Tuesday 24 March 2015


I have just realized that of late, I have been complaining way too much & this was just pointed out to me by a fellow colleague just the other day.  She stated that not one single day has ever gone by without me say, "am stressed". Let me tell you if it reaches a place where those around you notice your consistent grumbling you need to put a lid on it. 

Am not saying you keep mum about that which ails you but rather find a more suitable way of expressing your frustrations enacted by life. That being so, I chose that instead of every time letting loose my tongue about how unfair this life is, why not count my blessings. Come to think of it, I do have quite a good number of blessings that God has been so gracious to reward me with. 

I have the gift of life (a good number of people are lost in this journey of life), I have good health (there are those on life support machines), I have a roof over my head (I do know of street families sleeping in the cold), I have clothes to warm me (others are just walking about in tattered rugs), I have food to eat (knowing there are those who struggle even to get that single meal of the day).......... e.t.c. 

By the way don't sit there looking all holy & thou at me with that pointy finger of yours, am quite sure you have had moments you unleashed your woes, claiming that they have worn you out & that you are sick and tired. It is human to let loose a torrent of complaints here & there, but how come we always forget to appreciate the little that we have.

It seems being an ingrate is like our customary way of life. Shackled to the grumbler nation anthem, raising our fists up in the air like the brotherhood oppressed by the colonial powers. Our cries of the unjust way life has enveloped us in a choke hold, draining all life from our lungs as we struggle to take in a whiff of the fresh air of freedom from our problems as we like to point out.

Anyway to each his own, if you want to see change you better be the change you desire. In all my existence what I have come to realize is that, "what you confess you profess". That being the case in point, I have decided to dedicate each day been grateful for what the good Lord has blessed me with, you may endeavour to do like wise if you so wish.

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