Monday 18 April 2016


I salute you all who have awoken to see this glorious & breath taking day filled withwarm sunshine. Ooh you thought that today was just like any other day, no it is not! A good number of us have not had the sweet privilege that we have of enjoying taking in the fresh, clean air (this is just a mere figure of speech, the air around is quite toxic but am sure you get my drift). This is a new day of the week with a load full of ideas beckoning at the back of minds wanting to be unleashed to the unsuspecting world. Just as the earth revolves around its own orbit, so does karma for what you do to others will circle back to you, not now but soon enough.

Now am thinking, you are all wondering what the fuss is all about. For starters, let me ask you which is easier to say a lie or the truth? I see that no one wants to directly answer that query. It is okay, I am not here to judge you we all have a right to our opinions or views. I simply want to put it across that our every day choices dwell on the end result of what we want to attain. As easily as a lie can roll off your tongue, so should the truth. In this day & age trust is not just handed out like a donation, it has to be earned. Once broken, no amount of glue can hold any form of relationship we may have with others together. 

At times you may find that those whom are hugging us in our time of need aiming to comfort us, are only looking for a soft spot on our backs to stab us with betrayal. Trust is a two edge sword that cuts both ways, there is the giver & the receiver, neither of whom would want the other to go back on their word nor deceive the other. How our human nature is weak that we yield to our dark desires & succumb to the ways of the world. Just like Judas Iscariot betrayin Jesus for 30 pieces of silver (for real, thirty pieces of silver, this dude was quite cheap), anyway we are whom we are.

In the words of William Shakespeare, "to be or not to be that is the question". Why engage in a cycle of lies which is quite cumbersome trying to remember your story line, is it not easier to just say the truth? I am sure you all have your own version as to why you lie, am not saying that I am a saint but when it comes to the people who trust me, I would rather walk in the light than hide in the darkness. Once a lie sees the light of day that will become your unraveling. You shall be exposed to the world for who you truly are, you better watch yourself for the day of reckoning is coming. 

It is better to be hated for telling the truth as it is, than to liked or loved for a lie which we know has dire consequences. You want to feel free like the birds of the air then learn bit by bit to say what you actually mean. Be gentle with the words that come out of your mouth, it won't be easy at first but with time you shall be one with your thoughts. Try as much as you can to maintain the trust that people have in you by valuing & respecting their wishes.

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