Monday 5 June 2017


"Who are you? Yes you, who really are you?" Have you ever woken up one morning & asked yourself what is your purpose on earth. Why were we conceived to go through all that life throws at us like as if trying out target practice? Why is it prudent to achieve anything meaningful, you have to get your act together & put in that effort? Why is it vital to have a plan of where we are going & how to get there?. Have you ever asked yourself those questions. Sitting at the edge of  your bed trying to contemplate whether you should get out of the house or not, just wondering why is the struggle so real (ooh yes the struggle is indeed real, just look at the current price of unga, eeeh!)

Well, what I do know is that when we were born our lives were mapped out to specific destination & the fate that awaited us we were yet to discover it. All in all, we are groomed by society of what is expected of us. We are expected to rise up in the morning, get into the grind to put a meal on our table, clothes on our backs, pay the bills & so forth. The real question that arises is, how to relate with others. How we are to live side by side with those whom we find in our surrounding environs. The whole idea of the above is to ignite that curiosity within you so as to awaken the realization of the reality of the old saying, "you are your brother/sister's keep" (if you noticed am not gender biased)

This is not a question & answer session, I am just raising a concern. Let me just ask this question & be honest about it. By show of hands, how many of you have ever greeted that security guard at the estate's gate, office gate/security desk.? Hmmmm, am seeing quite a number of hands up (I must have asked a simple question, let me try it again). How many of you have ever checked up on the well-being of the security guard or gates man/woman (please don't crucify me of giving them as my example, I mean no disrespect)?  I am serious about this, like asking them how they have being, how their families are, if they are okay, how life is treating them & such like questions. 

I see that the raised hands have reduced drastically (I may have just hit the jack pot with this one or is it a sensitive nerve, I don't know!). Why is it that my second question is causing you to feel uneasy (not saying all of you, some of you don't even care about what I have just said), looking down with shame like a child caught eating sugar? Are they not humans like you or me? Do they not bleed when cut? Do they not feel when hurt? Do they not cry when in pain? Why are we so self-centered that we care so much about ourselves that we don't bother to see if others need a shoulder to lean on, a listening ear, a hand to hold them steady or just company. I am not saying you have to do this (it is merely a suggestion & just a humble opinion of a fellow human being), it is more of a personal decision to be made on an individual basis (the choice is solely yours)

We are brought up in a world where we deem ourselves superior over the less fortunate or those not in our cast level (how sad that is somewhat true). You may now throw your stones at me, I believe some of you are like, "Look at the nerve of this guy, who does he think he is?' Does he think he is the savior of mankind! I only come with clean hands & an open mind, asking questions few dare ask that is all. Examine yourself & ask, "what impact have I left in someone's else life" (don't speak it out loud, use your inner voice). It may seem like a trivial matter to some of you but just take a minute to think about. You are busy trying to put a meal on the table, clothes on your back, roof over your head, clear those pesky bills & here I am trying to poke that bear (I didn't meant to touch a sensitive nerve, just hear me out)

What will it cost you to say a kind word to that stranger you may meet on a daily, be it in the matatu on your way home, at the office, at the park, in the lift or a place of social gathering. Anyway, I am not forcing you to be kind or to be a helping hand to others. Just that we need to become a considerate people of those who are around us. They may have minimal significance in your life or impact & that I get but as you go about your every day activities internalize what I have just said or pointed out & see what you can or can't do about it. Remember don't do something for someone for glory or fame or to be a household name, do it because you want to do it. Enjoy the rest of your day.

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