Wednesday 24 July 2024


Well, this is indeed the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice & be glad in it. Is it just me or is life slapping us around a little bit too much? (seems it is only me). Why are you so glum? Your smile is now facing upside down. Ooh! Life is giving you a thorough beating, till every time you try to catch a breath you are knocked out again. To tell you truth, it is quite baffling how there is sudden change in the atmosphere that has elicited vigorous & volatile survival tactics in all of us.

“Most people can sponsor your funeral; few can sponsor your dreams and majority will market your failures. Be careful with people”.

Remember when you were young & got your first bike, it was such an accelerating thing that you could not wait to ride it. However, each time you tried to ride, you would fall, time & time again. You would then dust yourself off & try again. It is quite draining to wake up each day with no sense of direction, lost hope, tired, worn out, feeling rejected, torn, puzzled, confused, betrayed & so on. The yearning for serenity in one’s life is a tall order, just like ordering for an ostrich egg from a chicken farm.

“The noise of a frog does not stop an elephant from drinking water. Same way, the negative opinion of people about you does not devalue you. Keep pressing on. Never give up”.

At no time are you able to catch your breath to take in the moment, appreciate the memories, relish the laughs, soak in the tears, as all around, war is being waged on you day in day out. We are at a cross road where every minute flies past like as if it is chasing your destiny & once its zooms past that is the end of that. This life has no rewind button as a number would expect, once you press play that is it. The screen starts rolling & the intro credits start popping.

“Classy is when you have a lot to say but you choose to remain silent in front of fools. Just because I don’t show it, does not meant I don’t feel it”.

The first scene comes on the screen & you are there like a headless chicken trying to figure it out as there are no instructions as to how to proceed. As the clock keeps on ticking, one starts to figure out in which direction he/she is going to take. Lo & behold like a prize giving day, the world awards you with a snippet of goodies that are in store once you overcome an obstacle. Many a times we are caught up in the whirlwind of life that we forget to take a moment to put things into perspective & start taking a chill pill.

“The truth is, they will never realize how big of a part you played until you are not playing it anymore”.

When was the last time, you just stood still & just appreciated living? When was the last time, you just looked at the sun dipping in the horizon & marvelled at the wonder? When was the last time you just enjoyed a meal, without counting the number of calories or its health benefits? We miss so much, when are so focused on the cruise as we ride the waves of life. Well, fear not, we are on a journey like no other each day coming with its own surprise when the sun rises in the morning & dips in the evening.

“4 things everyone needs to come to terms with in life:

i)              No response, is a response.

ii)             Timing would not always be in your favour

iii)           If they wanted to they would

iv)           Not everyone has the same heart as you”

If you continue to take life too seriously, you will miss out on the little pleasantries that it has to offer. In our own pursuit of happiness, we must remember that you have one life to live. Take a moment to breath, think, just sit idle & ride the storm. If you would allow, let me pray for you:

Our everlasting Father up in heaven, we are humbled to have seen this day. Our Lord Jesus, we come before as your children seeking your love, peace, blessing, understanding, wisdom & grace in our lives. In all that we do, we submit our lives that you would mould them in your way & not in our own way. May your will prevail & not ours. Lord, we are going through the battles of our lives, each day as we are at war, not knowing which direction to take. We exalt you Lord, may your will be done in our lives as it is in heaven. Father, we seek you in all that you do. Give us strength in all that we do, wisdom in our thoughts, humility in our dealing with each other, courage in each day, peace in the times of turmoil. In Jesus holy name we pray, amen!!!

Friday 19 January 2024


A new dawn has come upon us, birds chirping in the air, freshly brewed coffee permeating all around, the sun gracing us with its presence, the opening theme being "here we are yet again! If you ask anyone currently how they are doing, the most common response would be “I am breathing”. It may seem laughable but the times have become unbearable, hard, tiring, draining, confusing, sunny, rainy, windy & all manner of confusion.

It is one heck of a roller coaster filled ride, with unpredictable outcomes that can make one to pull out their hairs from the very roots. Pure survival mode has kicked in & all around, most people are minding their own & not checking on others. It is now the hour of self & others be damned!

The obvious reason is that since life is coming with such brut & hard hitting punches, it is time to fend for self alone. How quickly we have forgotten that no matter what we do or are going through in this here life, we are not islands. It is saddening to realize that we forget that we are of the same blood & we have but one life to live.

“Slow down and be patient with life. If you are looking for wealth, somebody else is looking for health. If you are looking for health, somebody else just died. Each time a new mansion springs from the earth, a new grave is dug blow the earth. Each time you throw food into the dustbin, someone else is looking for remnant to eat. For each smile on the planet, there’s a drop of a tear in another place on the planet. For each celebration of child birth, there are tears of burial. Think of the goodness you have rather than the vanities you long for.”

Is it too much to ask you 'politely' to check on each other? Who said it is a must to physically be there, you can opt to make a phone call, you can text, you can WhatsApp, you can send a voice note & so forth. We take for granted the little things that we have, that we have lost sight of the value they bring & their meaning. Did you know that smile you have; a kind word can make someone's day.

“Wearing cheap clothes or using an old phone does not mean you are broke, you have a family to feed not a society to impress.”

If I may, with your permission, who said that we should be mean to one another? Is being kind too much to ask of ourselves that we treat each other as fellow human beings. Anyway, mine is to pray that we come to the realization that in this life, we are here on a one-way ticket & that while we are here on this beautiful earth, we ought to make the most of it.

My assumption is that no one on this beautiful earth loves war more than peace (apart from weapons merchants & war mongers). We live in a time where, peace of mind is the most precious gift to reward oneself with. The year has come with its own projection on the direction to be taken, that it wants to take us on like an ocean wave beating time & time again with such force to show who is boss.

As the sun rises in the East with so much flare, it brings with it a fresh start to the hour. Why are you stuck on the same spot of your living, are you a tree or a rock? Take courage & forge forward like the Knights of the round table, swords drawn to fend for the weak, fight for the truth, being equals with neither above the other with shields at the ready.

“A wise man once said: hate has 4 letters but so does love. Enemies has 7 letters but so does friends. Lying has 5 letters but so does the truth. Cry had 3 letters but so does joy. Negativity has 10 letters but so does positivity. Life is 2 sided, choose the better side of it.

We must at all times remember that we are blessed & highly favored. It is said that at times a bad apple can destroy a basket full of good apples. Who do you surround yourself with? Whom do you consider your die & ride? We are so caught up with clout chasing that we take no heed to whom we deem our friends.

If you look at those whom you surround yourself with, are they making you better or are they eroding you more & more to a point you can’t recognize yourself. Remember that choices have consequences, one way or another.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, nor our darkness, that most frightens us. You playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were all meant to shine as children do. It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone. And, as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

As we proceed with the year be more purposeful & intentional in all that you. You are meant for better & ought to aim to manifest the greater things that may seem wild to even fathom, do not let the way of the world shackle you. Is it really necessary for you to be hanging out with a certain crowd of people? Are you improving to the extent that if you look at yourself, you feel grateful at where you are or you are still stuck in a whirlwind?

If you are engaging in an activity, check to see if it is beneficial to your well-being or if it is draining you more & more with each day like a broken-down car. It is time you do some spring cleaning. If it is what you are listening to, be it music, podcasts, gossip, docuseries, is it impacting you in any way or form.

If it is those whom you surround yourself with, are they making you a better version of yourself? If it is the places you chill, is the environment serene & soothing to your sanity.

God doesn’t give the hardest battles to His toughest soldiers, He recreates the toughest soldiers out of life’s hardest battles. Regardless of how cruel and dark life may seem to you, you can make it through. Always remember that God only gives you challenges that He is convinced that you can overcome.

Thursday 22 June 2023


I think a hug, is a comforter in times of turmoil as life keeps on approaching like a boxer’s punch. Left, right, left, right, left, right, there goes your state of mind shifting from side to side in utter confusion. You get caught up in the whirlwind of growing up & each time you take a step forward, a wall of nothingness appears to block your destination. 

The heart aches in pure agonizing pain as there stab wounds in your back go deeper & deeper as the knives are driven in by your so called family/friend/partner. You wonder to yourself, am I just now a dust bin to take in all manner of trash. A fire buys within from the very pits of the abyss. You are in disbelief, as all that you ever wanted is to live a good life, filled with happiness, inner peace & gratefulness.

Everywhere that you turn, you are faced with the same smiles which hide a sinister motive aimed at burning you to the ground like the London Bridge. Is this all there is to life, or am I meant for more greatness than this, you may ask yourself? The ticking of the clock in the corner, gets your heart beating faster & faster, as you are unsettled to the new reality that nothing is as it seems.

Did you know that the phrase “blood is thicker than water” in full is “the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”, now you do. It means that the chosen bonds are more significant than one’s ties to family or relatives. Did you also know that the tongue is the deadliest weapon that has ever existed in the world? If you look at historical warfare &/or battles were mostly started because someone said something (but you can correct me on this).

You deem yourself a worthy human, but is it really though? How do you treat those who are around you? Do you make them the next topic of discussion in your closed door meet ups or social media gossip? Or do you paint them as the wreckers of lives? Or do you deem them a piece of art, to be appreciated in quietness? Or do you deem them, as the long lost friend/brother/sister you never had?

Whichever it is that tickles your fancy, you ought to check on yourself as we live in a self-serving life where it is free for all? At times, we may revert to our default setting in which we go to survival mode. Mostly commonly referred to as “survival for the fittest”. Anyway, you ought to remember that each day that you are able to witness another sunrise, you are blessed & highly favoured.

It is said that the best of things are not the easiest to get. It takes one, to put in the effort or make a sacrifice or two or three, of some sort to attain such heights. From the iconic animation of the Lion King movie which aired in the 90s, this one scene caught me off guard:

Rafiki: what was that? The weather very peculiar:
Simba: don’t you think that it looks like the winds are changing?
Rafiki: change is good, but it is not easy.
Simba: I know what I have to do, but going back means I will have to face my past. I have been running from it for so long.
Rafiki: (hits Simba on the head with a stick)
Simba: what was that for?
Rafiki: It does not matter, it is in the past.
Simba: yeah, but it still hurts.
Rafiki: oh yes, the past can hurt, but the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.

Life is never supposed to be easy. Life is a test, life is a trial & trials are never easy.  So, why are we expecting so much ease from life, It is a journey, which is full of obstacles & problems, but by the end of the day if we choose not to give up is what defines us. We are living in a beautiful life, that we always complain about but someone somewhere is dreaming of living the life that we are complaining about. So, whatever you have in your life, all the miseries & sorrows, just embrace it with all your heart & soul. Always remember that you are blessed, you have so much to be grateful for & gratitude is the key. The person who is not bitter is a person is always grateful for what he/she has. So be grateful for what you have & you will always end up having more.

“Once a Man was asked, ‘what did you gain by regularly praying to God?’ The man replied, ‘nothing but let me tell you what I lost, anger, ego, greed, depressions, insecurity & fear of death’. Sometimes, the answer to our prayers is not gaining but losing, which is ultimately is the gain”.

Let us take a moment to talk to Abba Father, our Creator.

“Dear heavenly Father, I come before you today humbly & with gratitude in my heart. You are the Alpha & the Omega, the beginning & the end, you are my creator, my sustainer & my redeemer. I thank you for the gift of life & for the countless, blessings you have bestowed upon me. Please forgive me for my shortcomings & any ways that I have fallen short of your perfect will. Lord, I surrender my worries, my fears & anxieties to you. Grant me your peace that surpasses all understing, fill me with your Holy Spirit that I may walk in your ways & be guided by your wisdom. Father, I seek your direction & guidance in every aspect of my life. Open my eyes to see your will & give me the courage & strength to follow it faithfully. Help me to love others as you have loved me & to serve them with a humble heart. Thank you for your constant presence & the assurance of your unfailing love. I trust in your promises & I place my hope in your alone. May your will be done in my life, for your glory & the expansion of your kingdom in Jesus name I pray. Amen!”

Friday 10 February 2023


It seems with the way new year resolutions happen, you promise to do this or that & lo & behold they fade away like a bad dream. I thought I would pen my thoughts on this canvas as has been tradition, but the beating life was giving me, had be on the run like a refugee fleeing war, to go & regroup & strategize. 

Well, here I am, having resurfaced like the smooth withdrawing of Excalibur from the rock, back at the call to do right by you. Don’t worry, I won’t disappear again on you like smoke, rather I will sting like bee & fly like a butterfly with the hardcore truth of the reality of life. 

Who said that life is fair? Globally everyone is feeling a pinch in their pockets as the belt is being tightened day by day, so you are not alone.

“As long as you keep making excuses, you prevent yourself from getting out of the situation you’re in”.

Anyway, the earth is for living & we shall live, this myth that since we are in a time of trying to milk water from a stone nothing shall come out of it, is all in the mind. If you look around you (just take a peep), what do you see? Are you still breathing? Are you still able to move from one place to another with your feet? 

Do you have people or even a person who cares about you? Do you have food on your table? Clothes on your back? Well, you are more blessed than others & you are highly favoured.

"Life is too short to worry about what people who exist in a free app in your phone think of you".

We take for granted the little blessings that we have & grumble & complain of what we lack without first appreciating what is before or around us. You better live & let live, otherwise the burdens of this world will bring you down to your knees like an anchor. I do understand that we are all or most of us are in survival mode, don’t fret you are not alone. 

This life is for living & make do with what is before us, taking in that fresh breath of air to fill our lungs with new hope like the rising sun in the morning. I am privileged to get to take part in a social activity dubbed “running” that brings people of all ‘walks/runs’ of life together for a common cause, as we let loose in nature & the environs. 

You should see the faces of people in the beginning of a run all jolly & excited, give it a few minutes later & people are finishing & their faces are contorted looking like as if one has eaten a slice of lemon thinking it is an orange slice. Such are the moments one gets to treasure, as you interact with others, converse as you run along in the windy trails catching up on the week that has been.

"Sometimes you have to put everything to the side just to take care of yourself. Don’t be afraid to say no when it’s necessary".

I am crumbling like a brittle cookie, chipping away bit by bit wondering how I am going to stick to the very end of my journey. On the inside, I am screaming my lungs out, while on the outside on my face is plastered with a sunny smile stretching from ear to ear. How the tables have turned as the aging processing progresses. 

Some think it becomes easier with the increase of the age digits, with little realization of the full extent of the carefully laid out trap dubbed adulthood. Years pass by like the bullet train, once you are a mere child, then you come to be a teenager full of life, then puff like smoke you are in the first phase of adulting. 

If you are blessed enough, you go through the stage of companionship with the title of either husband or wife or partner, then further down the line you enter parenthood where you become a father or mother & the stages keep on going & becoming quite something & ‘adventurous”.

"Always pay attention to who is present and genuinely involved in your life at your hardest times"

By a show of hands (I am serious about this), who can claim he/she has never faulted in anything? You are the perfect person, mistakes are not part of you & that it is unlawful to accuse you of such. No hands up! I wonder why? You are free to share, as am getting to learn that sharing is caring. 

We are not all cut from the same cloth, we are like the coat of many colors, pieced together to become one. What we decide to do after the mistake or mistakes in our lives, is what matters. Many of us get stuck once a wrong is done & become affixed by the mere thoughts of “what have I just done?” At this moment, you become shackled to the wrong already done, frozen in the time loop of disaster instead of looking for a way out of the mess. 

We are all human & are prune to such endings, it is what we do afterwards that matters. You may someone who you may deem as a confidant, share with them what is going on. Once you say what is troubling you, maybe you will feel better but it is better than bottling it all up. We don’t get depressed, stressed, anxious, fatigued for no reason as there is something that is a cause of this.

All in all, let us pray:

Our dear everlasting Father up in heaven, thank you for the very gift of life. Lord Jesus, I come to you seeking your light in my darkness. I have fallen short of your expectation but I know that you are a God of second chances. Guide me ooh Lord in your ways that I may live a life worthy of you. I am but a child who has fallen & is seeking my way back to you. Jehovah Jireh, thank you for all you have done for me, without my knowing. I am not strong on my own as the world folds around me, let your hand be my guide. Lord you have given me the breath in my lungs, the use of my limbs, the food I eat & more than I can count. I pray in Jesus holy name, Amen!!!


Thursday 12 January 2023


Well, here we go again! Did you make any New Year resolutions? Did you start the year by saying never again, will I? You are not alone, you are one amongst the many who have made such feeble attempts to do sudden turn arounds that have had quite interesting results. Don’t worry, you don’t have to feel bad about it, we are all growing to understand how to pull through.

Never introduce yourself to a lifestyle that you can’t afford and never adopt a lifestyle that depends on someone else’s money”. 

As you traverse this universe, remember that your choices lead to the life that you live. I want to have it all, no matter the costs. It is said that you need to be careful of what you wish for, you may just get it. We are so quick to utter words, without putting much thought into what the end results might be. 

An example, “I want this kind of life”, “I want that person”, I want to have it all”, “I want to be the greatest” & so forth. Do you know the weight that comes with such words & what it takes to achieve such a state? It is only the wearer of a shoe who knows where it pinches. 

Time is your currency, everything is temporary & you will never regret the time you spent with the people you love”. 

In this current times, nothing is as is. People are using every means necessary to get to the top. The aspect of having any form of morals has been thrown out of the window, ran over several times & kerosene poured on it & a fire lit. It is easier said than done & I can assure you, go ask anyone who has genuinely made it, what it took them to reach where they are. 

You would be flabbergasted & dumbfounded by all the moving pieces that were involved in rising to their current status quo. Thus, it is prudent to understand that each morning as you wake up to another sunrise, soaking in the warmth of the day & visualizing how you are going to conquer your day that your first thought(s) & words will have an impact on your day to some extent. 

“Your words are seeds, your words have got power, what you say you produce”. 

In the words of Les Brown, he says when you get up each day, go to a mirror & tell yourself, “I am blessed & highly favoured”. What you listen to as you take on what lays ahead, will determined as to how you feel, this is inclusive of the fact that you have free will. Check yourself & see what is the first thing that you do when you get out of bed or do you just wake up to face the day. 

Well for me I start my day with getting God involved in it. I tell Him, how grateful I am that He has made me see yet another day, how wonderful it is that He woke me up from slumber otherwise I would have gone to the siesta of no return, then I tell Him to guide me in my day in whichever way it goes & that He is to be in control.

Now it seems like a long stretch to put my day in another’s hands but that is just my poison & each of us has their own. It is vital to always remember, we all have free will whereby, you can either choose to do something or not as the decision lies with you (except in the times of modern slavery). 

"Be careful what you throw away, because good things come in small packages”. 

The outcome of your growth in life will be determined by what & who you surround yourself with. If you are into always having negativity that is what shall follow you. If you are into the immoral, that is what shall be in your shadow. If you are into giving, then that is what shall follow you. If you are into positive vibes that is what you shall attract. However, be careful not to just go whichever direction that you are thrown, lacking a firm ground/stand. 

Even the mast of a ship, keeps the sails in check. It is upright to ensure that the gust of wind are captured at the opportune time to go in the desired direction. If someone or someone’s are the ones who keep on telling you what to do or controlling your every move, you better check yourself, otherwise you will be like a zombie who just goes wherever he/she is told.

Did you ever realize that when you were the worst version of yourself, you had the most friends, it seemed like everybody wanted you around when you were putting the needs of others before your own needs. Then when you start to put yourself first, your circle became smaller and smaller but you realize that is okay, because God begins to put the right people in your life, the people that love you for you. You understand that not everybody that started with you, can go with you and that is just the reality of the situation”. 

If I cut you with a blade, will you not bleed red blood? If I deny you a drink of water, will you not be thirsty? If I deny you food, will you not be hungry? If I hit you, will you not feel pain? This being the reality, one ought to remember that you are not an island. It will not cost you a shilling or a dime, to check on one another. We are so caught up on how our year is going to look like that we have forgotten that there are others who have not being so privileged to see the light of day. 

Somebody woke up with a surprise knock on their door, only to be greeted with a freshly printed notice to vacate. Others woke up, scratched their heads having no food to eat but just droplets of water to survive on. Others woke up to news that they no longer had a gainful employment. Others woke up, to find out their beloved one(s) are no longer in this realm. It is your choice to make a difference, whether or not you will be there for others. 

"Remember one thing, through every dark night there’s a bright day after that, so no matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up and handle it”. 

This world we are in, we are just passengers travelling by to our final destination & along the way we shall face & meet many things that may or may not make sense, thus we ought to remember there is no permanency in life. 

“Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for today. Thank you for your continued blessings and grace. Lord Jesus, help me to trust you more, help me to trust your plan for my life. Help me to stop worrying about what may or may not happen with the future, because I know it is in your hands. In Jesus name, I pray amen!”.

Friday 18 November 2022


That is it! I have had enough! I can’t keep on doing this, with no end in sight. I was not born to suffer (or was I), there must be more to life than this! I am tired, worn out, fighting demons on a daily, failing, low, crushing under the weight that is pushing me down, losing my mind, cringing at the very thought of seeing another day & to top it all, time is not stopping. 

Who said that you journey is cast on stone or cement (I definitely didn’t)? Is it written somewhere that from now henceforth, this is how it shall be & that you should stick to the script. ‘Adulting’ has internationally been declared a scam that has no stage to get off. You wake up to face the day that is meant to be, only to wish for the evening that is yet to come to draw closer like a lost lover. 

Turning left, right & around you & all that you get engulfed is a gray cloud of how the world does not want to play fair. Well then, don’t play by the rules but rather make your own. We do have people whom we call our bosom buddies, our ride & die, our avengers, & our one call away in all times (keep them close). It is said that family is not always your blood. 

Did you know that not everyone who says that they are your true friend have your best interest at heart & your back. They could be your enemy looking for a soft spot to stab you in your back. Take a moment to analyze whether the people you surround yourself with have your best interest in mind or they are there to ensure that you burn all bridges that built you, stay woke! 

A wise person once said, “People do not mature with age, the mature with damage”. There are things that we do not talk about publicly because they are deemed taboo or things to keep in-house. This is the sad reality that is in this world (not the next),”People are silently dying of depression but can’t tell nobody because you all gossip about them instead of helping them”. 

Think about that for moment & see if that is true or is it part of the figment of my disillusioned imagination. Where we disappear like smoke whenever someone confides in you & tells you they are going through this or that & that they are drowning in it, gasping for air whenever they can. I am not saying it is a must to be there for others but what would you want someone to do if you were in that shoe that pinches. 

As it is really funny that when you treat others how they treat you, many feel offended, think about that. One day you are going to wake up & you are not going to have any more time, to do the things you always wanted to do. Things change, friends leave & life does not stop for anybody. If you want to let loose, do so, knowing that there is no rewind button to your reaction to the action & you can’t swallow the words once spit out. 

There are three things that everybody needs to come to terms with in life:

1.    Your mental health is way more important than your career will ever be

2.   You become an unstoppable force, when you realize that you can do it alone

3.   Be okay with people not liking you, because nowadays people barely like themselves

We live in a world where people buy things they don’t need, with money they don’t have, to impress people they don’t like. Seek wisdom to prevail in your life & as you forge forward remember you are not an island. No person ever got to the top by themselves, there were places they had to get stepping stones to elevate them to their greatness.

“If your absence doesn’t bother them, your presence never meant anything to them”.

Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that does not make you who you are. It is the rest of your story that makes you who you choose to be. If all it takes to make your day brighten up is laugh, laugh till your lungs hurt or tears drip down your face or even pee a little bit. If your thing is to crack jokes, let them out if even if they are as dry as the Kalahari Desert. 

If your thing is to be a shoulder to others, be so. This life we are in, has no repeat, no rewind or even a pause, as You Only Die Once (YODO) & You Only Live Daily (YOLD). Take a moment to check on that friend, colleague, family member or even a stranger. It will not cost you the breath in your lungs because you said a complete sentence to them. 

Saying even, “Hi, how are you doing”, bears more weight than you can imagine. A phone call, text message (if this is still being used), a WhatsApp message/call or even a written card, may brighten the day of one in more ways than you could comprehend. It will not drain a pint of blood from you when check up on one another nor will it make your economy collapse. Know Better, Do better!

Exodus 14:14 says that God will fight for you, and all you have to do is be still. God knows exactly what you are facing and all He wants you to do is to trust Him, not only is He handling it but He is handling it better than you ever could.

Dear heavenly Father, I just pray over this tiredness. Father God this is frustrating. I am trying everything I can to fix my situation. Jehovah Jireh, maybe I am leaning a little bit too much on my own understanding & my own strength, God I pray for breakthrough in my situation and I pray for breakthrough for the way that it should go. In your will & in your timing, give me peace during this time. Give me the strength & the wisdom. I pray over anxiety & depression, I pray over the broken hearted, Lord being a broken hearted person is so tough & then I realize you will always be there, but others won’t always be there & that you can help me connect the dots & all is frustrating, the tough trials that I may be going through that Lord Jesus you will be with me. In Jesus Holy name I pray, Amen!

Wednesday 12 October 2022


Promise me that you will take care of it (promise me). I have given you a bit of me to keep you going through the tough, rough & weary times. Do not under any circumstance let it be all for nothing. I have stood the test of time & have held your hand, day in & day out as you forge forward in this world. 

We shall meet in the next one, where we shall all be at rest with little to no worry. It has been a breath taking journey to know you. You have been precious to me & I will not let you go. As the sun sets in the horizon, hold dear what I have treasured with you. 

I shall continue to guide you through the maze of living, as you shed of the mask that you have snuggly gotten comfortable hiding behind. Let loose your emotions, do not let them put you down as you bleed on the inside wondering to whom shall I turn to. I am right here next to you, my hand stretched out to lead you to the light. 

The path having being treacherous, you shall pull through & at last you shall be whole. There are battles that are raging inside of you (I feel you), remember that you are not alone. It may seem like the world is a dark place but remember, even when the clouds block the sun it is still shinning. 

We are here to be the fire & light in each other’s lives & no matter what war we are in, do not let this world make you a cruel, heartless person, be a better you.

Four things that you learn as you grow older:

    1. You can’t make real friends with fake people

    2. You sit back and observe, you realize not everything deserves your response

    3. You learn to trust your intuition

    4. The older you get the less you feel the need to be included.

On a daily we walk (or is it run) on thin ice as we strive to make it to the end of the day/night. There is usually no guarantee that tomorrow the sun will rise for you, that is why today is a gift hence it is called the present. This life is unpredictable like a storm, which though you can see coming, you are never too certain/sure if it will cross your path & cause all manner of mayhem. 

We are not islands that is why each & every single one of us is connected. It is tiring growing up, one of the most famous quote says, “with great power comes great responsibilities”. No matter how you prepare yourself for life, it comes with no manual that can be followed to the tee, rather you get caught up in turbulences of unfathomable proportions. 

Learning day by day that the journey is unique in its own nature. I will tell you this, “Do not let someone dim your light simply because it is shining in their eyes”. Remember that you may have not gone where you intended to go, but you will end up where you need to be. 

How we view this realm we live in through our eyes only shows us from our perspective & not how others see it. If we let in others you may get a different angle of the working of things & not just the one sided view.

“Everyone makes mistakes in life, but that does not meant they have to pay for them the rest of their lives. Sometimes, good people make bad choices. It does not mean they are bad, it means they are human”.

At what time today or days before, did you check up on your family, friend, colleague(s) or acquaintance(s) or even strangers? I did not say it is a must to do so but it is unfortunate that we live in a time where it has become survival is for the fit. No one cares about the other but rather for self & one’s own.

We have been caught up in the whirlwind where no one shows any interest in the wellbeing of another. It is a miserable state of affairs when all we can do is think about ourselves. What does it cost you to say, “Hi, how are you today or how have you been”? 

Even if it is a text & since we are in the current times a ‘whatsapp message’ can suffice. A 30 seconds call with someone will not finish your air-time nor make your phone switch off. A hug may mean more than you can imagine, that warm embrace calms one. A smile can brighten one’s day or even evening. All what I am saying is that it does not take much to check on each other, but hey am not the law, do you!

As we traverse through this world, family is not whose blood you carry, it is who is there for you when no one else is no matter the odds. Did you know that doubt killed more dreams than failure ever will?

There is a purpose for everyone you meet. Some people will test you, some will use you, some will bring out the best in you, but everyone will teach you something about yourself. Sometimes God will put a Goliath in your life, just to bring out the David in you. 

There are people in your view that are having a party because they think you lost. There are people celebrating, thinking you never going to get to your not yet, but I have discovered that what God ordains man can not contain.

Dear heavenly Father, I submit my mind, heart and will to you. Help me to see clearly what your plan is for me. Help me to stay close to you always, not living in the past but pressing forward to the new things you have in store for me. In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray. Amen!


Wednesday 31 August 2022


Is it just me or is the weather playing Russian roulette with us. One time it is freezing cold, another time it is scorching hot, then again goes back to the default setting of chilling cold. This makes it a funny situation when you are leaving the house clad in warm clothing, only for the sun to say surprise! Proceeding to boil you from the inside out or when you are lightly dressed & it is all crispy clear outside with the sun up high, then all of a sudden grey clouds rush in, escorted by the chilly biting winds making you wonder what voodoo is this. 

For the one who is worried: “Do not be afraid, I am with you, let nothing terrify you!. I will make you strong and help you; I will protect you and save you” Isaiah 41:10

I wonder in amazement as to the extent of which the times we live in, everything is becoming more & more unpredictable to the extent one keeps on questioning his/her own sanity. How are surviving each moment is a miracle in itself. No time is it easy or hard, it is all mixed up like a cocktail. You can end up scratching your head till you become bald, all because of the constant thinking you have to go through. 

When you are on the streets it is like the sequel of the fast & furious franchise. The mere thought of crossing one street to another is an extreme sport without the lack of a motorcycle trying to knock you down or a car/bus trying to run you over or people in a hurry trying to crash you to death. 

We are in the trying times that when you get home, you thank your Maker for seeing you through it all. Lo & behold, when you switch on the lights you discover you forgot to pay the electricity bill. You step in the shower, only droplets are coming out, that is the day the water company decided to flex its muscle. You go to fire up the gas cooker to prepare a hot meal, only withering ambers of fire can be seen before suddenly dying, all because you didn’t get your gas cylinder replaced/refilled. 

You open your fridge for a snack, it looks like a vacant parking lot. At this time, you are asking yourself, who did I wrong because this is getting out of hand. Anyway, here we are survivors of the days that have been & the nights that have passed. Striving to make a difference in our world so that we can have a brighter & better future. However, there are instances the odds are stacked up against us & not in our favour as it becomes the moment of us against the world, leaving us muttering under our breaths, “it is what it is”. 

The rules of engagement have changed & the times have evolved. We are on a learning curve day by day, on this wondrous journey called living, as we seek serenity, tranquility & the next big thing. Did you know that when you check up on somebody else whom you know, that it will not finish the breath of air in your lungs? When you follow up to see if a friend/colleague/family is okay, it will not cost you a dime? You will never know what it means when another person receives a message from you saying, “Hi, how are you doing today?”. 

The impact of your voice, when another person receives a phone call from you, hearing your voice, far from the noise in their head. The wonder that small courtesies have are unimaginable. It is not your burden to bear if your find this is too much of a task to handle, this is not an exam to pass. 

We are all raised differently & have various ways we interact with others. It is the reality that not everyone cares about you, wonders about you, is concerned about you, believes in you, wants the best for you, is there for you, prays for you or even worries about you but rather judges you, mocks you, talks behind your back, hates you & so forth. 

We are in a cruel world where it is every man/woman for him/herself & the rest be damned. It is not all cast on stone that we are always having great times when we are jolly & generous mood. There was a story I read sometime back & I would like to share with you here it is: 

“This was a story of a surgeon called in urgently to the emergency room for a seriously injured young boy. The surgeon arrived as soon as he could, only to be confronted by an irate father for being late and accusing the surgeon of being uncaring, self-centered and money-driven. It was an ugly scene. The surgeon remained calm, apologized and told the father, he would do all he could to help his son. Even this, did not appease the father and he continued to verbally harangue the surgeon. After the surgery, the surgeon spoke to the father, explained that all went well and full recovery was expected. He then promptly left. The father told the OR nurse he couldn’t believe how callous and cold the surgeon was, first for being late and second for being so brusque with his departure after the surgery. The nurse then told him the reason behind the surgeon’s behavior. The surgeon had been late because his son was killed in an accident a few days before. He was actually at his son’s funeral when he was called back to the emergency department. She told the father, 'He left his own son’s funeral so he could come & save your son'. The man was left dumbfounded and did not say another word".

Here are 3 love notes from God:

1.    You don’t have to keep chasing after things that try to diminish your worth but even when you do, know that I am chasing after you because of how valuable you are to me.

2.   That last thing may have caught you by surprise but it didn’t catch me, so know this I am not disappointed in you and it is nothing that my grace can’t handle.

3.   Even when it’s one entire chapter it does not mean that it is the whole book.

Remember this, the loneliest people are the kindest, the saddest people smile the brightest, the most damaged people are the wisest all because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer like they did.

Tuesday 19 July 2022


How did I get myself in this situation? At first it felt so sweet, adventurous, hidden & no one the wiser. Look at me now, my relationship is sinking fast like a ship with gaping holes readying to get lost at the bottom of the ocean. Why did I have to talk behind his/her back? What was I thinking? Look at all the damage that I have done. What have I now become: mean, angry, jealous, selfish & self-centered, all for what? I am losing family & friends quicker than I can say. “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”. 

I am constantly worried by the mere thought of, what if! Yet before, I was a free spirit minding my own & caring more of what I thought of myself than what others thought of me. To stumble is not to fall & to be or not to be that is indeed the question. I am not okay. I am holding onto life by a very thin blade of grass, grasping at what I can, not to fall. The rope wound up round my wrist bites deep into my flesh, as I refuse to let it go. 

Fearing that if I do, I will fall with nothing to keep me safe & secure. No time do we feel comfortable with the unfamiliar but rather are unsettled. We fear what we don't know & hide behind the known. I am not okay. It burns on the inside, like a searing pain etched in my brain. Why does it hurt so much? The weight of it all is way more than anticipated or expected. It was all a lie, to be grown & independent. It is not every time that you hear the war cry that you have to arm yourself ready for war. 

There are moments when you just have to let go of your battle gear & just walk away. It is wise to note that not every action requires a reaction. At times, getting that peace of mind matters more than what the society thinks of you. Each moment that we have the breath of life, we need to be thankful. Seeing another day is not an automatic right. You might one day experience the light at the end of the tunnel moment with no return policy. 

Such are the moments that scare people the most as they are unpredictable like the coming of Christ. There you are, one day just minding your own business then poof all of a sudden you disappear like mist. You better watch out how you carry yourself in this realm as it is not a permanent gig. Do you recall when you were young, your parents or guardians always undertook to take photos of the moment. This was so as to preserve the precious memories unlike the current times when selfies & quick snaps are for clout. 

Times have changed but how we conduct ourselves at the get go is the determination of the trajectory of what we hope our lives will take. No one prepares you for life, it has no manual & every day is a school day as class is in session. New things pop up every now & then & you are left wondering how am I going to survive this. There is a harsh reality outside there. When someone is treating you like an option, help them narrow their choices by removing yourself from the equation. You ought to know your worth, for no coin resembles the other no matter how you aim to create perfection. 

We are all forged in different fires to come out as we are. Ready or not, you will be thrown into the real world to fend for yourself. The question that will be ringing in your ears will be, “can I handle this?’. You better brace yourself for the scorching fire that shall descend upon you like the hail of Sodom & Gomorrah. Keep yourself in check & have set principles that become your beacon to others of who you are. If I may ask, “if your name is called out loud amongst your peers will it be one, others would be comfortable being associated with or would it be one, others will want to be distanced with like the black plague?”. 

Your walk on this earth ought to leave a legacy behind that generations to come will look up to & not cower from it. Do you know what the saddest thing is? The people who are most hurting, who are broken, who are suffering, who are in pain, they will do absolutely anything for anybody. This is because they do not want anyone else going through that pain, that suffering but in doing so, they even break even more because no one else does that for them.

“When I say I am blessed. I don’t mean money or material things. I mean situations that were sent to destroy me but didn’t even touch my soul”. 

When someone is not right for you, God is going to allow that person to disappoint you, disrespect you, embarrass you & maybe even make you feel like you are alone when you are with them until you have no choice but to leave. Sometimes you need to feel the pain and sting of defeat to activate the real passion and purpose that God has predestined inside of you. God says in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. 

There is always a test before promotion. God will give the hardest battles to the strongest warriors. So, understand that before the next blessing walking in your life, it’s going to be a test. Anything that is worth having if going to be hard to get. You have got to be able to see that what it is that you are going through right now, you feel like it is killing you, is really just preparing you for what God has got coming next. 

Dear Lord, thank you for the breath in my lungs this morning. Thank you for waking me up & giving me another chance at this life. Thank you for this warm day & the roof over my head. I am sorry God for anything that I take for granted on a daily basis. Please posture my heart to see all the good in today. I pray that you would protect me, replacing anxiety with peace & worry with joy. Blanket me in your strength as you fight battles for me. I pray that you would open doors that need to be opened & slam shut the ones that you need closed. I pray for my heart, that it would seek refuge in you before anything else. Lord, please make me a vessel for your kingdom & if things don’t go as planned, please remind my heart that your plan is far greater. Let my eyes see & my ears hear your voice today. Amen!!!