Friday 6 March 2015


Am so lost in this little quagmire of mine, caught up in the twists & turns in the afterlife of adulthood. Stretched out like an elastic band, feeling every nerve & fibre of my being growing weary by the minute. How can I stomach so much & still be standing here in awe of all the wonders of creation? Is it not that I have the privilege of living only live once, knowing there is no rewind button on the remote of time!

How time flies by without hesitation nor wasting a moment to glance at the wreckage left in its wake. How we wonder & get perplexed by the tiniest of things that rock our boats in the stormy sea. Looking at the massive waves striking against the side of our vessel, watching & waiting, hoping for the best expecting the worst, knowing that soon we shall capsize.

If only tit for tat was a fair game, instead of the merry go round that it truly is. We would have taken a step into the bright & colourful future which always seems so distant in the rugged horizon. Woe unto us & our short sighted nature we fail to see the glorious bounty that awaits us on the other side of of the island hidden like a lost treasure.

It may be true that no man is an island but to each his own. For if you want to land on the moon you better aim for the stars. We are but one body, if only as one voice we could lift each other up high on our shoulders instead of grinding each other with our feet. Do not let the small comforts be your hindrance to the  greater good that lies ahead in your path.

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