Thursday 14 November 2019


When we (yes you are also included) were growing up you were told you need/have to be number one in class (ama mtasema hiyo ni stori yangu). The recognized professions at the time were a doctor, lawyer or an engineer anything else was recognized as the rest. There was a lot which was expected of us, we had to become like so & so who was known by name or reputation.

This now became our drive that we needed to excel & get that reputation that puts our name on the map. However, we were never told that when you grow up that the task ahead is no easy fete. The lie of how colourful it is, was not equated to the harsh reality that you shall no longer enjoy the sweet slumber of the morning. 

I am guessing that a good number of you wake up you so early to get to work. You have to rise before the cock crows (Haaa! do cocks still exist in this modern times really). Your are up by 4/5/6am in the wee hours dashing out like a mad person so as to beat the traffic which is never ending unless it is the December holidays. Then in the evening you return in the cover of darkness, like a thief.

Anyway there you are trying to make it in life. Let me tell you, as many of you have had the privilege of facing life head on in the pursuit of that success. The journey as you can all attest is not easy. It is full of tears, sweat, sleepless nights, ups, downs, heart aches & so on. 'Adulting' is no joke & attaining success requires consistency & persistence

We all desire to have that one dream, as a friend of mine said, "to sleep & money just comes in". There are those who seem to have an overflow of finances that make you wonder is it that they have subscribed to the "illuminati" movement or they discovered the "cave of wonders" filled with gold & all manner of shiny jewels.

There are times I wonder, what is the meaning of life? Why am I really on this earth? You wake up every day in the morning, hoping & praying that the day will end with coin in your pocket. All the while, the world is doing push ups waiting to traumatize you with unceremonious punches, you go back home all drained & lost wondering is this a hallucination or someone pulling strings in your life. 

There you are pushing deal after deal, chasing a client or two, promises are made but nothing tangible materializes but vanishes like dust. You still at the door step of your house wondering, "who has turned the tides against me/is it that I am cursed destined to suffer forever?" Why is nothing not coming through? Let me tell you, it requires a lot of patience to get to where you desire. Take the likes of Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Robin Sharma, Les Brown the list is endless.

I have had the privilege of talking to the older generation. Yearning to take a sweet sip of the knowledge & understanding of how they got their wealth, the power, the businesses, the properties & so on. One thing became quite clear that they pushed through the raging storms. They visualized their dream & against all odds never gave up even when things got thick like glue to make them materialize. Also, they exercise humility which I can tell you for free is not easy thing to do (I have tried it & I am still a work in progress).

If you look at the current generation, publicity is the in thing. You eat sumptuous meals at a fancy restaurant the whole world has to get a quick peek through your phone lens. You get that promotion at work, you announce to the whole bar & declare, "drinks on me". You buy a new car, the estate will not sleep. You hit the financial jack pot, no jewelry will stay on the shop shelf (I have nothing against celebrating don't get me wrong) & so forth. 

Success in whichever form it takes in your life is meant to come in a way that it speaks for itself. You are meant to sit back & let it rise to the occasion just like Shaka Zulu in his era.
"When you build in silence, they don't know what to attack"


  1. Nice really good piece. I must share...
    Thanks for the insights

  2. Very challenging and thoughtful
