we are able to use our matured brain through action that we opt to have that specific person to be the one to spend time with, share our secrets with, discuss our hopes & fears, to lean on their shoulder e.t.c. Why do I take you through this beaten path that you have heard of before? 

Well, it is because as human beings we have a weakness & it is that of not learning from our mistakes & we keep on making the same decision. It is said that if you do a wrong once that will be deemed a mistake, you do a wrong two times then it shall be deemed as a coincidence but if you do a wrong three times this is now declared as a choice. 

Who are you? What are you after in life? Where do you want to be in life? When do you see yourself being where you are meant to be? These are just some of the questions we ask ourselves (or I presume we ask) in our quest to have the right company/social connection around us. 

I remember the first time going to high school (not by choice). I was scared stiff going off to a a far off place more than 180 kilometers away from home. This was a new world to me, where I knew no one & most likely was going to fall into the bully trap. There I was, going to class & wondering what torture is this that my parents have decided to disown me indirectly by sending me far away from home. 

I guess it was to save their fridge which I kept on constantly invading like a locust at odd hours, clearing all food stuffs that was within sight. Don't get me wrong, I believe that they had good intentions. Purposing to make a man out of the boy that I was, so as to be able to stand on my own two feet. 

In the course of this traumatizing experience I got to settle down to have a close friend who I could rely on no matter happened in school. He was called Joe, he was blind as a bat without his spectacles (you can imagine the thickness of his glasses) but he was a worthy friend. 

How did I opt to have Joe be my bosom buddy? Well as life would have it, we had aligned interests & we clicked the first time we met nerdy as he was (I was not the book worm type). We were there for each other considering that high school was literally hell on earth. A nightmare of its own kind that would give you goose bumps just by the mere thought of it. 

Anyway, we all have that person whom we love spending time with no matter the circumstance. You being around them adds more value to your life rather than sucking all of it out. We always hear that if you look at one's friends & it will tell you how a person's character is like. 

This is true to some extent, cause of the people who you hang out with are the ones who will make you create the image that others will see. That person whom you are always around with, are they adding value to your life or just sucking it out like a leech? When you have the time, sit down & analyze those whom you surround yourself with.

Are you always at the club having fun every weekend? Do you find yourself constantly going for road trips? Is each evening spent at fancy restaurants? Are you always in the company of the ladies/men of the night? Is your life more of spending money than investing a part of it? Is most of your time spent on social media than reading of books? 

Well then my friend, you have a choice to make & decide if those who you have surrounded yourself with are worth spending your time on. Don't get the pitch forks out yet to crucify me on the stake, am not saying these are bad to do. In my own opinion what I am saying is that in moderation then it would be reasonable acts once in a while.

We say one should make you a priority in their life & not an option. Remember that time has no rewind button, once it moves forward there is no going back. "Sometimes the strongest among us are the ones who smile through silent pain, cry behind closed doors & fight battles nobody knows about". 

Why did I write this quote, I don't know, may be it is to make you think more critically about your life & what decisions you have been making of late. In all that you do, be good to everybody because life can take a turn very fast & you will never know whose help you will need. This is just as a by the way of informing you what life is all about.

Food for thought:
"When a woman rejects a man of vision and accepts a man of television, she will end up watching the man of vision on her own husband's television. Don't judge a man by his pocket but judge him by his vision. Because where a man is going in life is more important than his present condition".

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