Thursday 12 January 2023


Well, here we go again! Did you make any New Year resolutions? Did you start the year by saying never again, will I? You are not alone, you are one amongst the many who have made such feeble attempts to do sudden turn arounds that have had quite interesting results. Don’t worry, you don’t have to feel bad about it, we are all growing to understand how to pull through.

Never introduce yourself to a lifestyle that you can’t afford and never adopt a lifestyle that depends on someone else’s money”. 

As you traverse this universe, remember that your choices lead to the life that you live. I want to have it all, no matter the costs. It is said that you need to be careful of what you wish for, you may just get it. We are so quick to utter words, without putting much thought into what the end results might be. 

An example, “I want this kind of life”, “I want that person”, I want to have it all”, “I want to be the greatest” & so forth. Do you know the weight that comes with such words & what it takes to achieve such a state? It is only the wearer of a shoe who knows where it pinches. 

Time is your currency, everything is temporary & you will never regret the time you spent with the people you love”. 

In this current times, nothing is as is. People are using every means necessary to get to the top. The aspect of having any form of morals has been thrown out of the window, ran over several times & kerosene poured on it & a fire lit. It is easier said than done & I can assure you, go ask anyone who has genuinely made it, what it took them to reach where they are. 

You would be flabbergasted & dumbfounded by all the moving pieces that were involved in rising to their current status quo. Thus, it is prudent to understand that each morning as you wake up to another sunrise, soaking in the warmth of the day & visualizing how you are going to conquer your day that your first thought(s) & words will have an impact on your day to some extent. 

“Your words are seeds, your words have got power, what you say you produce”. 

In the words of Les Brown, he says when you get up each day, go to a mirror & tell yourself, “I am blessed & highly favoured”. What you listen to as you take on what lays ahead, will determined as to how you feel, this is inclusive of the fact that you have free will. Check yourself & see what is the first thing that you do when you get out of bed or do you just wake up to face the day. 

Well for me I start my day with getting God involved in it. I tell Him, how grateful I am that He has made me see yet another day, how wonderful it is that He woke me up from slumber otherwise I would have gone to the siesta of no return, then I tell Him to guide me in my day in whichever way it goes & that He is to be in control.

Now it seems like a long stretch to put my day in another’s hands but that is just my poison & each of us has their own. It is vital to always remember, we all have free will whereby, you can either choose to do something or not as the decision lies with you (except in the times of modern slavery). 

"Be careful what you throw away, because good things come in small packages”. 

The outcome of your growth in life will be determined by what & who you surround yourself with. If you are into always having negativity that is what shall follow you. If you are into the immoral, that is what shall be in your shadow. If you are into giving, then that is what shall follow you. If you are into positive vibes that is what you shall attract. However, be careful not to just go whichever direction that you are thrown, lacking a firm ground/stand. 

Even the mast of a ship, keeps the sails in check. It is upright to ensure that the gust of wind are captured at the opportune time to go in the desired direction. If someone or someone’s are the ones who keep on telling you what to do or controlling your every move, you better check yourself, otherwise you will be like a zombie who just goes wherever he/she is told.

Did you ever realize that when you were the worst version of yourself, you had the most friends, it seemed like everybody wanted you around when you were putting the needs of others before your own needs. Then when you start to put yourself first, your circle became smaller and smaller but you realize that is okay, because God begins to put the right people in your life, the people that love you for you. You understand that not everybody that started with you, can go with you and that is just the reality of the situation”. 

If I cut you with a blade, will you not bleed red blood? If I deny you a drink of water, will you not be thirsty? If I deny you food, will you not be hungry? If I hit you, will you not feel pain? This being the reality, one ought to remember that you are not an island. It will not cost you a shilling or a dime, to check on one another. We are so caught up on how our year is going to look like that we have forgotten that there are others who have not being so privileged to see the light of day. 

Somebody woke up with a surprise knock on their door, only to be greeted with a freshly printed notice to vacate. Others woke up, scratched their heads having no food to eat but just droplets of water to survive on. Others woke up to news that they no longer had a gainful employment. Others woke up, to find out their beloved one(s) are no longer in this realm. It is your choice to make a difference, whether or not you will be there for others. 

"Remember one thing, through every dark night there’s a bright day after that, so no matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up and handle it”. 

This world we are in, we are just passengers travelling by to our final destination & along the way we shall face & meet many things that may or may not make sense, thus we ought to remember there is no permanency in life. 

“Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for today. Thank you for your continued blessings and grace. Lord Jesus, help me to trust you more, help me to trust your plan for my life. Help me to stop worrying about what may or may not happen with the future, because I know it is in your hands. In Jesus name, I pray amen!”.

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