Tuesday 2 January 2018


Hello, I would like to take this opportunity to first & foremost say that may you have a blessed & fulfilling year, as you embark on the adventures & thrills of this life. I do pray that God (or whom you believe in) will be with you in all that you do & that you will achieve your goals (resolutions are too overrated & never followed through with anyway). Right now, I am guessing you are cursing under your breath wondering to yourself, why did January have to come so fast! Now you have to go back to the hustle, pay bills, be responsible & earn your keep. This specific month usually sucks as it usually feels like it is never ending, it has more days than normal, the weather is usually hot (that is for where I am not so sure about where you are). The good thing is that all in all everything shall still come to an end.

Today is a brand new day (as you have not seen another like it), make the most of it. Instead of complaining this or that is the problem choose to become the solution. If by now you have not let go of the baggage you had last year, you are in for one bumpy ride. You may be now be holding your head in your hands wondering is it really over? Has a new year just begun just like that? That was to quick for the holidays to end so abruptly? Well, you have got a lot to brace yourself for. Now, so as not to sound like an old record the hour to grind has come & you better gear up as there is no other way around it. Your better pull up your man/woman pants up & prepare for a great siege. Nothing will be easy or just within your reach, you will need to go beyond your comfort zone to achieve that which is meant for you.

A good number of you are there expecting that it will be a smooth ride all the way. Let me tell you, even when eating food it just doesn't get digested automatically. It will have to be masticated (am just trying to look fancy with some terms here & there don't mind me) first to make it easier to swallow & digested. Some advice that I would like to share with you freely. Do not ever say that you are having new year resolutions, please stop that habit. I can assure you, as you have always seen all through out the years that you have said that, that you did not at one time hold true to that resolution promise. It is better to set goals that you want to achieve as that is more realistic thought. Look, am not saying that resolutions are a bad thing but from where I am sitting, people hardly keep to them (you can prove me wrong).

In life we do have those whom we grow up with, interact with from time to time or hang out with. You may have known them for a couple weeks or years (time isn't such a factor), but then over time you find out that you are not going anyway in your life. It is said that if your continue to hang out & talk to people of the same group you shall not be able to propel yourself forward to the greater heights that your want to reach. If (am just saying if) the people who are around you are not in any way aspiring to change their situations & they are comfortable with where they are, you need to make a change. If all that you keep on talking about is the same story over & over again like an adage, you have got a problem. You may not realize it & I will urge you to examine your life more closely. 

We are a chosen generation that has seen this year of uncommon harvest. It is time to get rid of the chaff in your life, grab that sickle & start trimming off the dried branches. If you want to move forward you must get rid of that which is holding you back. You want to attain greatness, you have to put in the effort. When you have a goal, ensure that you put it down on paper. It may seem like time wastage but you will thank me later for it. When you write down a goal, indicate when you want to achieve it (this must be realistic) & how you are going to achieve it. It may feel off at first but when you have a list of that which you aim to achieve there is nothing that can deter you from your course apart from yourself. In addition, have a mantra which you can say each morning before you leave for the day.

I am not saying that you should not get your daily dose of spiritual medication through prayer & reading the bible (or any other spiritual book). A mantra just helps you focus on what it is that you want in your life. I would give you an example from world re-known motivation speaker Les Brown, his mantra is "I am blessed & highly favoured". I find this quite a catchy mantra that anyone can adopt as his or her own. In addition, you can read some inspirational books which can give you guidelines on how to achieve one goal or the other. An example is the book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. It may be an old book but it is filled with bits of wisdom here & there (as I came to discover)

Live each day as if it is your last, pushing yourself beyond your limits. I will leave you with the quote below which I have kindly borrowed just for your benefit; 
"Live your best life by deciding what you want, writing down those desires as goals, creating a plan to achieving them, refusing to stop until you reach your destination".