Monday 2 March 2015


"The truth shall set you free" those words are echoed every now & then with the hope that we shall adhere to their significant meaning. Yet we denounce it some many times like Peter who denied all knowledge of knowing Jesus. How we hide behind the web of lies that protect us from the reality that, whether we like it or not, the dark abyss we hide our dark secrets shall be illuminated by the brightness of the hard truth.

The very gift of life, gives each & every one of us the greatest opportunity to live & the chance to rise above any situation that may come our way, with a hopeful attitude you can overcome any struggle, even if it feels like as if it is heavy boulder weighing heavily on your shoulders. If & when you are able to overcome an obstacle no matter its magnitude, the glory and joy of achieving such a fate will be tremendous.
"When all seems hopeless and all has gone silent. that is destiny turning down the music, so that all may hear our response to life's great storms, giving our response the chance to echo throughout eternity with the level of greatness it deserves"
As an individual you are responsible for what happens in your future, no matter what has happened in the past. As long as we are bound by the past, we are not free to respond to the needs & aspirations of those in the present. For you are the definer of the path on which your fate shall lie. You may deem it fit to live a lie each & every day of your life, but mind you soon & very soon the truth shall be unveiled like the "changamka na bundles mwitu".

The thing about today is not being the best but rather being better than you were yesterday. We fall yes! Countless times, ooh yes! But that does not mean that we are meant to lie on the ground immobilized because the woes & deceit in our lives have taken over. No! We are meant to dust ourselves, accept that we are at fault & get back on our two feet. For if you can look up, you can get up & never give up.

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