Wednesday 3 October 2018


"A luta Continua" I am informed by the learned that this is a latin phrase which means "the struggle continues" (you can google/bing it). Why would I even say such a phrase while the common phrase floating around in our hoods nowadays is "bora uhai". This is swahili to mean "it is better to be a live". Life has just become a battle for survival & seeing another day.

We are being hit from every angle like  punching bag by the what nots of the harsh reality that is being unleashed on us by the unforgiving & cruel world. It is just recently that the fuel tax went up by 16% before stubbornly being reduced to 8% (woe unto the less fortunate for their suffering is not over). 

This nearly crippled & nearly led to an economic melt down. If you could have seen the struggle to get as much fuel from petrol stations into ones car, it was every one for him/her self. My friend it was "mwenye nguvu mpishi" (translating  to in my  own words let "the strong  through")

Life is a journey that starts with that single thought that will either move you forward or backwards or toss you all over the place like a doll (I have no idea why I said doll, but am guessing you get or somewhat understand what I mean). Why did I give an example about the current woes being faced in our country. It is because it is meant to be a teaching curve/lesson. 

We take many things in this life for granted & not appreciating how they/it may have an impact in our lives. We are so engrossed with what the "voice of the high & mighty" who more often than not are the political/powerful figures who are always putting our lives to the test. We become so short sighted we forget how to think and/or reason. 

If only we could unshackle ourselves from the thoughts of others & that which they deem as "the good thing" & cultivate our own train of thoughts, how far we will be right now. We sit down looking all pretty believing that what the world envisions us as being that is what one is meant to be.

Our life span keeps on decreasing on a yearly basis. At no time do we forge forward but rather stagnant at the place of "if they said it is, then it must be true/factual" Why are we so lost in how people think of us that we can't progress in that which we crave to dream/desire. 

In our work places we remain the ever loyal employee not looking more than a few office spaces within the management that we want to move to. What if you risked it & opted to venture on your own? What do you presume can happen? If you decided "I have had enough of the people I surround myself with" does it mean that life will not go on?

We the people are so concerned about what others think of us (am no saint, I have also been a victim of this feeling before). We become so cocooned in the words that we fail to see beyond our noses. We become puppets that can be manipulated at the will of society or the community around us. We all need to take that axe of resistance & chop off the ropes of despair, fear as well as cowardice to venture on our own.

You are the change that you want to see on this world. It all starts with that single idea of "I can do it, I am going to take the leap of faith, I shall cut the umbilical cord connecting me to those dragging me down in the mud, I am my own (wo)man...." The choice is yours to make, I am not saying it is going to be easy but it will be worth it.

"Credendo Vides - believing is seeing"


  1. Replies
    1. Hi, thank you. Hoping it was informative.

  2. Nice piece Keli,the beginning was a bit tricky but opened up to a nice body of thoughtfull insights...
    Good stuff

    1. Hi, thank you. At the time my thoughts had been overflowing, no worries next time it shall be clear cut.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
