Thursday 7 July 2022


Aluta Continua! The soldiers marched on with stern faces, expressionless, determined to win the war that had been waged unceremoniously. They were the last resort that had to be looked up to as all else had failed. Their Commander barking orders left, right & center, eager to have a face-off with the enemy. 

It was going to be cold nights & hot days as the weather seemed to sense the feeling in the atmosphere. Left – Right, Left – Right, Left – Right, Left – Right, Forward March! Off they go marching steadily, weapons at the ready, with bayonets sharpened to the extent it could cut a piece of paper in strips. 

Each side of the divide readying itself for the bloody outcome. This, with the full instructions of their leaders to leave no survivors, they rallied them, cheered them on & pushed them on, to go out in a blaze of glory to regain back their motherland. This is indeed the cost of war, sacrifices have to be made, preparations done, loses expected, wins anticipated & a fulfilling end in the horizon. 

When we are traversing through life as adults we get to experience the true meaning of what it means to be one. The transit is one of a kind for each & every one of us that when we put our feet up on the table we go like, “what a day”. No one gears you up for the day to be as you plan your next course of action to fend for yourself. 

You find yourself thrown from the frying pain directly into the fire & gasoline added to the flames. You will either come out burned to a crisp or forged into fine steel. There are times you are asked, where are you going? You answer home. You are further asked where is home? 

I would answer, home, is a place where I can go, to take the weight of the world off my shoulders. I am assuming others would say home is where they current physically live. No one wants to face the reality that we are stuck on the material & the things of the world. Our belief is of the things that we can taste, see or touch. 

There is so much pain out here that we don’t talk about it. Most of the times, when we are with our click we make it look like as if everything in life is going on smoothly with no setbacks. I can’t fault anyone considering that when we were brought into this world our programming was that you should keep it to yourself & brave the pain. 

Why should you keep it all bottled up like a jinni in a lamp. We ought to let loose, that is why we have books that one can get engrossed in, exercises that we can do, sports that we can participate in, adventures we can be part of, social factions that we can join, talk to someone you trust & can lean on & so forth. 

We are all going through a lot & one thing I can tell you, is you need to get out from behind the bars of the prison that is your mind. Yes, life is not fair. Yes, we are getting tired on a daily. Yes, we are in a chaotic economic times. Yes, we have a lot of bills to handle. Yes, a good number of people are living hand to mouth. 

Yes, we are having major wars between countries. Yes, the rona is still with us. Yes, the price of things is absurd. Yes, life is feeling like a battle field. However, you need to take a moment, sit down & reflect on the blessings in your life. You ask which ones. 

Let me give you but a few examples: you are alive today & breathing, you have the use of your limbs it may not be all of them but some of them, you have food to fill your belly, you have clothes to cover your nakedness & protect you from the elements, you have a place you can live in, you have people who love you & so on. 

Let it not be that every time life tries to put you down, you yield in defeat. Rather clench your fists & get ready to fight for your rightful place for here it is sweat & blood to the end. There even comes a time when people leave you. Your friends might leave you, yout family might leave you. 

Those you never expected will actually distance themselves. Don't get depressed, this is God telling you, it is you & Him. God is here for you & will always be here. Nobody really tells you this, “Never let anybody make you cruel, no matter how bad you want to give the world a taste of its own medicine, it is never worth losing yourself”. 

Your own identity should not be corrupted by the ways of this world that you become so tainted that when you look in the mirror you can’t even recognize yourself. Let me tell you something that you already know, the world is not all sunshine & rainbows. 

It is a very mean & nasty place & I don’t care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees & keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, nobody is going to hit hard as life. But it is not about how hard you are hit, it is about how hard you can get hit & keep moving forward. How much you can take & keep moving forward. 

Now, if you know what you are worth, now go out & get what you are worth. But you must be willing to take the hits & not pointing fingers saying, “I am not where I am supposed to be because of him or her or anybody. Cowards do that & that is not you. You are better than that. 

Heavenly Father, I come before you today just as I am. I am desperately in need of your miracles in my life every day. There is nothing so difficult for you. Let your mighty hands rest on everything that concerns my life. Restore joy & happiness into my life & into my family. Save me from every wall of confusion that threatens to destroy my life. I speak your miracles into everything that I do. Open wonderful doors unto me Lord. I remove everything that blocks my blessings & finances in Jesus name. Lead me Lord into prosperity. I commit my ways to you Lord, take complete charge over my life & let your will be done. Manifest yourself powerfully in my life, cause me to shine wherever I go. Let the blessings of the Lord be released upon my life. Thank you Lord for your wonderful miracles that follow me every day of my life. In Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen!


  1. Amen. Never give up. No matter how tough it gets.

  2. Well said. Most of us human beings need to read this and take the advice. Truly healing. Keep on

    1. Thank, need to live in the reality & move forward.

  3. True God's vibe#Nogivingup he has Good Plans for us and that's to prosper us now and in the Future.

  4. Amazing read!!
    True !!
    Never give up! The sun will soon shine on you !
