Friday 27 March 2020


Hi everyone, I know it is that grim time of the year where we are all wondering what is up with this COVID-19 which has become the greatest menace of the day. I am guessing you had envisioned that the year 2020 was going to be your year of greatness. It had started of on beautiful high note & lo and behold disaster struck like a thief in the dark night & you are uncertain of the days to come.

Everywhere you turn, the world is being set on fire by yet another infected victim who has fallen prey to the icy clenching fingers of this horrendous pandemic that is swiping the whole globe like the black death. Questions are popping in your head, "am I safe, how will the future look like, how will I survive, is there a way out, will I still have a job after this......" 

I can't answer these questions for you but what I can tell you is that I will pray for you & hope that you shall all comply with the directives of that have been given by the government for your sake. In other news, be grateful that you are still alive, breathing, in sound state of mind (to some extent), in the company of what/with those whom you love & vice versa, healthy & so forth. 

The world may be glum as of right now but the sun will still shine in the morning for all of us. We often wonder to our selves when we are tackling our everyday living, is this what I really deserve or that which I am to get? I will give you an example, you are at your new place of work which you applied for but what you get is not what you had hoped/dreamed of. 

You get to be at a lower level than what you had applied for yet you are fully qualified. You were misled to believe that you will get what you are meant for but alas here you are with a different role than advertised, Depressed, stressed, angered & even confused as you wonder do I pack & leave or do I stay & forge on wards. This is part of life's questions that you need to answer on your own time, after taking the time to contemplate about it.

How will you strike the balance of knowing your worth & that which is being given to you. When we go for job interviews a question that never misses being asked is, "how much do you expect us to pay you for this position?" Many of us are at that moment left thinking do I say what I really want or do I just go with the flow so as to secure the job opportunity.

Look I may not be the oracle of life or having had the privilege of eating a piece of the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden but what I am sure of is that is more to life than we see. We are on a journey travelling on different paths to a particular destination, wondering to our selves what is in store for us. The say that the journey of a thousand miles (loosely converted to sixteen thousand kilometers) starts with a single step. 

My friend that first step in life in the right direction depends on where you are right now in life. You have had several success stories here & there about "from rags to riches". I have had to question myself on a daily basis, how come others who I was on the same level have surpassed me & have achieved their greatness yet I am stuck on the same lane.

I push & shove to get the best out of myself but every turn I take, am pushed further down between the proverbial rock & hard place. I try to push my academic limits but my way out is not coming. I applied for the so called good jobs only to find out that within the organization someone else had already being given the same.

I nearly lost hope crying out loud at night, frustrated & questioning the very meaning of this life, saying to myself this is not the end of the road. I am meant for much more & there is a bigger picture than what I am seeing. I wondered to myself is it that I am not lucky or was it that I was meant to be a complete failure with no hope in sight.

I learned one thing, that I should make the most of what I have & keep my standards high. I should never settle for anything less than I am worth or capable of achieving. I do understand this is difficult to stand by considering the tough economical, psychological & social times that have been & are still in existence.

However, one thing you learn pretty quick is that life has more in store for you than you can imagine. If you opt to be comfortable with what is offered to you, you will never escape from your comfort zone. You will be stuck in the same bus ride all along, missing on what could have been the better opportunity of your life. You need to stop short-changing yourself & thinking that you were only meant for what is there.

As a parting short, it is said that music is food for the soul. You can listen to the song by Hart the Band ft Cedo - El Shaddai ( I hope this song cheers you up! 
Stay safe!

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