Sunday 12 April 2020


Do you feel alive or have you foreseen yourself going into the light at the end of the tunnel? Well, if you are in this realm welcome back to the land of the living. I tell you, this is the first Easter (I believe) in human history that I am locked up & they won't let me out (those of the 80s era will get it)

The day has been one of a kind with all of us indoors & not by choice. There I am wondering, is this going to be the norm. Hopefully not, I don't want to go back to the way used to be, but rather to a better brighter future. If you are saying to yourself that you want things to go back to normal, visualize this: "broken systems, lack of unity, stone age systems, crowded scenarios, densely polluted venues, noise pollution et cetera. 

I am just saying the way things that had been have now been overtaken by the events of the time that is. Anyway, back to the motion of the day. What to do you think the rise of the sun in the morning means? Does it have any significance in your life or you just see it as a normal phenomena for the bulb in the sky to light up? 

Let me tell you, for me it means it's a new beginning for the next 24 untainted hours to start a fresh. I am not saying that since it is a another day all has been erased or forgiven or forgotten. Kindly do not get me wrong, what I mean is that the time at hand is an opportunity to see how best you can right your wrongs (if any), rekindle the lost love, get caught up in your work, start that work out routine, meet a new friend, write that article you have been postponing for long, start that running routine & so on. 

It all comes down to you as the determining fact of what is to come as you are the key to the course the wind blows in your sails. I see you shaking your head in disagreement, that is understandable. Yes, there are times external factors become the variables but look at this way, you are still the common factor no matter what happens. 

"It is said that when you trip & fall, try landing on your back. This is because if you can look up, you can get up, don't give up".

You can scream, shout, throw a tantrum like a baby crying for the mother's milk but you have to remember that you are the one in the middle of it whether you like it or not. You are wondering what 'it' is, well means life('comprende!'). All in all, we all have to make the hard or to some easy choice of the path that we want to follow. 

If you ever let your past determine the course your life is to take you shall be shackled to it for the rest of your life. Yes, you did a wrong in your past (we all have something that we are not proud of). Yes, mistakes have been made by you (you are not alone, we are all not angels). Yes, you messed up with the relationship that you had with that special person. 

Yes, you burnt bridges when you thought that your position high up on the ladder could not be taken from under your feet. Well, here is the reality my friend we are in a train in which we are the driver & are directing it in the rail which we want it to go. Though we carry with us a burden that we deem is heavy & which we are unable to let go of or have done so dark a wrong/mistake that you deem yourself tainted like sin, you can still salvage the little light left in you before it becomes all dark or too late for you to be saved. 

Nothing, in this world can make your life dull/dark without you letting it in. You may be facing the worst time in your life & wondering as to why you even exist on this planet. What you need to know is that you will always have a chance to redeem yourself in the times to come. It may take a longer time than anticipated but at least you get the opportunity to face those demons that keep on haunting you, trying to bring you down. 

In your hand you ought to hold that flaming sword firmly that is sanctified to slay all manner of darkness that surrounds your life & tries to make you think that you are worthless, useless, careless, loveless, heartless & so forth. Listen to me, as you read this I want you to know that you are not alone. 

Many have faced the same circumstances that you are going through (inclusive of yours truly) & have pulled through. Knowing that with every waking moment, it is an opportunity to face what is knocking at the door so ferociously welding your mighty sword at the ready. In our modern times that could be the skill you posses, knowledge you have, your character which can suffice as your arsenal against the wickedness or failure traps laid out before you. 

Remember that you are stronger than you look & you will discover a whole new you when life comes at you. It is like standing up to that boss who has been bullying you at work, walking out of a toxic friendship/relationship, resigning/quitting from employment to employ yourself & so on.

"Two things define you: your patience when you have nothing & your attitude when you have nothing".

In light of the days you may have have faced or are yet to face, when you can, listen to this gospel mix by one ZJ Dero (not that I am promoter of sorts), if you are a reggae person, this music will take you to a place of serenity: hope the music gets to make your Easter much more bearable & jovial. Be blessed my friend!!!

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