Friday 29 December 2017


"I am not an artist but I am a human being.  I stand with all people no matter the race, color, religion or back ground. I stand with you all who speak the language of peace and unity. We are one people, we are brothers and sisters from different fathers and mothers. We shall and will live in peace for we are on people".
Ladies & gentlemen, my people from all over the global, I salute you. It is yet another new & sunny day that we have seen & for that I most grateful to the most High to be alive & well. I thought I should just take this opportunity to quote above a message of peace which has been very wanting in various regions of the world as well as my mother country (Kenya). We have seen in the recent months our brothers & sisters being mowed down by bullets, slashed with crude weapons, burned to a crisp, lives snatched before their maturity, dreams quashed (this is indeed a sad state of affairs). If you want to see change be the change that you want to see.

We need to rise up by the thousands & say no to being put down like dogs (I am not venting, just pointing out a fact of what has plagued my country ever since we heard the words elections taking off). All in all, I shall pray that we shall take upon ourselves to not let the minority be manipulated & subjected by the powerful, mindless, selfish beings who hold the reigns of the country in their hands to a meaningless demise. We have lost too many people to the thoughtlessness of those who deem themselves the big pins, no more should we let ourselves become the guinea pigs or lab rats to be used at their own pleasure.

I have come to notice of late that on our roads fatal accidents are a daily occurrence. What is happening to our public roads, is it that we are not having enough traffic officers or are we lacking in rules & regulations to govern our use of the roads? (this is just a rhetorical question to chew on as the year comes to a close). I believe that it is all a matter of self discipline on our part. This is a matter of mind sight (believing without first seeing) & not eye sight (believing only when you can see something) determining what you can or can't achieve in life.  Looking at how life is lost so easily, what if one opted to not participate in a baseless activity that endangers his/her life. You have your own freedoms & those I respect, it is how you use them that is key.

Have your ever sat down & wonder why is life so stressful. Right now parents are scratching their heads to baldness, dreading next week when schools are opening, work is being resumed & traffic will be back to the norm. Wondering how the heck is one going to manage with January coming up (this is one dreaded month as it always feels like 2 months in 1). Well, for starters when you are just about to break for the festive season, instead of spending all that you have accumulated in the year at one go, why not try this. Make arrangements early enough before going for that holiday by buying the school books, school materials, buy food stuff, pay the rent, water & electricity bills within the first week of the festivities.

This may seem odd to you, but have you ever thought what if I did do things early instead of procrastinating which is the usual trend, would I not be less stressed! (just saying). We complain every now & then that something is not right or we are so broke we don't know how we will survive in the coming days. If we can change our attitudes towards that which ails us, we can make our lives much better. Developing self discipling by letting go of that which is beyond our control will make ones life much simpler. As I was advised by my old man, if you are having various challenges before you start with that which is easier as you move to the more complex ones. That way by the time you get to the more challenging issue you would have formulated a plan of tackling the same effectively & efficiently.

Always remember that no matter how bad it is, or how tough it gets you can still make it. If you ever trip & fall always try to land on your back because If you can look up, you can get up, don't give up. Finally know that you are blessed & highly favoured.

Wednesday 27 September 2017


Hello me fellow readers (yes you, don't look confused or maybe it is out of curiosity that you mistakenly clicked on the link to this page). Anyway, I do hope that you have been well & that somehow things are looking up for you. On my part, nothing much to complain about just grateful for that which has been graciously given to me. By the way before I forget, weeeee this year has been just full of drama galore. If it is not the nation in turmoil due to the election tension leading to now to voting twice a first in our history (maybe it is just in my time of the supposed older generation, I don't know about you). There is the economic crunch that has hit hard below the belt with a sucker punch. The weather has been on a mood swing pendulum, one time it is crazy cold the other time it is blazing hot. Running battles in the streets between protesters, the police & occasional by bad luck a civilian gets in the way (this is so confusing, what is happening to us)

The number of fatal accidents on our roads has been on an all time high streak, it is devastating that life is being lost left right & center (God help us, it is like a human sacrifice ceremony of sorts is being conducted).Politicians have gone on a rampage wanting to bleed the country dry, all in the name of being 'mheshimiwa'. The madness of the world has been unleashed & the very gates of hell have been flanged wide open. All manner of chaos is erupting all round, it is like the end of times reached & we didn't hear the trumpet call. Hey am not here to kill your mood of the day, may be you thought this was going to be a happy story to cheer you up from the long day you have had or might have but fortunately all I want to do is just share some facts.

Let me now get to the agenda of the hour if I may. I have a question, do you work well with others (I mean, are you a team player) or you just work best by yourself?(no need to tell me, just hold that thought for a minute or two in your mind) We are all engineered differently, as such we each tackle life at a different angle in a different way. No one ever predicts the outcome of how an event may turn out to be in the long run. I will give you an example of such, like when you have been given some assignment to work on & it has a deadline. The most natural thing to do will be to tackle the same on your own. However as the deadline approaches you will either end up asking for help or unless you are a hard headed or stubborn person end up doing it on your own.

The other example would be, if you are facing a crisis & you opt to keep quiet about it. You may have a valid reason for the same (maybe you don't trust the people who are around you, who knows) but  you may at one time or the other ask for their assistance. You are puzzling over whether to take a job or not & you feel that you are caught up in the proverbial phrase between a rock & a hard place. If you take it, it may mean you relocate or have to work more hours. A final one would be, (God forbid) you have a family member who is critically ill & they have to be hospitalized. At first you may decide to handle the bills but are afraid to seek others to chip in. Mind you in the long run you may make a plea to the masses to help. 

These are just but a few examples of situations whereby, strong as you are you can't survive on your own or handle something by yourself. You may need an acquittance, a friend, a family member, a best friend or God (not to leave out any other spiritual/religious belief). It takes real courage to stand up & ask for help. It may feel like as if you are demoting yourself to a beggar (no offense intended). Many of us suffer in silence & if we had the chance to break lose of the same we would be far in life. Most times we keep on contemplating, if I ask them will they not look down at me or won't they consider me a bother or a pain in the back side. My friend, you have heard what the most common cliché says, "no man (or woman) is an island.

When you are in need, not necessarily of material things. It could be for moral support or just a listening ear, you may have to engage someone else for the sake of sharing that which is in your mind. As is the case, two heads are better than one. Let me share with you something that I saw written on a bus, it goes like this, "If you want to talk to God, stop, find a peaceful spot and talk to Him. If you want to see Him, text while you drive". What do you think it means? Maybe you will share with me on the same the next time I grace this page.

Monday 5 June 2017


"Who are you? Yes you, who really are you?" Have you ever woken up one morning & asked yourself what is your purpose on earth. Why were we conceived to go through all that life throws at us like as if trying out target practice? Why is it prudent to achieve anything meaningful, you have to get your act together & put in that effort? Why is it vital to have a plan of where we are going & how to get there?. Have you ever asked yourself those questions. Sitting at the edge of  your bed trying to contemplate whether you should get out of the house or not, just wondering why is the struggle so real (ooh yes the struggle is indeed real, just look at the current price of unga, eeeh!)

Well, what I do know is that when we were born our lives were mapped out to specific destination & the fate that awaited us we were yet to discover it. All in all, we are groomed by society of what is expected of us. We are expected to rise up in the morning, get into the grind to put a meal on our table, clothes on our backs, pay the bills & so forth. The real question that arises is, how to relate with others. How we are to live side by side with those whom we find in our surrounding environs. The whole idea of the above is to ignite that curiosity within you so as to awaken the realization of the reality of the old saying, "you are your brother/sister's keep" (if you noticed am not gender biased)

This is not a question & answer session, I am just raising a concern. Let me just ask this question & be honest about it. By show of hands, how many of you have ever greeted that security guard at the estate's gate, office gate/security desk.? Hmmmm, am seeing quite a number of hands up (I must have asked a simple question, let me try it again). How many of you have ever checked up on the well-being of the security guard or gates man/woman (please don't crucify me of giving them as my example, I mean no disrespect)?  I am serious about this, like asking them how they have being, how their families are, if they are okay, how life is treating them & such like questions. 

I see that the raised hands have reduced drastically (I may have just hit the jack pot with this one or is it a sensitive nerve, I don't know!). Why is it that my second question is causing you to feel uneasy (not saying all of you, some of you don't even care about what I have just said), looking down with shame like a child caught eating sugar? Are they not humans like you or me? Do they not bleed when cut? Do they not feel when hurt? Do they not cry when in pain? Why are we so self-centered that we care so much about ourselves that we don't bother to see if others need a shoulder to lean on, a listening ear, a hand to hold them steady or just company. I am not saying you have to do this (it is merely a suggestion & just a humble opinion of a fellow human being), it is more of a personal decision to be made on an individual basis (the choice is solely yours)

We are brought up in a world where we deem ourselves superior over the less fortunate or those not in our cast level (how sad that is somewhat true). You may now throw your stones at me, I believe some of you are like, "Look at the nerve of this guy, who does he think he is?' Does he think he is the savior of mankind! I only come with clean hands & an open mind, asking questions few dare ask that is all. Examine yourself & ask, "what impact have I left in someone's else life" (don't speak it out loud, use your inner voice). It may seem like a trivial matter to some of you but just take a minute to think about. You are busy trying to put a meal on the table, clothes on your back, roof over your head, clear those pesky bills & here I am trying to poke that bear (I didn't meant to touch a sensitive nerve, just hear me out)

What will it cost you to say a kind word to that stranger you may meet on a daily, be it in the matatu on your way home, at the office, at the park, in the lift or a place of social gathering. Anyway, I am not forcing you to be kind or to be a helping hand to others. Just that we need to become a considerate people of those who are around us. They may have minimal significance in your life or impact & that I get but as you go about your every day activities internalize what I have just said or pointed out & see what you can or can't do about it. Remember don't do something for someone for glory or fame or to be a household name, do it because you want to do it. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Monday 29 May 2017


Hi there, how have you been? It has indeed been quite a while, since I last graced this page with my utter gibberish & nonsensical ideologies of what is what (so am told). I wonder, where is this life heading to with the high expectation that society has of all of us (sigh). What is all the fuss about, yet we have only one life to live & one voice to give. Anyway you are a wonder like no other (it is no joke, am serious), you remember the seven wonders of the world now you have just official become the eighth. How your react to that which is around you is something that differs from the rest of the creatures of the world. We shall raise our voices high as we listen to the beating of our hearts like the tum tum drums. 

However, for the past few days the weather has been quite chilly to the extent of ones toes curling (I tell you it is like as if hell has literally frozen over). You have now become one with your bed covers, pulling them closer & tighter as you try to cover every inch of your body from the cold as it bites you at every opportunity it can get. You have now being accepted by your bed covers as one of their own. How was that for a twist of events throwing together a bunch of sentences to bring out one key aspect & that is, 'life is what you make it to be'. No! there is no instructions manual on life you are here to learn from experience.

Who would have thought that getting a good education would feel like climbing the very peak of Mt. Kilimanjoro. I tell you, the mountain looks majestic from all angles but to truly appreciate it you will have to scale its steep, rugged walls to get to the top & view the world below, then you will grasp its beauty. Anyway, there you are at your work station, bed, in a matatu/bus, at a lounge (this is not exhaustive mind you) trying to understand where is your life headed & what are the chances you are going to make it to your forty's (considering the high mortality rate). You are scratching you head vigorously like a lottery ticket hoping this is the one which gives you the big win. Sipping your chilled drink (any is acceptable - alcoholic or not, I don't judge)
You question the reality of this universe & what it holds in its clutched hands in store for you. Well, I may not be the oracle of life or have the answers to your tough questions but know this no matter what you face in life, there is only one of you. You are the determining factor (not forgetting God, just saying) on how you can make your life more meaningful. Yes, you are going through a rough patch, no deal is going through, you are not meeting the expected standards of your boss, a loved one has disappointed you, you have been betrayed by a friend & so forth. Well, it is unfortunate that there is pain, misery, disappointments, heart breaks, frustrations and the likes that you are going through.

We are born with the aspect of worrying each & every time when something is not going our way. You pin your hopes on a friend to bail you out of mix you are in, lo & behold you are left to fend for yourself like the scarecrow against crows. You count on getting that promotion, it doesn't fall through as somebody else snatches it from your open palms. You are there hoping to win that case & all hell breaks loose your client gets sentenced to jail. You pray that your blessing comes through, but you are not seeing any hopes of it happening. Well my brother & sister, it is not written in stone that your life shall continue on a downward trend forever. A time is coming when you shall just stare & wonder, what was I complaining about. Saying to yourself, why am I even stressing myself over nothing!

We put so much weight on our shoulders that we forget that if only we had the patience, all will come to pass just like the storm calms down one way or the other. Life may have dealt you a bad hand but you know what (what? had to respond to myself since you are all so engrossed on what am saying). If life knocks you down, you should land on your back. If you can look up, you can get up. Don't give up. Every situation in your life happens for a specific reason which neither you nor I can understand or comprehend. Every day when you wake up, let your first thought be "today is going to be a good day" (you may laugh at this & shrug it away as being wishful thinking). You may jeer at me saying I am but a dreamer, well if you ever heard the story of Joseph he was one but look at how far he came in life.

It is a challenge to face each day with hope, but remember that when the sun rises with it comes a new dawn. Each day is a fresh opportunity to start over, to grow, learn, rectify the mistakes made & to shape your dreams into reality. Be it at work, at home, with friends, with your colleagues if you don't put your foot down & say "enough is enough, I am done". You will continue to be a slave to your fears, disappointments, pain, misery, chaos, curses (if you are a superstitious lot) & the list is quite lengthy. You have to take a stand like a warrior, spear in hand, shield in the other ready to face that roaring, charging lion approaching fast. Remember that no matter how tough it is or how tough it gets, you are going to make it.
"You are blessed and highly favoured."

Thursday 9 February 2017


Psssst! Did you see that! Hey, you! I am talking to you. Yes you! Yes, you the one reading this! Don't tell me you didn't see that! You ask me what am blubbering about like a madman in a market or the busy city streets. Let me tell you, if you didn't see it. Here goes, life is full of multi-faced people (not sure if that word is even correct english). We are all with different character traits that change every now & then. Leading to a turmoil in our train of thoughts that leaves one wondering what did I just see. One time, someone is cold, another time they are warm, another time they are all over the place, another time they shun you like a plague, another time they embrace you tightly like a teddy bear, another time they see you as the devil incarnate all the while making you feel lost as you have no way of identifying with them. 

Here we are in the new year of 2017, where some of you may have been syked to follow through with new year resolutions. Saying to oneself that this year you are going to make a difference in your life, sticking to your guns like a cowboy & blasting away any negative aurora as you hold your head high like a giraffe, watching the distant horizon with awe. The sunrise brings with it a new dawn, just like a restart button granting you another chance to redeem yourself. All these may be all good & dandy, the only downside is when we decide to ape those around us in a more unproductive & destructive way. One may decide to dress all flashy to woo the ladies (no offense to smart dresses & ladies not wooed by such), speaking  with a twang so as to be seen as one who has been outside the country, riding in an expensive car, having the latest of phones just to show off & so on.

We try so hard to fit in society that our identities become blurry & lost in all the make up we apply on through our lifestyle. Each day, we try to be better than so & so. The harder we forge forward to create a "better" version of ourselves the more we become so deeply rooted like the cassava plant in our foolish competition with each other that we are no longer our true selves. We change our entire lives, how we treat each other, the mode of dressing, how we talk, our mannerism & so forth. Word of caution never forget who you are, for east or west home is still the best as that is where you truly belong. Pretenders have a short life span in the world that they are planting themselves in. Once exposed the walls of pretext come tumbling down, bringing with it all the shame, guilt & the harsh reality of one's current circumstance.

The time for elections is drawing near in the country, the political arena is heating up & every corner of the central business district is ablaze with talks of the coming months. Now we are eager for change but are we aiming for the right kind of change? In light of these, as was unfortunately witnessed during 2007/2008 when we had the post-election violence that rocked the whole country plunging it in unspeakable horror, friend turned to enemy, family to stranger the continuous cycle of  chaotic madness. Why do I bring this up, well it is because we each have many faces that we wear & once a certain negative influence is unleashed we reveal a darker version of ourselves (or is it that we were just dark form the onset, maybe we shall never know but who knows). Those whom we said hello to, now turn around & look down upon us with disgust. Such is the tragic loss of unity amongst ourselves that we become a people divided based on our differences.

Time & time again we ape the habits of those around us, as we see it as a more befitting status in society rather than standing by who we are as we care about what others think of us that we embrace what the society deems as being best. How sad that we get lost in this game of "guess who" that we become entangled in our web of lies. A small lie becomes a white lie growing uncontrollably & becomes the norm as we get engulfed in the short sweetness of pretext. Lo & behold for a day shall come when the the truth shall be revealed & do you think that you shall be set free! Facing of the reality of where you are, what you have become, the things that you have done & the impact that you have left behind. Do you think you are a pretender, hiding behind a mask? Just take your time & think about it, maybe you shall discover something about yourself.

Tuesday 10 January 2017


"Knowledge is indeed power" or what say you! Do you agree with the quote or do you think it is just a rouse to get you all fired up, like a warrior getting ready for battle! Sword in hand, shield raised up high & with one last battle cry racing into the battle field. Here on this lovely earth you are subjected to the responsibility of bettering yourself through academia but most of you do not see the need as to why one should torture themselves this much. 

The journey is long, hard, you have many sleepless nights, grumpy mornings, aching backs as you bend over the books and so on. You have to go through all these to attain some form of academic status as employment does not come easy. Like the emergence of a butterfly from its cocoon, unleashing itself to the unsuspecting world. Such is life that you have to attain some form of intelligence to get to the greater heights. 

This is not solely based on going to school to be educated but it can also be through reading various books which are at your disposal or by passing through the school of hard-knocks. We fail as a people when we take things for granted & be at ease in our comfort zones. Whenever an opportunity arises that will make one more informed, we shun it like a plague fearful of its down side & thw possible outcome.

Running away like cowards claiming to live to fight another day. Why are we so caught up in slacking behind & when we see others do better than us, we rant about how unfair the world is? If only we could realize our actual potential & stick to our guns. When the going gets tough, you have to become tougher in the going. The best of things are hard to come by, you have to work hard to attain them & put your best foot forward. 

Read that book you have been putting on your bed side, go through the daily newspapers, read a magazine, read articles from blogs that may catch your eye, read a book that is sold by the street vendor, if it is the law of the land read the constitution of the country to familiarize yourself with its contents & dig deep into the material all around you, for there will never be enough to learn from in this world.
"Ignorance is no defence".