Monday 4 January 2016



Damn it! What is the worst that can happen! Then all of a sudden the gateway to the abyss of doom unleashes all manner of misery & mayhem in plenty. I am guessing some of us have had some experience with really bad days or weeks where everything just goes wrong from the get go. Then lo & behold you are off ranting about how your day or week has been a big, chaotic moment that you wish you hadn't woken up that morning. Well, this is the thing, it is not all times that we will have good or perfect days. 

Sometimes things will go horribly wrong & you will curse like a pirate wondering what did you ever do to deserve this. Other times you will look with despair at the four walls of your house & wish that the ground could swallow you whole. Such is life full of all the misery, pain & torture that it carries like an excutioner. Through it all we are meant to brave the tough times & take our stand like the spartans did in the time of war. No matter how life tries to crush you know that you are meant for a high purpose in life & that even though it may seem that your world is crumbling around you, you are stronger than you think. 

One may ask why do bad things happen to good people, well I can't really say that I know the answer to that but am thinking that life just operates on a different set of rules as compared to what we are normally used to. You need to unsheathe your sword & slay your demons no matter how many surroud you. It will not be easy but if you believe in yourself achieving the impossible then my dear friend there is nothing that can stand in your way. We all have a flame within us that needs the right kind of fuel to ignite it & if lit there is nothing that the fire can't burn. 

You are your worst enemy when you can't accept that you are capable of overcoming every obstacle or walls that pop up in your life. Yes, you do have a right to get angry when things go wrong or when everything around you is crushing to the ground or if no one is understanding what you are going through it is quite unfortunate that is happening. You have to realise that there is a hidden spark in you that needs the right push for you to see that even though all is falling you are never alone. 

Look at it this way, some of us believe in God others various gods but hey that is just the way we live. Out of all this no matter who you believe in, if you know that deep down you are never alone that your God or god is there with you, you are unstoppable. Do not sell yourself short just because things are not working out the way you wanted them to, just relax take your time, it may seem like a life time but eventually everything will fall in place like a jig saw puzzle. Also know that each day is a moment to learn more about yourself & your limits. Most important of all, know that you are blessed & highly favoured.

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