Tuesday 11 June 2019


Hello, I am hoping that you woke up well(if not that you are off to a good night rest). It is yet another fabulous day, with the sun rising & gracing the horizon bringing with it promises of new tidings. A new dawn has been gifted to us, don't take it for granted. The birds are singing in the air, the wind is whistling by with a slight touch sending shivers down your spine. Where did we go right in this times to be alive?

The tongue is deemed to be the most deadliest weapon that one possesses. What comes out of your mouth has no way of being shoved back in. Hence once you blurt out that which is from the heart there is no rewind button to shove it back down your throat. This is a fair warning, when you are about to open your mouth, think deeply do I really need to say it to him/her/them (is it really necessary to speak or silence will suffice).

It is a known fact that most times we create more of a mess by our words when we opt to colour the world with our unrefined statements. We as a people have a weakness of being talkers instead of doers. We may feel that we have said that which will sooth the heart but find out that our actions are contrary. "I am sorry", one of the most difficult words to say when wrong. A promise of doing better next time, but is still followed with the same deeds thereafter.

When we are on the verge of achieving a goal in life, be it at the work place, in the home, with colleagues/friends/family we fall short by not walking the talk. It is therefore our burden to go beyond the common norm of just saying it shall be done & moving forward & getting it done. If you do not strategize on the course you want to take in life, you shall wander around aimlessly like a vagabond with no clue as to where you shall head.

We make plans for how we shall work hard to get that promotion, how we shall marry at a favorable age, how we shall propose to the right lady(if I say girl I may be lynched), how we shall make our first million(I am seeing wheels turning on this one), how we shall own that house, how we shall make it in life e.t.c. All these hows are well & good, but the real question is what action will occasion this to become a reality?

Is it that we shall continue to be slaves of the sweet tongue unleashing promises that do not have head or tail. Or shall it be a moment where we shall say enough is enough, it is now time to get the tools to get the work done? Or you shall be like Julius Caesar who caused the rise of the roman empire? Or like Judas Iscariot the betrayer who through his tongue wanted to ruin the path of Christ? Ladies & gentlemen (if there are any among you) the choice is yours.

It is high time, you get on your knee & propose to that lady you have been wanting to commit to, work the hours (in a smart way) to rise up the ranks & stop being lazy saying "it was not meant for me", start pouring the stones to build that dream house (after getting that piece of land), start saving as much as you can get to have that cash reserve & so on. It is a brand new day for you to follow through with your promises, don't let them be just sweet nothingness without substance.

When you wake up each day, ask yourself, "where do I want to be today? Do I still want to be stuck in the hours of yesterday or is today the day I move a step forward". As Les Brown says, "you must be willing to do the things others won't do, in order to have the things tomorrow others don't have." Don't fear the consequences of something not working out, as Les Brown also said, "when life knocks you down, try landing on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up." 

I will conclude by saying this,
"The sweet nectar of life is revealed upon the discovery of the eureka moment. You are the still voice of reasoning echoing in your substratum. Your deep thoughts twisting & turning like the vines which are creeping their way through the cracks in the wall looking for support. In the wake of the Spartans the famed Greece warriors they chose to act instead of wasting words. They conquered & defeated those in the city of Athens. A victory well earned & revered by many. In all you do match your words with your actions".

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