Friday 30 October 2020


Hello there, hoping that your week had started off better than the last & is now ending smoother like fine wine as you prepare to dine. Well, on my end I am getting to understand the true meaning of having an affair with the blankets, comforters & duvets.

It has been raining, night & day to the extent I was wondering have the heaven taps been let open accidently. It becomes dark & glum when you step outside as the sun is fighting to take its place in the sky. The war of the elements has been fully flagged like the world wars of the days past.

In all of this, I am thankful am still in one piece, alive, breathing normally, having all my limbs functional & in God’s favour. Don’t mistake this to mean that I am having it fantastic but am appreciative of the very fact that I have a few blessings here & there which I don’t take for granted.

These days just seeing the light of another day has become a privilege to be embraced like rekindling that lost love. Did you know that you are the author of your book & the writer of the chapters that shall grace this creation of yours? It is understandable that when we want to do something new to us we become hesitant like as if we are stuck in quick sand.

Where all logic & reason flees out of the window like a thief in the night. One of our default settings entails having fear. In this battle of survival & living, fear can be either Forget Everything and Run or Face Everything and Rise. The choice of interpretation is solely based on you & what you deem as your best approach to what life is handing over to you on a platter.

When we are paralyzed by our fear, we have a sense of confining ourselves to what makes us comfortable. When you discover you can do more than is being offered to you, you let the fear of the unknown shackle you to the same position. Thus making it an impediment to your growth.

The question that am guessing is swirling around your mind like soup & so often echo to ourselves when we hold our own meeting with ourselves is, what if? I am not saying that you should not question but you need to analyze beyond the query. 

This becomes the handcuff that puts you in place of not moving from your current position in life, home, work, family wise or even self. You tend to stick to that which is familiar & consider anything new introduced to you as a way of misleading you to your untimely doom like the journey to the center of the earth.

How we fail to achieve our full potential when we block ourselves from that which is within our grasp, why? This is because we believe that we are undeserving of the worthy opportunity that presents itself to us wrapped in a purple bow or that promotion handed over in a sealed envelope or that change that will make you soar like an eagle or that relationship that will stick you up like glue & bring out a better version of yourself.

If you want to get to change something in your life or around you, it all has to start with you. If you never try you will never know. In our journey as we traverse the various plains of existence, you should walk away from anything that give you bad vibes. There is no need to explain or make sense of it.

You need to be true to yourself & believe that there is more meant for you. Do you think you are the first in this world to make a mistake? My friend making mistakes is better than faking perfections. We need to learn to forgive ourselves at the moments we are at our worst.

It is not strange that at times we find ourselves at the raw end of the stick, beating ourselves for a mistake that we have made & is stuck to us like a stubborn paint stain that refuses to wash off. Through all the curve balls thrown at you, you need to brush them off like nothingness that you can overcome.

First you could start by changing your attitude about what life is & starting believe in what it can become. Molding it in clay forged by your very hands & in the very imagination & desire of your heart. Secondly, looking at the click of people who form your circle & opt to do a complete haul over.

It will not be easy as some have come with you from far. This does not mean you cut ties with those who have helped you become better but those who weigh you down like sin. Thirdly, immerse yourself in knowledge that will soak you like a sponge from reading, as it is stated knowledge is power.

Fourthly, if you are a spiritual person start praying for everything that you do so that God can bless the works of your hand. Fifthly, seize those opportunities that come your way even if it seems that it is impossible but just try, it won’t hurt. Sixthly, try to enjoy life. I know there could be some dry up season of resources but make do with what is avail. You know that you can talk a walk, go out for a run, listen to some uplifting music & so on.

Life is short. Cut out negativity, forget gossip, say goodbye to people who don’t care. Spend time with people who are always there. Pray as much as you can, forgive those who wrong you & move on with life. Remember that there are 5 things that you can’t get back:

             i.        Wasted money

            ii.        The stone after its thrown

          iii.        The word after it is said

          iv.        The moment after it is said

           v.         The time after it is gone