Thursday 29 October 2015


At last the rains are here with us after so many false alarms. Each day we were being given false hope by the metrologists of the new dawn (shock on us). Then all of a sudden the heavens opened up & out poured the ground quenching miracle water. The dry & dusty grounds had become a norm with our every day living. Well then, the chill atmosphere is just welcoming, making one just want to continue enjoying the sweet slumber & the warmth of a cozy bed. Too bad, we have to rise up & chase this paper otherwise we will be left consuming air burgers. Such is life full of all these twists & turns that we have to unwind to reach our final destination. 

For now we shall enjoy each drop off rain as it soaks the very ground we walk on. Today is a fine day to look at adulthood & its unique aspect. Let me ask, when you were young did you ever think that being a grown up will be like this? Me neither! I had thought that it would be all easy & I will have nothing to worry about. (By the way let me ask, why is it that when we are driving while music is playing & get lost we reduce the volume so as to get our bearing of where we are. Is it that loud music interferes with our sense of direction? Just food for thought). Now where were we, ooh right being an adult in the world that we live in. Isn't it challenging, mind boggling & nerve wrenching experience being all grown up.

You now have responsibilities & duties which you have to act on. Bills to be pay, work to be done, money to be earned, actions to be accountable for & such like. Am guessing you may at least appreciate what your parents/guardians did for you when you were young. They toiled & moiled day & niight to ensure that though you may not have it all you may at least have the basic needs. That being so, when you grow older you tend to keep your life much simpler unlike your partying days back when you were in campus. Now, you count every shilling, making sure that each minute is well spent, eating healthy, working out (if you can) & so on.

In the adult world one comes to the realisation that the fewer friends you have the better & that not every one is meant to seat at the table of your life. For there are others who will lift you high like the eagles soaring in the sky & there are others who will pull you down like the lowered anchor of a ship. One's privacy become paramount, when you make calls you do so in hashed tones, when talking to others it is in whisphers, when asked about your life only scanty details are given. Your present actions & attituted towards life will deter how your future will look like. Take your time to understand how things work, don't be in a hurry you will reach your destination. 
"Haraka haraka haina baraka".     African saying.
Live each moment appreciating what life has to offer, as we say "kutangulia kwa bar sio kulewa wa kwanza"(rushing to the bar doesn't mean you will get drunk first). With every decision you make, let it be that you have looked at it from all angles & come up with a back up plan just in case things don't go according to plan(there are other letters in the alphabet if plan A doesn't go through). Others have been where you are & you are not the only one nor the first who is going through your curent situation. It is said with age comes wisdom. We all deserve to grow old with peace of mind & not all torn apart cause our lives are falling in shambles. Always know, You have got this!

Tuesday 13 October 2015


"Twinkle, twinkle, little star how I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky........". I have no idea where I was going with this, though it seems I was caught up in the time warp of being old & yearning to be young again. Day dreaming of the days far gone when I had no care in the world but the world as my playing field.

Isn't it quite intriguing that all of life demands struggle. Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish & insensitive to the real values of life. We get smacked in the face with the reality that constant & persistent hardwork which we want to side step & despise is the major building block in the individual we are meant to be today.

How crucial it is in this walk of life to realise that setbacks, failures & tragedy are a part of life. Whether we manage to find a fountain of happiness & a bucketful of success in the daily strugle of life is largely dependant on our capacity to perserve through in the toughest adversity.
Watch your thought; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
Who we are is defined by what we think of ourselves & not by how the world sees us. Do not conform to the ways of this earth otherwise you will be lost forever in the dos & don'ts of society. Step out into the warm sunny days & bask in the goodness of being alive. Reach out to those around you & endeavour to better them as well, for no person is an island.

It is not hard to decide what one wants life to be about. What is hard is figuring out what one is willing to give up in order to attain the things you really care about. Life is a series of natural & spontaneous changes sparked by the fire that burns within but is never ignited as we fail to fuel the flames.

Thursday 8 October 2015


Why are we enslaved by the worries, pain, failure, heartbreak, financial instability, joblessness, misery in our lives to the extent of throwing care to the wind. Each moment we are alive & breathing, the strong urge to throw ourselves over the edge of a cliff becomes so intense as we seek a way of ending it all. Shackled like our forefathers when they travelled the seven seas to unknown lands, we are scared, confused & even perpelexed at the thought of a new beginning & change.

Why do we allow ourselves to continue down the path of destruction knowing that our very actions are what will be our final downfall. Over & over again you go with the flow of society's mindset & embrace the structured way of life laid out for you. Do you not have a voice to shout at the roof top of the tallest building & boldly proclaim, "enough is enough I am in control".

Change starts with you, if you want a different result in your life you better step up or get off. This is a viscious cycle, if you don't take your stand in life you shall forever hold your peace & become the punching bag of that which is wrong with this world. I do understand that life is hard, who said it will be easy. You are not here for a joy ride but for a purpose that needs to be fulfilled by you & not anybody else.

Let me just ask, what do you think is the path you are meant to follow in this life? Each day you are told that the journery of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Have you decided to take the initiative of moving forward & making those dreams you have a reality by taking that first step? You need to man/woman-up & be your own hot bed of happiness, success as well as progress. 

Letting the problems of this world grab you by the throat & squeeze every ounce of hope will lead to your very demise. You need to get off the pity party & take a stand of revolutionizing your life. You are meant for greatness (if you don't believe it that is upon you, for I believe in you) & it is only you who is your worst enemy. Life is indeed a roller-coaster but you have to hold on & not let go no matter what. All in all you are the common denominator in this reality, you want change it has to start with you.