Wednesday 29 April 2015


It has been a while since I last graced this page, but no matter, my obligation & duty still remains the same. Though it feels like as if it was ages ago, when I last jotted down my thoughts of the world in this realm of reality. I wonder why life is such a brutal oppressor of ones liberty, draining one of all optimism that you had banked on getting you through this rocky path of life.

If that is how the world wants to play games, I will show it who is the coach. Anyway to the more pressing matters & just a single question, "why are we a back stabbing lot filled with so much vile when others succeed?" Hmmm, anyone! Ooh, so no one wants to answer that one. Is it that I have touched quite a sensitive nerve or is it just that you don't give a damn!

So, you have decided to block me with deathly silence. I see! I will not let your blank cold stares deter me from my chosen destination. Now, since you are an uncooperative lot, I will press on with my early query(which still remains unanswered). We claim to be our brothers & sisters keeper, yet we act like Judas who selfishly betrayed Jesus & take up the behavior of Peter who denounced ever knowing the living Christ, what a shame!

I have watched how at work places, rivalries have arisen just because one of us has escalated in the ladder of  success & gotten that promotion you were secretly eying. Well, that is how the world works, nothing is fair nor is it just handed down to you. Have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe he or she was more deserving of the seat you lusted for.

If we are to progress in this life, we need to put our differences aside & take arms along side our brothers & sisters from another mother in fulfilling our dreams which I still believe are valid. You should take a leaf from the marines or the seals (or is it the military), for them their personal motto (or something like a slogan of sorts) is "leave no man behind no matter what!"

We should not turn our backs on others but rather offer a hand. One thing I have learned is that no man succeeds without a good & supportive woman behind him. Be it a wife or ones mother, if it is both then he is twice blessed.

Wednesday 22 April 2015


It is indeed true that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step (or so they say). I have faced challenges in life just like the way Daniel faced the lions in the den, but what I have come to realize is that God never forsakes His people. You may feel as though you are Hercules carrying the weight of the whole world on your shoulders, but you need to realize that you can overcome all that stands in your way just like the way David did when he took down Goliath (the supposed mighty warrior & giant) with a single blow.

One can be pulled from all sides & stretched like an elastic band to the point of feeling like letting go, just like a sling shot. What is is it about this life that we face such turmoil, happiness all in one heap? For at times things will be working in your favour, the next time they are going to the dogs. Such is life, an ingrate feeding off us like a leech with no remorse nor second thought of its actions. That been so, we should never allow ourselves to be put down by the circumstances revolving around our lives.

Yes life is hard! Yes nothing comes easy! Yes life is not fair! Yes we suffer from time to time! Yes we are facing an economic crunch like no other! So what! Life is not meant to be a bouquet of flowers but rather a bed of thorns. So you better get used to it & deal with it, the time for letting your frustrations, anger, disappointments & misery ride you like a jokey are over. Man or woman up & face life with renewed strength, am not saying it is going to be easy but it is better to do something rather than just lazying around & do nothing.

Monday 13 April 2015


Our time on earth is fleeting & as we grow older, we become increasingly aware of this fact. Although it may be easier said than done, all hurt , troubles & disappointments of the past or present should not stop us from living our next moments in our pursuit of happiness. Each day is a second chance to make a change for the better & we should use the opportunity to express ourselves in a more positive manner. 
"There comes a time in your life when you have to let go of all the pointless drama & the people who create it & surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad & focus solely on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy".
Karl Max
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living in someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others opinion drown your own inner voice & most important, have the courage to follow your heart & intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become, everything else is secondary.

I have come to realise that what disappoints us most in life, is the picture in our head of how it is supposed to be. That been so, most of the problems that invade our lives are because of two reasons: we act without thinking or we keep thinking without acting. We need to be bold enough to use our voices, brave enough to listen to our hearts & strong enough to live the life we have always imagined.

Always remember, to look up at the stars & not down at your feet. Secondly, never to give up your work, as it gives one meaning & purpose. Thirdly, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there & don't throw it away. Fourthly, live in such a way that if anyone should speak badly of you, no one would believe it. Fifthly, let it be that each day you are alive that you live as if it is your last.

Tuesday 7 April 2015


"Wuuuuwii! Wuuuuwii! Wuuuuwii!" This is the chilly scream that pierces the air as mothers', fathers',  brothers', sisters' cry & wail having witnessed the massacre their loved ones by the malicious beings who took hostage a learning institution. In the global news the killing of students at the Garrisa University has spread like wild fire, consuming all that are in its path. In which more than 147 people were killed by the terrorists who decided to extinguish their young lives. 

I can but only imagine the pain which such a loss has occasioned, as the loss of a loved one is no small thing, as it tears at the very fabric that holds one sanity together. Why is life so unfair? What is it about heavy human loss that ignites the government to take action when it is too late? Claims by the government officials that at least 600 lives were spared, has nothing to hold water with. What the hell is that? The 147 lives lost were of someone's son & daughter & yet the officials have the audacity to state they did what they could, that is just utter rubbish. 

I believe if the threats had been taken seriously the number of casualties would have been fewer or even none at all. One thing I do know is that prevention is better than cure.  We are not one & don't chant those words if you do not understand their true & valuable meaning. Am at a loss, when did we become such uncouth human beings with no trace of humanity left in us, laying waste to all that is before us. When did lives become so meaningless & not worth saving? 

I guess priorities have changed over what is important & needing our attention. The government keeps on saying, "we have everything under control". Is this a joke! So many lives lost, blood stained walls, bleeding & mutilated bodies laying where they last took refugee a& yet officials can boldly claim we have things under control. Did you see the kind of pain felt by mothers & fathers tear stained, broken, disoriented realizing that their only child will no longer be joining them. 

We are meant to live as a single unit yet we lash out at each other with such animosity, terminating lives like as if this is such an ordinary thing. I will light a candle for the ones who have lost so much & those whom we have lost, the traumatised who went through the worst kind of ordeal they could have ever imagined. I will say a prayer that God helps us, as those in power are only there to fatten their bellies and not do their job. My condolence to all those who lost a loved one, may God give you strength in this trying and difficult times.