Tuesday 2 June 2015


Old age indeed has its perks. You no longer rave till the wee hours of the morning, this days if you are out with a couple of friends & it is nearing 10:30pm you would be howling your head off wanting to go home. Getting into a matatu playing loud music is a no go zone, all one wants is some peace & quiet. Now to top it all, remember all those times you were nagging your parents you wanted money, well guess what! It is now your turn. 

Ask around, once you are done with your academia you will understand the true meaning of adulthood. Bills will not just get automatically paid off. Oooh no, you have to figure out how you are getting that mulla, otherwise you & the landlord are going to lock heads. Welcome to that sweet older age you wanted. It started with you wanting to be 18, so that you can get an I.D. to avoid the tussles you had with the bouncer who barred you at the club & denied you entry stating you are  underage. 

Then there comes good 21, which comes with sweet niceties like now having the capacity to enter those pure adult joints for some private pleasantries. Finally you get to be 25 & now your parents have you on speed dial. The call is always goes like, "Son I need some cash for such & such". The call gets disconnected & you have to comply. If you neglect to comply, your mum goes all  spartan on you with the maternal blackmail. 

She starts off, "I carried you for 9 months, took care of you to this age & this is how you repay me". Eiish! This life is no cupcake my friend, these days you prefer having things more simplified. Having lesser friends becomes the norm, the thing of having 100s of friends ended with the back stabbing phenomena. If those whom you trust can fit into a single palm the better. 

You no longer make it rain in the club, nowadays you draw a budget of how you shall spend each & every cent. Ensuring that all your bills get paid or else you will sing the song of your people. Every decision made has to be accounted for, not just throwing care to the wind. Thus the number of things that matter in your life become, fewer & fewer with advancing age, now that is the cost to be bore as the years progress.

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