Friday 3 April 2020


When I grow up, I want to be a pilot. That was me, way back when I was young & thought the world was at my feet. Only to realize that physics, maths & geography were not my favorite subjects in school. Directions or reading a map was not something that I was engraved into my medulla oblongata (I am even surprised I can spell these words without auto-correct) as one of my strong traits. 

Having seen in my high school report forms time & again that this subjects were not meant to be part of my circle of friends. I had to part ways with them with a broken heart knowing that my desire to float in the skies in an aeroplane were gone like the dream to reach Canaan. 

Then, there I was pursuing my other dream to join the military to be a soldier. Envisioning myself, all dressed up in the camouflage regalia armed with the latest weaponry. Skilled in the deadliest of combat skills, master of the knife use & out on the most dangerous of missions. Haaaa, indeed it was a dream that remained as it is. 

I was looked at with puzzled looks & gazing at all the injury marks on my body occasioned by my boyhood mischief & immediately told there was no way I was even going to be recruited. I naively asked why & I was told that soldiers were required to be without blemish so as not to claim injuries marks are of war yet they are not. Well, that dream went down the drain as quickly as it came like a smoke disappearing from a fire. 

I didn't give up yet as I always wanted to fend for the weak, the poor & so on, seeking justice in the corridors of courts of law & more so to dress sharply. Well, fortunately enough that is one dream that I held on & fought tooth & nail to achieve. It was not an easy journey as it had its own perks but as it is said you do your best God does the rest. It took a number of years to get to where I am but I can’t complain but be grateful that I didn’t give up along the way. 
"You can complain about the direction of your life all you want, but until you sit in the driver's seat and begin to drive yourself, you are not going to get where you want to go!" - Les Brown
We all have dreams of what it is that we want in life & where we see ourselves in years to come. I can tell you for free that the stories of those who say I started from nothing & now here I am are true (I think most of them are). If you desire something so much that you can taste it at the tip of your tongue, feel it being within your grasp, know that no matter what comes along your way if you maintain your focus there is nothing which will be impossible for you. 

Anyway don't take my word for it (am no prophet of old like Joshua), you just try it for yourself. Do you all remember the story about excalibur the sword which only King Arthur was worthy of wielding it graciously after removing it from the rock where it had been for years that were. Can you imagine the look on the faces of those who had tried previously (I am imagining those pumped up after working out looking like the hulk) trying to remove it & it hadn't moved an inch. 

Yet here strides this man meant to be the legendary king of Britain who at the time no one knew of his name until that very epic moment. Like a eureka moment on the invention of electric bulb by Thomas Edison, here was the man to change it all. Not to be stereotypical there was also Amelia Earhart who was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean. She did achieve what had been attempted by many before but failed. 

You will read this & be like this is all hogwash & that am up to my elbows in fantasies. Well, as I said before, you are the one who can determine how your tomorrow looks like. Yes, I agree that things don't always work out the way you want them to. Yes, opportunities become a scarcity like clean air that we so crave so much in the city. Yes, unfairness is all round & you wonder what life is this. Yes, the doors of jobs keep on closing like a crypt. Yes, your day starts of on a bad note to no end. 
"Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be absolutely compelling in order to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way" - Les Brown
But have you taken time to consider that you are alive & are able to see another sunny day. Just because the sun is been hidden by the dark clouds in the sky does not mean that it has stopped shining. Wait a minute, where was I going with this train of thought, damn I have forgotten? 

Anyway all am saying is that when you really want something so bad, through hard work, patience, persistence, determination, hope, faith, belief & so forth you will go through the murky waters to get where you are meant to be. When you also have the right support system, being a close friend, spouse, colleague, family member who is encouraging, pushing & believing in you. Believe me you will see yourself develop skin hard like dragon scales (not that I have a pet dragon but you get my drift) being invincible & immune to what the world throws at you.
"A person with the right attitude says to himself or herself, 'I may be here in this situation, but it doesn't meant I have to stay here'. When faced with a challenge do you ask: why me? or do you accept the opportunity for you to grow?" - Les Brown

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