Friday 6 November 2015


Welcome to another sunny yet beautiful day of the week, filled with promise, the unexpected & fresh beginnings. We are here to embrace the new dawn & the promise of a better life. Well, isn't it just wonderful that we all want to live a full life with the aspiration of better things to come. You are there at your corner office thinking how you are going to end the year with a big bang & maybe just maybe a fat pay cheque will grace your ever empty bank account. Don't sweat it you still have a couple of weeks before the year closes, your dreams are still valid. 
"Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow is only a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness & every tomorrow a vision of hope".
If you are in a high social status worth of talking about infront of your peers never forget where you came & started from. For many of us tend to forget that though we may have come from the bottomless pit we call our former lives we still have a duty to recognise our starting point. Yes, I do agree with you that it is your effort that has gotten you where you are. But ask yourself, if it were not for the guidance from your parents/guardians, the education gotten from your teachers or the lessons learned from the world do you think you will still be where you are today? 
"Unless you attempt to do something beyond that which you have already mastered you will never grow. If you want to grow you better put something out here that you can't easily reach, that is going to make you jump & dig in deep to attain it".
Yes, you had a dream that one day you will be a big name in many households, once uttered it become symbolical of all that you have achieved. In all of it don't forget that as much as you want to be a symbol or a role model many may ape how you conduct yourself. Your every action, words spoken & interaction with those around you will be what others will keep an eye on to see how you got to that throne of your empire. Let it be that when fortune favours you & the Almighty Father has blessed you to get to the seat of power that you get to understand you did not get there all by yourself.

We as human beings have a habit of getting selective amnesia, pretend not to recall who was there for us when we were climbing the steep ladder of life. The ones who gave you their shoulder to lean on in the tough times, a guiding hand when you were lost, words of encouragement when all was falling down in shumbles, a meal to eat when you were hungry, clothes to wear when you had nothing to cover your nakedness, shelter when you had no place to call home. Yet you thanked them with nothing but a snare & a cold shoulder. My friend just know that what goes around comes around, that is the way of life don't let karma get to you it won't be pretty.
"Most people are governed by their habits, their fears & the opinion of others. A lot of people don't try things differently because they have been convinced by people in their lives that they value that they can't do it. They are living in the context that other people have of them".

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