Friday 29 May 2015


"You are a worthless, good for nothing imbecile!" I know this is a bit harsh, but to tell the truth how many times have you been told that you are an idiot & that you will amount to nothing in life? No wants to raise their hands isn't! I get it. It is shameful to be demeaned like as if you are not a son or daughter of somebody but a mistake that just happened.

It hurts that we never watch what we utter to others with such bitterness, especially when we realize that they don't grasp things the same way that we do. We cuss them out, demean, humiliate & even embarrass them before their peers. Yet there we are, lift our heads high like proud peacocks & walk like as if we are the rulers of the earth. 

It is such a pity that instead of uplifting our fellow brothers & sisters, we make it our sole mission to ensure that they amount to total failures. We all have dreams & it does not mean cause someone else has one different than ours that theirs is not valid. No one is given a dream without being given the power to make it a reality.

In this so called journey of pursuing happiness, the freedom which deserves the name is that of pursuing our own good, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs or impede their efforts to obtain it. One thing I have realized about the future is that it belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

For we all have dreams & it is unfortunate that most of us don't realize them but just let them wither away to become faint memories in the back of our minds. In order to make our dreams a reality, it takes one to have determination, dedication, self-discipline & the effort required.At times we become the ones to blame when we block our dreams by allowing our fears to grow bigger than our faith. 

We should realize that our dreams always lay outside our comfort zone. Yes others are putting us down, yes we are made to feel worthless, yes we make mistakes every now & then, yes we are not where we are meant to be in life. So what, as long as there is breath in our lungs, untapped potential lies within us, waiting to be released.
"Do not lose hold of your dreams or aspirations, for if you do, you may still exist but you have ceased to live".   Henry David Thoreau
We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort. - See more at:
We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort. - See more at:
We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort. - See more at:

Monday 18 May 2015


Eureka! I have discovered the fountain of youth, such a wonder in itself (just kidding, am still searching in the very depths of the earth for this magnificence). The myth of its existence still lives on & maybe one day we shall get to experience the wonders of this magical fountain (but am not keeping my hopes up for that happening any time soon). In life each & every one of us faces a storm designed for our own kind of weather.

It is said that an entire sea of water can't sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. The negativity occasioned by the world in the form of woes can't put you down unless you allow it to get to you. Weathering the storm, is in all likeness, one facing the greatest hurdles that are in every day living but paving a way even in the toughest of times, for there are times when you are bombarded with stressful situations from all sides that you nearly snap like a twig. 

How can one bear all this yet at times we fell broken, crushed & beyond recovery. I will tell you how, at times we need to take a chill pill, regroup & get our reinforcement from the barracks by arming ourselves with heavy artillery in the form of faith, hope & persistence. It  was quoted in the spider-man movie that "with great powers comes great responsibilities". Sometimes you just need to bow your head, say a prayer & weather the storm.

If you spend your whole life waiting to calm the storm, you will always be in a losing battle & never get the chance to enjoy the sunshine. We need to realize that after every storm the sun will smile, for in every problem there is a solution & the soul's indefeasible duty is to be of good cheer. Remember that you can never achieve anything unless you take action, no matter how good your ideas may be.

You can always wait until conditions are perfect before starting to take action towards achieving your goals. But unfortunately conditions will never be perfect, some factor will be  missing. So what will happen, is that you keep putting off any action on your part. Procrastination will set in & your chances of progress will at best be delayed & possibly eliminated altogether. Instead "learn to dance in the rain"
"The wise man in the midst of the storm prays to God, not for safety from danger but deliverance from fear".

Wednesday 13 May 2015


Damn isn't life just a bed full of roses. No wonder it is said that to make any reasonable decision one is obligated to consider these three factors: the choices involved, know the challenges to be faced & the consequence to be dealt with. Now, I get why we are always told to think twice before we act. 

Must have been quite a scenario, the scale of life weighing heavily on whether we wanted a blissful life paradise on earth or a cloud of misery looming over head like a blood thirsty demon ready to pounce. If I have a butterfly in my clenched fist & I asked you if it was alive or dead, what would be your answer? Am guessing some of you will say it is alive others will opt to say that it is lifeless. 

The best answer will be that it depends, cause if you say it is alive I may extinguish its life by clenching my fist even more & if you say it is lifeless, I may just unclench my fist & let it fly away. I have a friend who decided to take a bold step & start her own fashion blog. It had dawned on her that she understood what fashion is all about, not just what one wears but how one feels in their own skin. 

At first it seemed like a huge step, as Neil Armstrong put it, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind". Well, she put aside her fears after numerous attempts to subdue her hesitance, decided to go ahead with her gut feeling & unleashed her page, which became quite an inspiration to women out there. 

What am trying to say is quite simple, do not let the fear of the unknown be the barrier to your greatest achievement. It may seem like a far fetched reality but dreaming big costs nothing. My advise, never ever walk away from what you deem as achievable. At first it may give you all sorts of migraines but you can step aside for a while & regroup your thoughts. 

Then come back reinforced with new energy to combat this monstrosity that has paved its way to your doorstep. You will realize that though it is easy to just get up, pack up your things & leave,  fighting for what you believe in is the most rewarding feeling in a battle of wits. 


I am going to say it if you are not, 'life is not fair'. There I said it, am sure you are trying to figure out what am blubbering about. This is nothing new, this is an old age truth only spoken off in hushed tones in the dark corners, as we smile at each other while holding the proverbial knives ready to stab each other in the back. 

It is one of the stages of life that just tugs along like a shadow always lurking around. So what if it is? Does it mean the we have to yield to its ever tightening vice grip. Hell to the NO! You are not meant to be dragged in the mud, when life takes upon itself to rain down hell fire of chaos & havoc like the times of sodom & gomorrah. 

I have faced enough demons to know that not all the time do things work out in ones favour. At times, things just blaze up like the fiery furnace of the abyss (I think you get my drift). Leaving you all vulnerable like a soldier bringing a knife to a gun fight & exposed like a smashed up piƱata. Haaa! 

The irony that is life,  really does drive a hard bargain when you aim to propel yourself to be the best, only to end up face first in the muddy pools of failure. Have you ever tried an idea for the first time & instead of working as planned it takes a nose dive like radarless plane plummeting from the blue skies. 

NO! Well I have & let me tell you when you give your all to something that you thought was your salvation & it ends up being your destruction it is not a sweet feeling as it will leave you wrecked like a ship lost at sea. Not only did I topple to the ground & start writhing in despair but also felt hopeless, lost & beyond recovery. 

I became a product of my failure, allowing my detour in a logically planned destiny leave me in psychological ruin. I was cast aside just like leftovers from banquet feast. It took me a while before I finally decided to get back on my feet. Life may as well be welding a pair of handcuffs just waiting to shackle & immobilize you efforts. 

You have to believe that no matter how many times you fall, you better pick yourself up, dust yourself & stare life right in the eye & say out loud, "you punch like a girl". As put by Les Brown, "When you fall down, if you can look up, you can get up"

Monday 11 May 2015


"The truth shall set you free"(such an over used phrase) does it really unshackle you from the bounds of the horrendous lies you cover yourself with like an insurance policy! Yes it does, it ensures your liberty of mind, but at a cost, for not many relate well with been faced with the hard truth. Rather it shall be rephrased as "the truth shall set you free, but first it will make you miserable".

How sweet a lie tastes once it has rolled off our very tongue & reached the ears of those around us. We bath in the tiny lies we started off with ever since we were young tacks, relishing the juiciness of the words, making promises that will never see light of day but rather for our own selfish ends. How some of us think that the truth can be hidden with a little cover-up & decoration, but as time goes by what is true is revealed & what is fake fades away.

I have come to the realization that the truth is like sunshine, the grey clouds may block it out but soon or later it will pierce the darkness & be exposed like the blossoming rose flower. Look at it this way if you are told that there is a God (whom you can't see) you believe of His existence but if you are told the paint is wet, due to unbelief you go ahead & touch the surface to confirm its truth.
"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to put its pants on".          
Winston Churchill
How fascinating that we tell lies when we are afraid.....afraid of what we don't know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us. But every time one tells a lie, that which we fear grows stronger. God did not give you the strength to get back on your feet so that you can run back to what knocked you down.
"Some of us will not tolerate such emotional honesty in communication. They would rather defend their dishonesty on the grounds that it might hurt others. Therefore having rationalized their phoniness into nobility, they settle for superficial relationships".



In a life well lived, we at times form bonds with people who are strangers & later on in life become our closest of friends (such is the wonder of being human). Thus the unwinding clock of time draws us closer to strangers who become like family. It is indeed such a unique phenomena that has wrecked mankind with this awkwardness of linking up with another human being & just like that (*snaps fingers*) a friendship is sparked like a match been lit to start a forest fire. 

Having a true & loyal friend is one of the most valuable assets to have in occupancy of this realm of our reality. I wonder, (just a thought) how is it that we are drawn to those whom we deem as our friends & rarely engage with those whom we deem family or of our blood. The answer is simple, family is not only those whom you are related to by blood but rather those whom you have been with through the thick & thin (as is commonly phrased).

Some of us think just because we are related by blood we are friends, that is not the news on the streets. Blood may be what relates us but not bind us. It is such a pity that when it comes to those you call family, they become the first ones to sell you out or rather snitch on you to save their own skins. It is those who have been with you through the struggles & successes that count as being la familia

"When you have a good friend that really cares for you & tries to stick in there with you, you treat them like nothing. Learn to be a good friend because one day, you are going to look up & say I lost a good friend. Learn how to be respectful to your true friends. Always remember that your true friends will be there quicker than your family. Your truest friends are the ones who will stand by you in your darkest moments, because they are willing to brave the shadows with you & in your greatest moments, because they are not afraid to let you shine"