Tuesday 12 April 2016


Morning, I salute those of you who have had the privilege of seeing this wonderful, sunny & new bright day. Today is a fresh, clean, new chapter in your book of life, for it is indeed a gift for that is why we call it the present. We are a chosen generation, highly favoured & blessed to be alive this very day. It may not feel like it but I can assure you, there is a lot to be thankful for. Having that in mind, today is going to be a good day (that is just my proclamation, as is said 'what you confess you profess')

Who do you think will stab you in the back faster, your enemy or your friend? To some it will depend with the circumstances but most times we find that those whom we deem as our friends, will be the ones whom will stick a knife in us when our backs are turned. There is a wave of deceit & betrayal which has become a rampant kill joy, spreading like the black plague. We are no longer interested in protecting the interests of those whom we claim we value, we are rather more inclined to secretly plan their downfall. 

We look down on each other & collude with dark forces to taint the little reputation & image of those in our lives. The notion of 'survive using any means necessary' has become the norm. We no longer care or are concerned with who we hurt in our quest for a better life. Laying to waste all that stands in our path like an atomic bomb, leaving behind a trail of mangled lifeless bodies. It is prudent that we grasp the true meaning of saying what we mean & meaning what we say. 

The tongue is deemed as the deadliest weapon on earth, for the most distractive of wars were merely begun with a single whisper in the wrong ear. Then lo & behold, blood shed became the new normal. I am not saying that we should live a perfect life, am simply stating that if you can't be a true friend don't stick to someone like a leech. The concept of letting go & being free like a bird is foreign to us, as some will claim that the friend they have, has been with them through thick & then. 

I can't argue with those claims but if your very soul is constantly being drained by those close to you, you need to make a choice. Either to remain soulless for the rest of your miserable life on earth by remaining shackled or salvage what little is left of yourself by letting go.

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