Tuesday 2 June 2015


"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery & today is a gift, that is why it is called the present". It is indeed a true statement of the chronicle of life, if only most of us could take its meaning at heart & actualize on its true essence & meaning. In this life you will learn quick enough that you should never allow someone to be your priority while you are their option.

It is said that the easiest part about having a crush is the fall, the hard part is where you are to pull yourself back up when you have been hurt & the other person doesn't even know it. If you ever hear your past speaking to you, feel it tugging at your back & running its greasy fingers up your spine, the best thing to do - the only thing to do is run & never look back like Lot's wife who disobeyed God & turned into a pillar of salt. (I think that is what happened).
"You have got to dance like there is nobody watching. Love like you will never be hurt. Sing like there is nobody watching. And live like it is heaven on earth".
Am not saying that you will never get hurt but you have to ensure that you don't bruise easily. We become so blinded by the relations we have with others that we neglect our well-being & get subjected to harm. Do not ask yourself why someone keeps hurting you but rather ask yourself, "why am I allowing them to hurt me"

The most powerful & deadliest of artillery we possess as humans is Words. These are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force in a constructive manner like encouraging others or in a destructive phase by using words of despair. Words have the energy, power & ability to help, to heal, to harm, to humiliate & to humble. Choose what you utter with a lot of caution & be the best of you.

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