Friday 10 February 2023


It seems with the way new year resolutions happen, you promise to do this or that & lo & behold they fade away like a bad dream. I thought I would pen my thoughts on this canvas as has been tradition, but the beating life was giving me, had be on the run like a refugee fleeing war, to go & regroup & strategize. 

Well, here I am, having resurfaced like the smooth withdrawing of Excalibur from the rock, back at the call to do right by you. Don’t worry, I won’t disappear again on you like smoke, rather I will sting like bee & fly like a butterfly with the hardcore truth of the reality of life. 

Who said that life is fair? Globally everyone is feeling a pinch in their pockets as the belt is being tightened day by day, so you are not alone.

“As long as you keep making excuses, you prevent yourself from getting out of the situation you’re in”.

Anyway, the earth is for living & we shall live, this myth that since we are in a time of trying to milk water from a stone nothing shall come out of it, is all in the mind. If you look around you (just take a peep), what do you see? Are you still breathing? Are you still able to move from one place to another with your feet? 

Do you have people or even a person who cares about you? Do you have food on your table? Clothes on your back? Well, you are more blessed than others & you are highly favoured.

"Life is too short to worry about what people who exist in a free app in your phone think of you".

We take for granted the little blessings that we have & grumble & complain of what we lack without first appreciating what is before or around us. You better live & let live, otherwise the burdens of this world will bring you down to your knees like an anchor. I do understand that we are all or most of us are in survival mode, don’t fret you are not alone. 

This life is for living & make do with what is before us, taking in that fresh breath of air to fill our lungs with new hope like the rising sun in the morning. I am privileged to get to take part in a social activity dubbed “running” that brings people of all ‘walks/runs’ of life together for a common cause, as we let loose in nature & the environs. 

You should see the faces of people in the beginning of a run all jolly & excited, give it a few minutes later & people are finishing & their faces are contorted looking like as if one has eaten a slice of lemon thinking it is an orange slice. Such are the moments one gets to treasure, as you interact with others, converse as you run along in the windy trails catching up on the week that has been.

"Sometimes you have to put everything to the side just to take care of yourself. Don’t be afraid to say no when it’s necessary".

I am crumbling like a brittle cookie, chipping away bit by bit wondering how I am going to stick to the very end of my journey. On the inside, I am screaming my lungs out, while on the outside on my face is plastered with a sunny smile stretching from ear to ear. How the tables have turned as the aging processing progresses. 

Some think it becomes easier with the increase of the age digits, with little realization of the full extent of the carefully laid out trap dubbed adulthood. Years pass by like the bullet train, once you are a mere child, then you come to be a teenager full of life, then puff like smoke you are in the first phase of adulting. 

If you are blessed enough, you go through the stage of companionship with the title of either husband or wife or partner, then further down the line you enter parenthood where you become a father or mother & the stages keep on going & becoming quite something & ‘adventurous”.

"Always pay attention to who is present and genuinely involved in your life at your hardest times"

By a show of hands (I am serious about this), who can claim he/she has never faulted in anything? You are the perfect person, mistakes are not part of you & that it is unlawful to accuse you of such. No hands up! I wonder why? You are free to share, as am getting to learn that sharing is caring. 

We are not all cut from the same cloth, we are like the coat of many colors, pieced together to become one. What we decide to do after the mistake or mistakes in our lives, is what matters. Many of us get stuck once a wrong is done & become affixed by the mere thoughts of “what have I just done?” At this moment, you become shackled to the wrong already done, frozen in the time loop of disaster instead of looking for a way out of the mess. 

We are all human & are prune to such endings, it is what we do afterwards that matters. You may someone who you may deem as a confidant, share with them what is going on. Once you say what is troubling you, maybe you will feel better but it is better than bottling it all up. We don’t get depressed, stressed, anxious, fatigued for no reason as there is something that is a cause of this.

All in all, let us pray:

Our dear everlasting Father up in heaven, thank you for the very gift of life. Lord Jesus, I come to you seeking your light in my darkness. I have fallen short of your expectation but I know that you are a God of second chances. Guide me ooh Lord in your ways that I may live a life worthy of you. I am but a child who has fallen & is seeking my way back to you. Jehovah Jireh, thank you for all you have done for me, without my knowing. I am not strong on my own as the world folds around me, let your hand be my guide. Lord you have given me the breath in my lungs, the use of my limbs, the food I eat & more than I can count. I pray in Jesus holy name, Amen!!!


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