Monday 18 April 2022


Dear heavenly Father, I thank you, I glorify your name. I give you praise & honor for you are, for what you have done, for what you have accomplished. Father, I thank you, Lord that you are not just above me, you are not just around me, you are not just behind me, but you are with me. Lord you never leave me, nor do you forsake me. So Father I ask right now even in this moment, there are those of us right now that are dealing with loneliness, Father I pray that you would embrace us with your presence, Lord show us that you are there, Lord that you are with us, that even as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death that we may fear no evil, for you are with us. I pray that in Jesus name, Amen!!! 

Today while scrolling through the social media corridors I saw something on twitter about family. Whenever, a close family member dies let's say like your father, mother, sister or brother the supposed funeral/burial committee decides not to tell you. This so that it doesn't affect your exams if you are a candidate or your job opportunity since you are going for a crucial interview. 

Is this the right thing to do considering the discovery afterwards will be heart wrenching? Who gives such right as not to inform one of such a demise. Later on, is when you are told, "your father, mother, brother or sister passed away due to so & so". Do we really understand the effect of such actions to one or you will say, 'sitting for exams or acing that interview is more important than the knowledge of the loss of one’s family member?'  

We better check ourselves when we make certain decisions that have a longing effect on the lives of others. This is just some food for thought from what I got from what I read. I have to admit, I am really getting tired of asking, “hey when is it my turn to have something right going in life or when is it my turn to be happy” & it feels like as if am being ignored with no answer in sight.

Am sure that this is a feeling that a good number of us go or have gone through, time & time again. While we are sitting in our favorite chair at the corner, rocking back & forth to the rhythm of our heart beats, wondering when will it all come to an end & so that we can finally sit back & say it was worth the wait. It seems that every time we think that we are going to pull through & have our moment, it all comes tumbling down like the walls of Jericho. 

Anticipating that those pearly gates to our blessings shall be flung wide open & shall rain down upon us, instead of remaining shut like the Pandora box. It is key to remember that the struggles you are facing are temporary. You are not alone & people need you. Life is precious & this is your sign to not take it for granted. Keep pushing & spread some love each day. 

There are times you will question yourself as to how worthy & deserving are you of that which is held back from you. It is like an avalanche of woes follows you like the black plague. Why am I not being favoured? What you do not realize is that your time is not yet come, it may require a little nudge but eventually all will unfold in due time. It may seem like a long shot but be assured that one way or the other, that which is yours will come to you. 

It is a roller coaster out there in the world where it is survival for the fittest. At no time is one able to catch a break from what is thrown at them. In the same breath, we all identify as male, female or even intersex, facing all forms of ups & downs but still we are human beings. This life has no mercy & it is taking no prisoners. We are at war with ourselves & the world at large, fighting the very urge to give up. 

Every day is a battle which we hope to win so as to come out victorious in the war that is yet to be fought in the very end. We want it good & comfy but this is one uphill task pushing us to the very brink of collapse. No matter how you identify this world is not your home, you are merely a passerby. You are born, you live, and thereafter you leave this realm & go back to mother earth. However, we should not make it our life mission to complicate the lives of those who are slightly different from us. 

We are all equals & no matter what we do we are of one blood, no one bleeds green as far as I know. At times we need to take a stand & know that where we are, is up to us to make it better as no one will come & intervene on our behalf. You have heard of the saying that the grass is greener on the other side. I am here to tell you that is hogwash. If you water your side of the garden/grounds, it will be green as well. 

“Surround yourself with people whose eyes light up when they see you coming. Slowly is the fastest way to get to where you want to be. The top of one mountain, is the bottom of the next, so keep climbing. Don’t trust people whose feelings change with time. Trust people whose feelings remain the same even when the time changes”. 

Here is a friendly reminder that if you have a toxic family member & they try to say that blood is thicker than water. Remind them that the full quote is “the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”. Meaning that the bonds that you choose to have in this life are stronger than the ones forced on you by your genetics. Now you know! 

I want you every time you wake up in the morning to tell yourself, “God’s timing, not mine. God’s plan, not mine. God’s will, not mine. God’s glory, not mine. God’s word, not of this world”.