Wednesday 30 October 2019


It is indeed true that joy comes in the morning but at what cost? Can we truly stand by this this phrase, with the way this days you wake up in the morning & it is so cold you wonder is this a sign to resign deeper into the warmth of the duvees & boldly proclaim, "sio lazima niamuke" loosely translated to "it is not a must to wake up". It is at that time your mind all of a sudden jolts you with a reminder of adulthood & the responsibilities that are involuntarily attached to it that you opt to drag yourself from slumber. 

When we walk down the streets/road, smiles are plastered on ones lips you wonder is there no misery/pain/sorrow in this world(I am not saying it is a bad thing)? Why are we so obsessed with what the world thinks of us that we forget we should be the center of our own happiness? Indeed, the pursuit of happiness is easier said than done.

Just 3 weeks shy from now, history was made by one famous runner of the 1:59 challenge like no other I have ever witnessed. Did you see the finish(it is on replay in my mind)? I was left clutching the edge of my seat anticipating & waiting eagerly to see the great fete this legend will achieve. A tear settled on my lower eye lid when at last he crossed that line, an emotional moment is what it was. 

The smile the history maker had, made colossal global impact to all who witnessed this greatness. I can visualize after the run how people on the streets are thumping their chests like a gorilla feeling all motivated, the adrenaline showing you that you can claw through thick mud without breaking a sweat. Feeling like there is nothing which you can't achieve,and repeatedly saying, "no human is limited". 

The way he pushed himself to the finish line & the support he got from all who were there (inclusive of the pacesetters) could make anyone weep (to tell the truth my eyes on that day were watery). Did you know that the gloomy gray sky can deprive the sun of its joyous moments to shine bright across the land but that does not mean that it has stopped shining.

We are meant to be happy souls as we interact with one other, be it when alone or in the multitude of people. I asked a friend what she deemed happiness is all about & she said it is the having the fulfillment of being loved, appreciated & accomplishing what she has set her mind to. This I found quite interesting, considering that most would center on the worldly materials.

Do you remember aladdin(yes the animation), when he took the flying carpet, floating around without a care in the world (the current generation x wont understand who this is). He found his own joy by what he did. Or iike in the lion king, where Timon & Pumba go all crazy with all manner of songs together with Simba & my all time favorite song, was "Hakuna Matata".

The lyrics were quite tongue catching, "Hakuna Matata! What a wonderful phrase. Hakuna Matata! Ain't no passing craze. It means no worries, for the rest of your days. It's our problem free philosophy. Hakuna Matata!" (dare you say we can't learn from animations). This song is so catchy that you can find yourself howling inside a car or while walking singing along to the sweet tunes (aibu kando).

We all define happiness differently & mind you we all make it work in our on unique ways. Others happiness is ignited by being with family, eating good food, hanging out with friends, helping others, getting intimate,travelling & so forth. I want you to know, (yes you the one reading this) that you are the one who makes the difference in your life. One thing I have learned from great people is that you have the ability to create the spark in your own life.

One of my all time favorite motivational speaker's Les Brown is one who stands by the words, "I am blessed & highly favored". It is short & simple sentence but it bears a lot of weight. He also says, "making things happen in your life requires faith, it an ability to believe that is unshakable, regardless of your circumstances". We may worry as to why life is so messy, but I will urge you to remember every breath that you take is a gift like no other & that can be one simple reason to be happy.

We should not let the world define for you what it deems as happiness. An example that is always there is that money can buy happiness. I will not deny it to some extent but what about those who don't have it, how do they get their happiness. All am saying is that when you are on your journey of seeking out happiness remember that it all starts with you. Even a sip from a mug of steaming hot well brewed coffee/tea or a cold drink can put a smile on your lips.

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