Sunday 27 February 2022


Let me ask you a simple question (I believe it is simple). How come, when one falls ill & has medical bills that are hefty & requiring to be paid, the ones who call themselves friends/family only chip in half-heartedly to clear the same & yet at the death of one during the funeral arrangements what is contributed is staggering, going above & beyond & going for one’s funeral is considered a road trip? It is just a question, you don’t have to hurl insults my way or throw stones at me. I only come in peace, no hidden agenda but rather looking to unearth the mysterious of this life.

“Don’t find a way out the situation, find a way through it”.

In life, you may burn on the inside without anyone realizing that there is a fire that is scorching hot & flaming from within. As I have heard time & time again being said, “who do I talk to about the raging battles that are within?” Is there really anyone who is going to be there for me, when am trying to calm the storm within. This earth is really hard & what is expected of one is a lot. You have to be responsible, dutiful, industrious & so on. No matter how much you try to explain, no one wants to carry your mental baggage (as it is defined) for you. The most common saying that I have observed over a long time is this, “kila mtu na shida zake” for the English readers the translation is, “every person to deal with his/her own problems”. 

How sad that this is the harsh reality that is waiting for us outside there in the world, especially now that we are in the thick of the Corona era. No one wants to listen to you, everywhere you turn, you are an outcast & get to be considered the bottom of the barrel. We have a tendency to listen to everything that is around us with the belief that it is the truth or the actual representation of what is being said to be. Gossip is so enticing like the forbidden fruit at the Garden of Eden. Eve tasted it & saw that it was juicy & tantalizing & decided she should also share with Adam in the new discovery. Just like that it all came crumbling down like the walls of Jericho, with them been sent into the world to fend for themselves.

“You don’t know pain until you crave a conversation with someone who is no longer alive”.

We have a weakness to consume all that we hear & our curiosity is heightened even more by the thrill of taking in this new unknown phenomena. In other times, when we hear a rumor about ourselves we tend to take it personally. In such a way that it affects you on how you do your things, how you reason, how you think others think of you, how you conduct yourself & so on. Other times we hear that tribe such & such has done this & that, without authenticating what is being voiced by others. It is like a default setting in us that we can’t help ourselves but be enslaved in the hearsay that is out there. 

When you make yourself a conduit of taking everything that is thrown your way, you become like a trash can. Swallowing everything without any filter, clogging your reasoning of that which is sanitized & meant for your consumption. We need to take a moment & just stop ourselves in our tracks & ask where am I going with this. There are times that you need to come to the realization that, it is all a waste of time to listen to every rumor, gossip, story without confirming its truthfulness. Do not let your mind become the dumping site for unworthy information. 

Check yourself & ask, this which I am listening to, is it going to help me improve, change my ways, make me a better person, and help me grow? If not, you need to burn that rope round your waist by distancing yourself from gossipers, time wasters & rumor mongers. If you are one who helps others to improve themselves, remind yourself that if II am doing anything for someone, I do it out of my own heart & free will. If I do it with the expectation of something in return then that is known as business. As you take life head on, you may not feel like as if the odds are stacked against you. Remember “You are blessed & highly favoured”. 

Life has become so cruel that we have seen many people getting bullied in the internet through social platforms, for how or what they are as well as their ideologies. We need to step up & be our brothers/sisters keepers & not let them fall. Do you know that peace of mind is key in every single one of us? Did you know that if you don’t yell at someone they can still get the message you want to pass accross? Did you know, if you don’t put someone down every time, that it will bright their day to know that there are times they are doing something right? Did you know that if you listen to your partner & stop being selfish that it is easier to reciprocate? (anyway this are just my thoughts you don’t have to take them seriously)

Just because you are hurting that does not mean that you are not healing. Hurting can be a part of healing, pain can be a part of healing. Ask an athlete who has gone through a traumatic injury. He/she knows that in order to accelerate the process to get back on the field or to get back on the court. He/she has got to go through rehab and rehab sometimes can be more painful than the injury itself but that season of pain is accelerating oneself back to where they are called to be. So maybe, your pain is just rehab acceleration to get you to what God is calling you to be.

“God is in control, no matter what you are going through. No matter what you are dealing with. Even if it doesn’t look like it is going the way you wanted to go. Even if it is painful, even if you just seem to be losing it and everything seems to be falling apart around, you”. – Isaac Frere

Everlasting Father up in heaven, I come before you a sinner. I ask for your forgiveness & love in my life. Lord, I am not perfect but I am your child seeking your will in my life. Guide me as I journey to become a better person. I am unworthy but the blood of your son Jesus Christ washes me white as snow. Jehovah Jireh, may your will in my life prevail. Show me the way to follow & be at the center of it all. In all that I do, may it be in accordance to your way. In Jesus holy name I pray, amen!

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