Thursday 10 December 2020


Let me tell you something, today has been the best day I have ever had since the flow of air into thy lungs. Do you want to know why? Are you curious enough for what I am about to lay on you. Let me just go ahead & tell you before you pick your stones.  

I got to celebrate yet another year of being on this beautiful, wonderful & colourful world. In all of my life, I have never had such an honour as the one I have had today. The number of wishes on this day of being birthed have overwhelmed me as a person who never celebrates such as day or gives it a second thought. 

They say when the clock strikes midnight that is when things go bump in the night, but not this day. It has been one heck of a day that has humbled me into the corner like a small child to think about all it is that I am blessed with. For starters, my family's love has poured in like hot lava making me wonder in awe as to what a privilege that I have to be alive. 

Then there is this running club that am in "TJ", this has been the most impactful non-blood family that I have had the God given chance to be part of. They may seem like strangers but their love, care & concern is like no other & their stand with one of their own has no other comparison. 

More surprisingly I got treated to a hearty meal (don't judge me am foodious) by my lovely wife, who through it all didn't tell me of the plans that she had in store for my shocked self. I have been bombarded with gifts that have nearly made me lose consciousness not because of being light headed but more so being overcome with emotion. 

This will be the day that I will in all honesty never forget it. As I pen this, I thank all who are in my life both from near & far as well as the almighty God who has granted me such an opportunity to be breathing his free air. Well now, did you know that the engine room that we call our mind has a critical role it plays in your everyday living. 

Let me ask you, have you ever had a self-meeting, where you & yourself had to get a few things cleared up in a quiet session. It may feel strange but have you not had those moments you have found yourself talking to yourself because of how your day is going or trying to resolve an issue that has been bugging you like a stubborn migraine. 

That is what am talking about, the moment you are in your own space trying to convince yourself about a decision made, to be made or has been made. It may sound insane, but if you are to say the truth you have had such moments. You can come closer & tell me, if not you can whisper in my ear, I won’t tell anyone, I promise. 

Don’t fret, if you haven’t had such an experience don’t feel left out you are also part of us. There are times in our lives that we get to question our conduct in matters that affect our everyday living or interactions. There is a belief that what we think most times tries to get actualized by manifesting itself in the real world. 

Thus, the thought gets translated into a reality & at times it may shock or surprise us to the extent we get taken aback like as if hit by a jolt of electricity. If you are a sports person you will get to experience this phrase a number of times, “mind over matter”. 

Most of the times you will see your fellow sport people saying this to encourage you not to concentrate on the pain you are feeling but on more so on what it is that you want to achieve at that moment. It may seem that your body wants to completely shut down but you are there thinking to yourself that I need to get to the finish line. 

Then there are those situations you are pursuing that lady whom you want to be your better half but the barriers you are facing are too many you nearly want to give up. There may also be instances you are continuously trying to get that job or deal but obstacles keep on popping up like pot holes that make it seem like as if you are doing nothing. 

This may be quite frustrating but it is all upon you not to give up on what is putting you down. What you think of yourself & your actions is what matters the most to you & not what the world should think of you. If you shackle yourself to the thought of the world you shall continue to be a prisoner in your own mind as you shall conform to what is expected of you & not what you expect of yourself. 

Never let an outsider be the determining factor of how you view yourself. The moment you take the stand & make your claim that you are your own person you shall achieve change in your life in ways that will surprise you. When you change how you view yourself & how you act there is nothing that will be beyond your reach. 

It may seem like a cliché but know that it takes 21 days to take up a habit through continuous repetitive action. The serenity that ought to be in your mind is what will create an aurora of tranquility that will make you think better of yourself & see your worth without fear or favour. 

If in your own eyes you don’t appreciate who you are, where you have come from & where you are meant to go, you shall continue to go in circles round & round like the merry go round. Take a moment & look at your life & see if there have been times of self-doubt that have made you be hesitant in taking up the leap of faith. 

Looking closer home when you have had that moment of denial that you are capable of achieving a certain fete. We are what we think of ourselves but that does not mean that it should define who we are. When the seed of doubt gets implanted it grows & becomes fear & paralyses one to a state of “I can’t do it”. Just like in a game of chess, you determine the next move to take.


Wednesday 2 December 2020


I take solace in my corner of the room wondering why is life such a maze, a puzzle that is a continuous never ending mystery with no solution in sight. As I take the sip of the hot herbal hibiscus, berry fused tea with a hint of mint & splash of teaspoon of honey, I stroke my beard in wonderment. Is this all what life has to offer me as a bargaining chip for me taking up space in this on earth as an involuntary tenant?

That I am to live & survive the great purge that comes with being a human. The daily woes of what shall I eat, what shall I drink, where shall I sleep, how shall I earn a living, what clothes shall I wear, who loves & cares about me, all of which are now a thing of the past like the shadow. Hanging in the back ground like a bad omen banished never to come back again from the swamps. 

Well, it is what it is, as the common catch line gets to roll off the tongue with ease. I shall be no hostage to the emotions of despair but shall rise up like the phoenix from the ashes & wielding my spear like Shaka Zulu letting out a loud war cry as I plunge head on into war with the elements. Here I am ready to take on life but remember, I am not alone. 

I have my trusty companion by my side. My best friend, my confidant, my warrior, my trustee who as God wills shall be my side till kingdom come. Let me ask you, who is there for you to hold you up when it seems like the Armageddon showing its horrifying face in the distant horizon warning of that which is yet to come. Are you the wondering soul who believes that it is by your own stride that you have gotten this far! 

You have no need for anyone else being in your space as you are the lone wolf. It is indeed a sorry state of affairs that we are at times not by our own choice, like the lepers in the time of Christ in solitude. Shunned like as if you are having leprosy, covering you from head to your very toe in painful sores. Well, no matter what it is that has been thrown at you by the world at large you should never feel alone. 

You may be an introvert but still you must have a connection with a particular person or persons. This is not to say that having alone time is a bad thing, it is a necessity at times to enable you soak in the serenity of nature & quietness of your own surroundings. When we take it upon ourselves to be the light that someone may need in their dark times. 

It may simply be that greeting on a daily, a hi here & there, a hug of comfort, small talk when possible, checking up on that person, sharing a meal, having a drink (preferably coffee or tea) together, the list goes on & on. Who are we but stewards in an unpredictable world that expects us to live in a certain lifestyle & conform to societal mind-set. 

We need to take it upon ourselves to be there for those who need us. It may seem like an uphill task, as at times when you try to be there for someone, they may tend to shut you down or deem you interfering in their business & being nosy. That does not mean that we don’t try to do that which we can. It may seem hopeless but do note that there is light at the proverbial tunnel. 

Indeed, it is hard but who said that it is impossible. It is up to you to hold the hand not literally but more so to be there for of those who seem to have no hope, no faith, no provisions, no belief, no reason to live, are depressed, are stressed & so forth. It may seem like as if you are helpless for those who are having it rough but believe me that the small act of kindness in whatever form means more than you can imagine. 

It could be a text just checking up on someone, a phone call to have a bit of chit chat, going over for a visit, saying hello to someone on the way etc. This does go a long way in someone’s life by knowing that though it may seem that he/she is alone, they are not actually alone because someone out there has them in mind. Thus not going with the phrase out of sight is out of mind. 

It is when you have gone through the patch that molds you that you realize who was there for you during those times. In the coming days considering that it is meant to be the beginning of the festive season look at what you have done for others who aren’t able to do anything for you in return. The times have been tough but we are tougher than we look & you better believe it. 

This has been a year that has come with its own baggage & unpredictable situations that have made it one of a kind roller coaster. Our continued standing with each other during this times has made it a worthwhile journey. We have a living God that has kept us this far. There are greater days ahead & we need to be there for one another. 

Let me leave you with this, “If you want to walk fast walk alone but if you want to walk far walk with others”.