Friday 12 August 2016


As Lots wife looked behind her, she all of a sudden turned into a pillar of salt just like that (snaps fingers). The warning from God had been quite clear, "I will burn down Sodom & Gomorrah, get out & under no circumstance should you look back". Well, here we are with a being turned into a pillar of salt, what a shame! Such a life wasted out of the curiosity of the events of the happenings behind her. Hello there, let me re-introduce myself & now take you forward into the on-goings in the present moment. This is that time when you are trying to contemplate as to why your life has turned out the way it has (hey, don't look at me, I have no clue how it is). Fear not, as one of the revelations I have had is that everything happens for a reason.

Look at you now, shaking your head & going, "ooh he has completely lost his mind, I am quite sure he was dropped as a baby or that something just broke in him (or something sinister like that)". Just be assured, there is a possibility am not in my right senses but so what! Why are we so engrossed in the events that took place in our former lives that we become like zombies, slow to think & hesitant to act. This is the day that indeed the Lord has made & we shall rejoice & be glad in it. Why do I say this, because each moment that you are up & about doesn't just happen out of the blue. You came to this world to fulfill a specific purpose & not to keep on drooling over your chaotic past which all along keeps on dragging you behind.

You need to rise up to the occasion & just say, "enough of this non-sense, I deserve better than what my dark past is trying to make stick on me like glue". How do you do this: well for starters you can start by having a simple mantra which you can recite to yourself on a daily basis. An example would be, "I am blessed & highly favoured". The reason for this is to break those rattling chains that are holding you back from being a better version of yourself. The next step would be to get rid of that which is assorted with your past, like a dismissal letter from work. This will always remind you that on that fateful day your means of earning a living were quashed. Another step would be to dissociate with individuals who keep on bring up your past like a flag flying high on a post.
"Never ever let your past define you, it was meant to be a lesson & not a life sentence".

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