Friday 13 November 2015


Look right, look left, look right again then cross the road when it is clear! Every child born in the 80s will remember being told this as it was continuously drummed in our minds. There we were wondering what the fuss was all about with the cautionary remarks. It is when one grows older that the true significance of these words becomes unveiled like a flower blossoming in spring. We all have an unpredictable journey ahead of us & it is only through self-discovery that we will be able unveil its true purpose. Every path in life we take is specifically designed to suit who we are. Many may travel with you on the same road but it is only you who will end up at your own destination. 

Life is indeed a  journey of a thousand kilometers (leave alone the usual miles as commonly put) & yet it all begins when we take that first single step. But do we really like taking any step at all in moving forward? Most of us are reluctant to accept change fearing that they may fall. You need to understand that one never learns when you don't make mistakes. A mistake is meant to be a life lesson that teaches you better. When you fall, if you can look up, you can get up. Living that stress free life is good but if you are used to the same temperatures through out your life you will never unlearn your one mindedness. 

We have to stop with the norm of being afraid of change. You may feel all secure in your pond in life that youhave dipped yourslf in, but if you never venture out of it & always stay put, one thing is certain you will never come to the realisation that there exists an ocean or the sea. This habit of holding onto something that one deems as good for them at the moment may be the reason as to why you don't have something better. It does not matter how long you think you will spend on this earth, how much money you have gathered in your account or how much attention you are receiving. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters.

One learns that as you get older, the rules are made to be bent & not broken. Be bold enough to live life on your own terms & never apologise for it. Go against the grain, refuse to conform to the ways of the world, take the road less travelled instead of a well-beaten path. Laugh in the face of adversity & leap before you look. Dance as though everybody is watching. Match to the beat of your own drummer & stubbornly refuse to fit in.
"It is easier to live through someone else than to complete oneself. The freedom to lead & plan your own life is frightening if you have never faced it before. It is frightening when one finally realises that there is no answer to the question 'who am I?' except the voice inside oneself".

Thursday 12 November 2015


Fear is one of mankind's weakness & hindrance in progress, I understand it can't be helped as it is part of our genetic encoding. We all get scared every now & then leading us to shy away from taking bold steps in life. We have become consumed by the fear of 'what if' that even when making the simplest of decisions we can't do it without our adrenaline kicking in high gear. 

Am not saying that it is a bad thing to be fearful but one comes to learn that in this life one needs to be a risk taker if you want to move forward in all you do. I have not heard of any successful individual who didn't take a risk in getting where they are right now in their life. Let us put that aside, by show of hands how many of you believe that your friends have your best of interest at heart. 

Anyone? I see that some of you are only raising your hands half way. It is that bad huuh! From what am seeing it is becoming quite evident that not everyone we are associated is beneficial for our wellbeing. The level of betrayal that has emerged these days  from any kind of relations one has seems so intense as we can no longer trust nor rely on those around us. 

I may seem to have gone off topic but look at this from this angle, who is more likely to drag you down in this current times. Who will be willing to watch you burn to save their own skin? You guessed it that other person who is selfish, self-centred & only seek to build themselves. 

Have you not noticed that those whom you called your friends don't always seem happy when things start working out for you. There is this saying that goes like, "a listening ear is also a running mouth". You need to watch your back not all those whom smile with you are happy for you. I have nothing against having friends, just watch what you say around them. 

Your downfall may just be brought by those closer at heart than you think. All what am saying is that if you come to the realisation that an aspect of your life is likely to bring your life tumbling down, you need to brace yourself to losing one or two people along the way. You need to surround yourself with people who help you see life differently. Know that in life it is not about what happens but more about how you handle it. 

Friday 6 November 2015


Welcome to another sunny yet beautiful day of the week, filled with promise, the unexpected & fresh beginnings. We are here to embrace the new dawn & the promise of a better life. Well, isn't it just wonderful that we all want to live a full life with the aspiration of better things to come. You are there at your corner office thinking how you are going to end the year with a big bang & maybe just maybe a fat pay cheque will grace your ever empty bank account. Don't sweat it you still have a couple of weeks before the year closes, your dreams are still valid. 
"Yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow is only a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness & every tomorrow a vision of hope".
If you are in a high social status worth of talking about infront of your peers never forget where you came & started from. For many of us tend to forget that though we may have come from the bottomless pit we call our former lives we still have a duty to recognise our starting point. Yes, I do agree with you that it is your effort that has gotten you where you are. But ask yourself, if it were not for the guidance from your parents/guardians, the education gotten from your teachers or the lessons learned from the world do you think you will still be where you are today? 
"Unless you attempt to do something beyond that which you have already mastered you will never grow. If you want to grow you better put something out here that you can't easily reach, that is going to make you jump & dig in deep to attain it".
Yes, you had a dream that one day you will be a big name in many households, once uttered it become symbolical of all that you have achieved. In all of it don't forget that as much as you want to be a symbol or a role model many may ape how you conduct yourself. Your every action, words spoken & interaction with those around you will be what others will keep an eye on to see how you got to that throne of your empire. Let it be that when fortune favours you & the Almighty Father has blessed you to get to the seat of power that you get to understand you did not get there all by yourself.

We as human beings have a habit of getting selective amnesia, pretend not to recall who was there for us when we were climbing the steep ladder of life. The ones who gave you their shoulder to lean on in the tough times, a guiding hand when you were lost, words of encouragement when all was falling down in shumbles, a meal to eat when you were hungry, clothes to wear when you had nothing to cover your nakedness, shelter when you had no place to call home. Yet you thanked them with nothing but a snare & a cold shoulder. My friend just know that what goes around comes around, that is the way of life don't let karma get to you it won't be pretty.
"Most people are governed by their habits, their fears & the opinion of others. A lot of people don't try things differently because they have been convinced by people in their lives that they value that they can't do it. They are living in the context that other people have of them".