Saturday 10 October 2020


Do you know that you are blessed & highly favored? It may seem like a cliché that I keep on repeating but one thing you need to understand is that as long as you have air in your lungs do not take that for granted. I am aware that we have been hit hard by the Covid-19 which has turned our lives upside down but we are still here.

Ask yourself, am still alive, do I still have people who care about me, do I have some food on my table, do I have a roof over my head, do I have clothes that cover my back, do I still have my limbs that are functioning, do I still have some dignity & respect? Well if you are able to tick off any of this, you are in the right spot. 

I am looking & seeing that the time now is a weekend, which usually comes as a sigh of relief for a good number of us (inclusive of myself). Where you get to kick off your week day shoes & now we get into the open shoes, slippers, sandals, sport shoes & want to just give your toes a bit wiggle room from being crumped up & take in the weekend air.

Well it is now time to unwind & just enjoy the different environs from the norm of looking at files, ledgers, computers/laptops & now taking in the scenic routes, admiring nature at its best, the forests. If you are runner, you are now thinking of how you are going to conquer that trail & push yourself to that limit you deem unachievable.

Indeed, the weekends are a blessing in disguise when it is all up to self-love & hanging out with friends, loved ones away from the prying eye of the cctv cameras, nosy colleagues & so on. For me, I get to enjoy my weekends by going for early morning trails. Where I just let loose in the forest or those routes that give me the most calming & joyous effect.

This goes to the extent that I get lost in my own train of thoughts, just thinking about nothing & something (weird, may be it is). Thereafter, doing my best to try & spend time with those whom I hold dear, I am assuming that we all take it different. Others would decide this is the time to go get some hot, spicy roast meat dripping with juiciness from the local joint with a drink or two to escort it to the belly.

Others will decide it is time to explorer an area in the city or outside the confines of the city to get a different feel of the unpolluted & unpopulated environment. Others would decide it is time for them to be behind closed does & movie/tv series binge & snack like never before.

Others will decide it is the time to work on a personal project; painting, do some wood works, bake, do repairs around the house or on the car (the creatives know what I mean). In all that we do, we need to be appreciative of the fact that these three days called Friday afternoon, Saturday & Sunday are the most coveted days in a week.

Just take a look when it nears the official weekend, people’s moods just change all of a sudden. If a public holiday falls on the Monday to follow or that Friday, well it now becomes a party after party situation-ship. I am not here to condemn you but to encourage you to go forth & make merry.

However, do it wisely not to wake up the next day having left behind memories may haunt you like ghosts. You do know that the internet never forgets (right!), due to the emergence of our smart gizmos (gadgets). We may have the chance to enjoy ourselves but we all have an obligation to be responsible in our actions.

If you find or just wisely discover that what you deem your weekend activity is not beneficial, get into a charitable or a humanitarian act. You don’t even have to go to a reputable charity organization, you can aid those who are finding it hard to make it in the current times.

Support in form of the basic needs broken down to things such as food, clothes, financial assistances & so on. What we all need to take into consideration is that you can seem to be having it rough one way or another (which I am not taking it as a small thing), but you need to appreciate the very fact that you are alive & surviving. 

If you are in a position of assisting others in one way or another, you do that. If you are able to pray for others, pray for them. If you are able to go out in community & just hang out with guys who are not of your normal click & have fun, do that. If you are able to buy food stuff in plenty from the mama mboga to give her some boost, you do that.

If you are dealing with a local vendor of products, support that hustle it will not dent your wallet or bank account. This is a time for being there for one another, for a good number of people have not seen the sunrise that you so gracefully got to be engulfed it. Even if you don’t have much to give, a kind word, a smile or just small chit chat will do.

You do not have to go all out grand to create an impression. It is more so about doing it from the heart & doing it to your fullest potential. We all have a greatness that we can’t see but circumstances will definitely bring it out. I want to leave you with a prayer to take you through the day that has been & is yet to come to a conclusion.  You can repeat after me (if you so wish):

Our Father who is in heaven. I come before you as your beloved child. I am grateful that you have kept me alive & you have shown me your love, mercy, kindness & goodness. I may not be understanding what is happening in my life but I do know that you have a great plan for me. My God I offer myself to you to be a vessel for you to use as you please. At times, I am in a dark place but you Father know what is in store. Thank you for those who are around me to support me when I am down, hurt & broken. Lord Jesus, I give you this day & I pray that may your will be done. I pray this believing & trusting in Jesus name. Amen!

May you all have a great, awesome & serene weekend.



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