Wednesday 12 October 2022


Promise me that you will take care of it (promise me). I have given you a bit of me to keep you going through the tough, rough & weary times. Do not under any circumstance let it be all for nothing. I have stood the test of time & have held your hand, day in & day out as you forge forward in this world. 

We shall meet in the next one, where we shall all be at rest with little to no worry. It has been a breath taking journey to know you. You have been precious to me & I will not let you go. As the sun sets in the horizon, hold dear what I have treasured with you. 

I shall continue to guide you through the maze of living, as you shed of the mask that you have snuggly gotten comfortable hiding behind. Let loose your emotions, do not let them put you down as you bleed on the inside wondering to whom shall I turn to. I am right here next to you, my hand stretched out to lead you to the light. 

The path having being treacherous, you shall pull through & at last you shall be whole. There are battles that are raging inside of you (I feel you), remember that you are not alone. It may seem like the world is a dark place but remember, even when the clouds block the sun it is still shinning. 

We are here to be the fire & light in each other’s lives & no matter what war we are in, do not let this world make you a cruel, heartless person, be a better you.

Four things that you learn as you grow older:

    1. You can’t make real friends with fake people

    2. You sit back and observe, you realize not everything deserves your response

    3. You learn to trust your intuition

    4. The older you get the less you feel the need to be included.

On a daily we walk (or is it run) on thin ice as we strive to make it to the end of the day/night. There is usually no guarantee that tomorrow the sun will rise for you, that is why today is a gift hence it is called the present. This life is unpredictable like a storm, which though you can see coming, you are never too certain/sure if it will cross your path & cause all manner of mayhem. 

We are not islands that is why each & every single one of us is connected. It is tiring growing up, one of the most famous quote says, “with great power comes great responsibilities”. No matter how you prepare yourself for life, it comes with no manual that can be followed to the tee, rather you get caught up in turbulences of unfathomable proportions. 

Learning day by day that the journey is unique in its own nature. I will tell you this, “Do not let someone dim your light simply because it is shining in their eyes”. Remember that you may have not gone where you intended to go, but you will end up where you need to be. 

How we view this realm we live in through our eyes only shows us from our perspective & not how others see it. If we let in others you may get a different angle of the working of things & not just the one sided view.

“Everyone makes mistakes in life, but that does not meant they have to pay for them the rest of their lives. Sometimes, good people make bad choices. It does not mean they are bad, it means they are human”.

At what time today or days before, did you check up on your family, friend, colleague(s) or acquaintance(s) or even strangers? I did not say it is a must to do so but it is unfortunate that we live in a time where it has become survival is for the fit. No one cares about the other but rather for self & one’s own.

We have been caught up in the whirlwind where no one shows any interest in the wellbeing of another. It is a miserable state of affairs when all we can do is think about ourselves. What does it cost you to say, “Hi, how are you today or how have you been”? 

Even if it is a text & since we are in the current times a ‘whatsapp message’ can suffice. A 30 seconds call with someone will not finish your air-time nor make your phone switch off. A hug may mean more than you can imagine, that warm embrace calms one. A smile can brighten one’s day or even evening. All what I am saying is that it does not take much to check on each other, but hey am not the law, do you!

As we traverse through this world, family is not whose blood you carry, it is who is there for you when no one else is no matter the odds. Did you know that doubt killed more dreams than failure ever will?

There is a purpose for everyone you meet. Some people will test you, some will use you, some will bring out the best in you, but everyone will teach you something about yourself. Sometimes God will put a Goliath in your life, just to bring out the David in you. 

There are people in your view that are having a party because they think you lost. There are people celebrating, thinking you never going to get to your not yet, but I have discovered that what God ordains man can not contain.

Dear heavenly Father, I submit my mind, heart and will to you. Help me to see clearly what your plan is for me. Help me to stay close to you always, not living in the past but pressing forward to the new things you have in store for me. In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray. Amen!



  1. A great piece at this hour

  2. Enjoyed reading this as usual. Thank you for sharing your gift!

  3. Amen and amen! Thank you Keli this is uplifting and inspiring.

  4. Very encouraging thank you. I love the reminder to reach out to others. God bless you

  5. Amen! Thank you for the encouragement!

  6. Amen !
    This is very powerful and encouraging!! Keep it up! God bless you !
