Thursday 9 February 2017


Psssst! Did you see that! Hey, you! I am talking to you. Yes you! Yes, you the one reading this! Don't tell me you didn't see that! You ask me what am blubbering about like a madman in a market or the busy city streets. Let me tell you, if you didn't see it. Here goes, life is full of multi-faced people (not sure if that word is even correct english). We are all with different character traits that change every now & then. Leading to a turmoil in our train of thoughts that leaves one wondering what did I just see. One time, someone is cold, another time they are warm, another time they are all over the place, another time they shun you like a plague, another time they embrace you tightly like a teddy bear, another time they see you as the devil incarnate all the while making you feel lost as you have no way of identifying with them. 

Here we are in the new year of 2017, where some of you may have been syked to follow through with new year resolutions. Saying to oneself that this year you are going to make a difference in your life, sticking to your guns like a cowboy & blasting away any negative aurora as you hold your head high like a giraffe, watching the distant horizon with awe. The sunrise brings with it a new dawn, just like a restart button granting you another chance to redeem yourself. All these may be all good & dandy, the only downside is when we decide to ape those around us in a more unproductive & destructive way. One may decide to dress all flashy to woo the ladies (no offense to smart dresses & ladies not wooed by such), speaking  with a twang so as to be seen as one who has been outside the country, riding in an expensive car, having the latest of phones just to show off & so on.

We try so hard to fit in society that our identities become blurry & lost in all the make up we apply on through our lifestyle. Each day, we try to be better than so & so. The harder we forge forward to create a "better" version of ourselves the more we become so deeply rooted like the cassava plant in our foolish competition with each other that we are no longer our true selves. We change our entire lives, how we treat each other, the mode of dressing, how we talk, our mannerism & so forth. Word of caution never forget who you are, for east or west home is still the best as that is where you truly belong. Pretenders have a short life span in the world that they are planting themselves in. Once exposed the walls of pretext come tumbling down, bringing with it all the shame, guilt & the harsh reality of one's current circumstance.

The time for elections is drawing near in the country, the political arena is heating up & every corner of the central business district is ablaze with talks of the coming months. Now we are eager for change but are we aiming for the right kind of change? In light of these, as was unfortunately witnessed during 2007/2008 when we had the post-election violence that rocked the whole country plunging it in unspeakable horror, friend turned to enemy, family to stranger the continuous cycle of  chaotic madness. Why do I bring this up, well it is because we each have many faces that we wear & once a certain negative influence is unleashed we reveal a darker version of ourselves (or is it that we were just dark form the onset, maybe we shall never know but who knows). Those whom we said hello to, now turn around & look down upon us with disgust. Such is the tragic loss of unity amongst ourselves that we become a people divided based on our differences.

Time & time again we ape the habits of those around us, as we see it as a more befitting status in society rather than standing by who we are as we care about what others think of us that we embrace what the society deems as being best. How sad that we get lost in this game of "guess who" that we become entangled in our web of lies. A small lie becomes a white lie growing uncontrollably & becomes the norm as we get engulfed in the short sweetness of pretext. Lo & behold for a day shall come when the the truth shall be revealed & do you think that you shall be set free! Facing of the reality of where you are, what you have become, the things that you have done & the impact that you have left behind. Do you think you are a pretender, hiding behind a mask? Just take your time & think about it, maybe you shall discover something about yourself.

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