Monday 8 June 2015


I have been asking myself this question over & over, "when will we shed this artificial skin that we expose to those around us?". Put more simply, are we really whom we claim to be. Lets take an illustration or two. Have you ever seen that lady in the office who is always laughing & smiling like as if the world is at her feet, do you want to tell me her life is that good or maybe it is what do I know. What of that guy who is the most timid & quiet of the lot, always polite, never raises his voice & understands what it is to be a gentleman or is he some smooth operating psychopath waiting for his next victim, I guess we will never know. 
"When you smile about the life you live, you end up living a life worth smiling about".
Maybe am just losing my mind & just blubbering about some unimportant aspect of life that need not see the light of day. Or maybe am just seeing life from a different point of view with the way the world is revolving things are getting way out of control. We are wolves in sheep clothing, living a life far from what is our actual reality. You may put yourself out there to be quite the mister money bags, yet your own home languishes in the lack of even the basic of needs. The illusion which we create, showing that we are having such a good life does take its toil on you once you realize that you can't keep up with the pretext.
"Any fool can be happy when times are good. It takes a strong soul with real heart to develop smiles out of situations that make us weep".
Drop that mask or else you will lose your true identity. Am not saying that you air you torn or dirty linen in public, but more so that you live within your own means. Because this habit of spending money, time on people you don't like, to impress people who don't give a hoot about you is going to make you tear your hair from its root. We make our lives what we want it to be, for we have the choice of bettering how we feel both on the outside & on the inside. If how you are feeling on the inside is not in sync with how you feel on the outside then Watson we have a problem.
"If you take another step & another, you will be surprised to know how far you can go from the point you thought was the end".
If your ying is not flowing at the same tune as your yang, chaos is definitely bound to be unleashed. This is not to jab at you & am not stating that your life needs to be all rosy for even roses have thorns. As you have heard a number of times over & over that happiness is indeed an inside job. If you are not in your right state of mind you may suffer from Medusa's touch. Everything you will touch will crumble like a poorly baked piece of pottery. Live your life knowing that you are the determining factor as to how it will turn out.

Let it be known that it is not what happens to you, but it is how you respond to the outcome that matters the most. Count your blessings while the rest of the masses are adding up their troubles.

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