Friday 29 December 2017


"I am not an artist but I am a human being.  I stand with all people no matter the race, color, religion or back ground. I stand with you all who speak the language of peace and unity. We are one people, we are brothers and sisters from different fathers and mothers. We shall and will live in peace for we are on people".
Ladies & gentlemen, my people from all over the global, I salute you. It is yet another new & sunny day that we have seen & for that I most grateful to the most High to be alive & well. I thought I should just take this opportunity to quote above a message of peace which has been very wanting in various regions of the world as well as my mother country (Kenya). We have seen in the recent months our brothers & sisters being mowed down by bullets, slashed with crude weapons, burned to a crisp, lives snatched before their maturity, dreams quashed (this is indeed a sad state of affairs). If you want to see change be the change that you want to see.

We need to rise up by the thousands & say no to being put down like dogs (I am not venting, just pointing out a fact of what has plagued my country ever since we heard the words elections taking off). All in all, I shall pray that we shall take upon ourselves to not let the minority be manipulated & subjected by the powerful, mindless, selfish beings who hold the reigns of the country in their hands to a meaningless demise. We have lost too many people to the thoughtlessness of those who deem themselves the big pins, no more should we let ourselves become the guinea pigs or lab rats to be used at their own pleasure.

I have come to notice of late that on our roads fatal accidents are a daily occurrence. What is happening to our public roads, is it that we are not having enough traffic officers or are we lacking in rules & regulations to govern our use of the roads? (this is just a rhetorical question to chew on as the year comes to a close). I believe that it is all a matter of self discipline on our part. This is a matter of mind sight (believing without first seeing) & not eye sight (believing only when you can see something) determining what you can or can't achieve in life.  Looking at how life is lost so easily, what if one opted to not participate in a baseless activity that endangers his/her life. You have your own freedoms & those I respect, it is how you use them that is key.

Have your ever sat down & wonder why is life so stressful. Right now parents are scratching their heads to baldness, dreading next week when schools are opening, work is being resumed & traffic will be back to the norm. Wondering how the heck is one going to manage with January coming up (this is one dreaded month as it always feels like 2 months in 1). Well, for starters when you are just about to break for the festive season, instead of spending all that you have accumulated in the year at one go, why not try this. Make arrangements early enough before going for that holiday by buying the school books, school materials, buy food stuff, pay the rent, water & electricity bills within the first week of the festivities.

This may seem odd to you, but have you ever thought what if I did do things early instead of procrastinating which is the usual trend, would I not be less stressed! (just saying). We complain every now & then that something is not right or we are so broke we don't know how we will survive in the coming days. If we can change our attitudes towards that which ails us, we can make our lives much better. Developing self discipling by letting go of that which is beyond our control will make ones life much simpler. As I was advised by my old man, if you are having various challenges before you start with that which is easier as you move to the more complex ones. That way by the time you get to the more challenging issue you would have formulated a plan of tackling the same effectively & efficiently.

Always remember that no matter how bad it is, or how tough it gets you can still make it. If you ever trip & fall always try to land on your back because If you can look up, you can get up, don't give up. Finally know that you are blessed & highly favoured.

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