Tuesday 12 April 2016

DO YOU.....

"To err is human" how we aimlessly use this phrase to get out of a bind as it quickly escapes from our lips.  We stare blankly at our accusers, wondering to ourselves what did we do to deserve this. Ooh well, that is the aftermath of one opening their mouth to defend themselves from a crime knowingly committed. Laughing at the truth, trying to hide the guilt that is knocking at the door of our consious.

We are indeed quite a unique & one of a kind species that always jumps the gun at the slightest provocation. We have the tendancy of making conclusions on matters without first finding out the true & accurate facts. Going into a full fledged accusation spree, unleashing all manner of utterances without ensuring that all that is being said is the truth. We become tactical like S.W.A.T. in our deceit of our true nature hiding behind a veil.

How as individuals we concentrate so much on bettering ourselves at the expense of others. Unmindful of how our very actions may affect those who see us as allies or friends. Looking down on others & making them feel like nobody's because we have achieved it all. One should learn to put themselves in the other's shoe so as to know how it feels & if it indeed fits our own feet.

Our primal instinct is to lay to waste all that barricades our path, forgetting at times that which we come across in life is a stepping stone to learn the ways of adapting to various circumtances. It is not a necessity that every action in your life or around you requires a reaction. Our course of restrain needs to be strengthened as we are a weak lot that gets easily manipulated by our dark desires.

Before you start assuming about one thing or another that one has done, make sure to learn the facts (but guessing from how you have just snared, I doubt that will be easy). Before you judge someone or a situation, get to first comprehend the reason behind its existence (don't be all amazonic in your approach or unleash your inner spartan, keep cool).

Before you decide to hurt someone, try & think how you will feel if it were you in their place. (some of you are like, yeah righ but let me tell you when it will happen to you, you will not like it). Before speaking what is in your mind, try & think thrice about the repel effect of those words (every word spoken has an effect try to remember that).

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