Wednesday 31 August 2022


Is it just me or is the weather playing Russian roulette with us. One time it is freezing cold, another time it is scorching hot, then again goes back to the default setting of chilling cold. This makes it a funny situation when you are leaving the house clad in warm clothing, only for the sun to say surprise! Proceeding to boil you from the inside out or when you are lightly dressed & it is all crispy clear outside with the sun up high, then all of a sudden grey clouds rush in, escorted by the chilly biting winds making you wonder what voodoo is this. 

For the one who is worried: “Do not be afraid, I am with you, let nothing terrify you!. I will make you strong and help you; I will protect you and save you” Isaiah 41:10

I wonder in amazement as to the extent of which the times we live in, everything is becoming more & more unpredictable to the extent one keeps on questioning his/her own sanity. How are surviving each moment is a miracle in itself. No time is it easy or hard, it is all mixed up like a cocktail. You can end up scratching your head till you become bald, all because of the constant thinking you have to go through. 

When you are on the streets it is like the sequel of the fast & furious franchise. The mere thought of crossing one street to another is an extreme sport without the lack of a motorcycle trying to knock you down or a car/bus trying to run you over or people in a hurry trying to crash you to death. 

We are in the trying times that when you get home, you thank your Maker for seeing you through it all. Lo & behold, when you switch on the lights you discover you forgot to pay the electricity bill. You step in the shower, only droplets are coming out, that is the day the water company decided to flex its muscle. You go to fire up the gas cooker to prepare a hot meal, only withering ambers of fire can be seen before suddenly dying, all because you didn’t get your gas cylinder replaced/refilled. 

You open your fridge for a snack, it looks like a vacant parking lot. At this time, you are asking yourself, who did I wrong because this is getting out of hand. Anyway, here we are survivors of the days that have been & the nights that have passed. Striving to make a difference in our world so that we can have a brighter & better future. However, there are instances the odds are stacked up against us & not in our favour as it becomes the moment of us against the world, leaving us muttering under our breaths, “it is what it is”. 

The rules of engagement have changed & the times have evolved. We are on a learning curve day by day, on this wondrous journey called living, as we seek serenity, tranquility & the next big thing. Did you know that when you check up on somebody else whom you know, that it will not finish the breath of air in your lungs? When you follow up to see if a friend/colleague/family is okay, it will not cost you a dime? You will never know what it means when another person receives a message from you saying, “Hi, how are you doing today?”. 

The impact of your voice, when another person receives a phone call from you, hearing your voice, far from the noise in their head. The wonder that small courtesies have are unimaginable. It is not your burden to bear if your find this is too much of a task to handle, this is not an exam to pass. 

We are all raised differently & have various ways we interact with others. It is the reality that not everyone cares about you, wonders about you, is concerned about you, believes in you, wants the best for you, is there for you, prays for you or even worries about you but rather judges you, mocks you, talks behind your back, hates you & so forth. 

We are in a cruel world where it is every man/woman for him/herself & the rest be damned. It is not all cast on stone that we are always having great times when we are jolly & generous mood. There was a story I read sometime back & I would like to share with you here it is: 

“This was a story of a surgeon called in urgently to the emergency room for a seriously injured young boy. The surgeon arrived as soon as he could, only to be confronted by an irate father for being late and accusing the surgeon of being uncaring, self-centered and money-driven. It was an ugly scene. The surgeon remained calm, apologized and told the father, he would do all he could to help his son. Even this, did not appease the father and he continued to verbally harangue the surgeon. After the surgery, the surgeon spoke to the father, explained that all went well and full recovery was expected. He then promptly left. The father told the OR nurse he couldn’t believe how callous and cold the surgeon was, first for being late and second for being so brusque with his departure after the surgery. The nurse then told him the reason behind the surgeon’s behavior. The surgeon had been late because his son was killed in an accident a few days before. He was actually at his son’s funeral when he was called back to the emergency department. She told the father, 'He left his own son’s funeral so he could come & save your son'. The man was left dumbfounded and did not say another word".

Here are 3 love notes from God:

1.    You don’t have to keep chasing after things that try to diminish your worth but even when you do, know that I am chasing after you because of how valuable you are to me.

2.   That last thing may have caught you by surprise but it didn’t catch me, so know this I am not disappointed in you and it is nothing that my grace can’t handle.

3.   Even when it’s one entire chapter it does not mean that it is the whole book.

Remember this, the loneliest people are the kindest, the saddest people smile the brightest, the most damaged people are the wisest all because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer like they did.