Monday 25 January 2021


The lion paces in the jungle looking for its next prey with ease, prowling around in between the trees, hiding in the shrubs waiting patiently crouching down ready for the attach. It is a predator & declared the king of the jungle. It takes on the big giants without much of a fuss. Though it is small compared to its adversaries, the likes of the elephant, the buffalo it takes them head on. When it is within its elements, it has no fear or favour but goes all out to conquer that which stands in its way. 

I am not here to school you about the wildlife origins but just to show you that you are your own projectile in achieving what you set your mind to & how you view yourself. Have you ever noticed that when you look at a burning flame from a fire you realize that it has the potential of either being destructive or constructive depending on how you interact with it? At the current moments we are continuously bombard with the what ifs in our lives, to the extent of feeling we want to pull the hairs on heads from their very roots. 

Those who are lucky enough & are bald like me, you can but only rub your head so hard like a lamp with a jinni to be granted your three wishes. Did you know that one of the most common cliché expressions, “Rome was not built in one day” is vastly misunderstood? Where people have deemed it to mean that when are in our go getter attitude we spare no lives & burn all the bridges along the way (I may be wrong). This may not have any significance to some, but from how I have come to understand it, it means that it takes time to achieve great things. 

Anyway, we all have our own interpretation of the expression. One may take its literal meaning or go for an in-depth historical understanding. Did you also know that when we deny the story, it defines us. When we own the story, we can write a new brand & new ending. We at times feel like our lives are on a continuous downward spiral that keeps tumbling down without any stopping. Wondering to ourselves will we ever catch a break or a shackled to fate & the doom that it spells out for us. 

We become so caught up on how bad things are going that we forget that we can rise above it all. We let ourselves be corned at times not by choice to having nowhere to turn or escape. It could be that our emotions over power us that we yield to them, it could be that our surroundings get us into a chock hold we can’t breathe, it could be that we give in to the peer psychology that our acts become not of our own, it could be that we feel pressured that we fake it till we make it & so forth. 

No single journey of any of us, is similar to the other as we are having our own set course that has its own unpredictability. You are only limited by that which you dream, think & imagine. If you dream small or deem yourself limited, you shall be stuck in the whirlwind that goes round & round in a circle with the same thing over & over, not leading anywhere. You should by now know that your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth. Never let anyone tell you that you can't do something, because the Bible says you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. 

It may seem like an eternity till those pearly gates upon up for you to bestow upon you the intended good tidings to make your life better. It is said that if one door closes, another will open. If am to rephrase it, I will put it as follows, “if one door closes, go through the window & if that is also closed rejoice in the corridors till your time arrives”. What you think of yourself is more important than what the world thinks of you. Yes, you can object & say, “but have I not being raised by the society & to conform to the ways that be?”. 

Let me ask you a question, does the society feed you, cloth you, educate you, build you, calm you down, comfort you in your trying times, give you joy or is it more of judging you. You must be willing to do things today others won't do, in order to have the things tomorrow others won't have. If you allow sorrow to be your daily companion, you shall get drunk in its intoxicating fumes. If you look at the unfairness that is life, you shall be stuck in depressing state of asking what if. If you continue to get consumed with your vices, you shall no longer be able to recognize yourself. 

When we let that which we interact with take control of our lives, we shall be stuck in that quick sand, panicking why we can’t get out. Only to realize that if you keep calm, collect yourself & try just a bit to reason & clear the fog, a picture will form to the way forth & you can get out of this sand that is engulfing you. You are meant to hit like thunder & disappear like smoke. In such a way that your acts or success speaks for you without much interpretation or your saying so. You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great.

I will pen off for now & leave you with the words of the renowned motivational speaker Les Brown who said, “I choose not to be a common person, it is my right to be uncommon if I can. I seek opportunity & not security, I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled & dull by having the state look after me. I want to take the calculated risk, to dream & to build. To fail & to succeed, I refuse to live from hand to mouth. I prefer the challenges of life, to the guaranteed existence. The thrill of fulfillment to the state of a common utopia. I will never cower before any master nor bend to any threat. It is my heritage to stand erect, prouder than afraid to face the world boldly & say this I have done”.

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