Thursday 8 October 2015


Why are we enslaved by the worries, pain, failure, heartbreak, financial instability, joblessness, misery in our lives to the extent of throwing care to the wind. Each moment we are alive & breathing, the strong urge to throw ourselves over the edge of a cliff becomes so intense as we seek a way of ending it all. Shackled like our forefathers when they travelled the seven seas to unknown lands, we are scared, confused & even perpelexed at the thought of a new beginning & change.

Why do we allow ourselves to continue down the path of destruction knowing that our very actions are what will be our final downfall. Over & over again you go with the flow of society's mindset & embrace the structured way of life laid out for you. Do you not have a voice to shout at the roof top of the tallest building & boldly proclaim, "enough is enough I am in control".

Change starts with you, if you want a different result in your life you better step up or get off. This is a viscious cycle, if you don't take your stand in life you shall forever hold your peace & become the punching bag of that which is wrong with this world. I do understand that life is hard, who said it will be easy. You are not here for a joy ride but for a purpose that needs to be fulfilled by you & not anybody else.

Let me just ask, what do you think is the path you are meant to follow in this life? Each day you are told that the journery of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Have you decided to take the initiative of moving forward & making those dreams you have a reality by taking that first step? You need to man/woman-up & be your own hot bed of happiness, success as well as progress. 

Letting the problems of this world grab you by the throat & squeeze every ounce of hope will lead to your very demise. You need to get off the pity party & take a stand of revolutionizing your life. You are meant for greatness (if you don't believe it that is upon you, for I believe in you) & it is only you who is your worst enemy. Life is indeed a roller-coaster but you have to hold on & not let go no matter what. All in all you are the common denominator in this reality, you want change it has to start with you.

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