Friday 18 November 2022


That is it! I have had enough! I can’t keep on doing this, with no end in sight. I was not born to suffer (or was I), there must be more to life than this! I am tired, worn out, fighting demons on a daily, failing, low, crushing under the weight that is pushing me down, losing my mind, cringing at the very thought of seeing another day & to top it all, time is not stopping. 

Who said that you journey is cast on stone or cement (I definitely didn’t)? Is it written somewhere that from now henceforth, this is how it shall be & that you should stick to the script. ‘Adulting’ has internationally been declared a scam that has no stage to get off. You wake up to face the day that is meant to be, only to wish for the evening that is yet to come to draw closer like a lost lover. 

Turning left, right & around you & all that you get engulfed is a gray cloud of how the world does not want to play fair. Well then, don’t play by the rules but rather make your own. We do have people whom we call our bosom buddies, our ride & die, our avengers, & our one call away in all times (keep them close). It is said that family is not always your blood. 

Did you know that not everyone who says that they are your true friend have your best interest at heart & your back. They could be your enemy looking for a soft spot to stab you in your back. Take a moment to analyze whether the people you surround yourself with have your best interest in mind or they are there to ensure that you burn all bridges that built you, stay woke! 

A wise person once said, “People do not mature with age, the mature with damage”. There are things that we do not talk about publicly because they are deemed taboo or things to keep in-house. This is the sad reality that is in this world (not the next),”People are silently dying of depression but can’t tell nobody because you all gossip about them instead of helping them”. 

Think about that for moment & see if that is true or is it part of the figment of my disillusioned imagination. Where we disappear like smoke whenever someone confides in you & tells you they are going through this or that & that they are drowning in it, gasping for air whenever they can. I am not saying it is a must to be there for others but what would you want someone to do if you were in that shoe that pinches. 

As it is really funny that when you treat others how they treat you, many feel offended, think about that. One day you are going to wake up & you are not going to have any more time, to do the things you always wanted to do. Things change, friends leave & life does not stop for anybody. If you want to let loose, do so, knowing that there is no rewind button to your reaction to the action & you can’t swallow the words once spit out. 

There are three things that everybody needs to come to terms with in life:

1.    Your mental health is way more important than your career will ever be

2.   You become an unstoppable force, when you realize that you can do it alone

3.   Be okay with people not liking you, because nowadays people barely like themselves

We live in a world where people buy things they don’t need, with money they don’t have, to impress people they don’t like. Seek wisdom to prevail in your life & as you forge forward remember you are not an island. No person ever got to the top by themselves, there were places they had to get stepping stones to elevate them to their greatness.

“If your absence doesn’t bother them, your presence never meant anything to them”.

Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that does not make you who you are. It is the rest of your story that makes you who you choose to be. If all it takes to make your day brighten up is laugh, laugh till your lungs hurt or tears drip down your face or even pee a little bit. If your thing is to crack jokes, let them out if even if they are as dry as the Kalahari Desert. 

If your thing is to be a shoulder to others, be so. This life we are in, has no repeat, no rewind or even a pause, as You Only Die Once (YODO) & You Only Live Daily (YOLD). Take a moment to check on that friend, colleague, family member or even a stranger. It will not cost you the breath in your lungs because you said a complete sentence to them. 

Saying even, “Hi, how are you doing”, bears more weight than you can imagine. A phone call, text message (if this is still being used), a WhatsApp message/call or even a written card, may brighten the day of one in more ways than you could comprehend. It will not drain a pint of blood from you when check up on one another nor will it make your economy collapse. Know Better, Do better!

Exodus 14:14 says that God will fight for you, and all you have to do is be still. God knows exactly what you are facing and all He wants you to do is to trust Him, not only is He handling it but He is handling it better than you ever could.

Dear heavenly Father, I just pray over this tiredness. Father God this is frustrating. I am trying everything I can to fix my situation. Jehovah Jireh, maybe I am leaning a little bit too much on my own understanding & my own strength, God I pray for breakthrough in my situation and I pray for breakthrough for the way that it should go. In your will & in your timing, give me peace during this time. Give me the strength & the wisdom. I pray over anxiety & depression, I pray over the broken hearted, Lord being a broken hearted person is so tough & then I realize you will always be there, but others won’t always be there & that you can help me connect the dots & all is frustrating, the tough trials that I may be going through that Lord Jesus you will be with me. In Jesus Holy name I pray, Amen!