Saturday 26 March 2022


Hi, how are you doing? Are you okay or are you holding on to dear life. How has your week been so far? Any good or you are just relieved it has come to an end with a sigh of “thank God it is Friday”. Well, it has been an adventurous one from my end, glad that the Almighty Father has made me see it this far. Let me pray for us:

Our Father who is up in heaven, thank you for who you are to us. As your children, we come before you humbled knowing that nothing is impossible with you. My Lord, I do pray that you will cover us with the precious blood of your son Jesus Christ. Jehovah Jireh, we come before you thanking you for yet another second, minute, hour, day, week, month & year that we have been privileged to see. Almighty Father, we place our lives in your able hands & seek for you to shower us with your love, blessings, wisdom, understanding & the will to live a life for you. Thank you for being there for us & may you continue to be the light in our Slives day by day. In Jesus holy name I pray, Amen!

It is quite easy to be ripped to pieces on the inside, without anyone realizing it. I think it is assumed that words don’t affect all sides & that as a man, one is immune against being hurt. This is far from the truth, if men are to be a bit vulnerable & say what it is that is in their feels, you would be shocked to the core of the realities that lay within. 

However, it is unfortunate that we live in a society where even those who are close to us, are the very ones who hurt us the most. We are all at a different chapter of the book called our life. The paragraphs are etched with the thunder storms that are raging from all fronts, sand storms gathering in the distance & hurricanes preparing to create the unforeseeable mayhem that one can’t imagine. 

What is it about this life that we can be thankful for? All around us it is just chaos erupting like a violent volcano shattering all hopes of a better life. Well, for starters, you can be thankful that you are alive & well, you have seen another day, you have the use of all your limbs, you have shelter to protect you from the elements, you have food to fill your belly, you have clothes to cover your nakedness, you have water to quench your thirst & the hope of seeing the next day to come. No two side of a coin are the same (I haven’t forgotten there is a third side, bear with me), as both the front & the back have their own symbolism & meaning. 

Just like your life, you have & are still on a journey. Where you came from, to where you are now, where you are going & where you are meant to be is no walk in the park. It is a journey filled with tales to tell for days to come around the camp fire. No one background is the same, it may have similar touches here & there but at no instant is it alike. 

I have the privilege of being in a member of club dabbed “Team Jasho” a running club that has become like family. The people there are from all walks of life. At first one would be intimidated in interacting with the others but believe me, you would be surprised by how welcoming they are. 

When you join, you will get pushed to your limits not out of revenge but so that you can better yourself (this is not to scare you). I get asked a lot, “Do you guys only run, No!” There is a blend of running, walking, hiking, riding bikes, physical fitness & so forth. Just a few days back, I got to participate in the Kitengela Run & Ride. Let us just say, it was quite a day considering that this was in a dry, windy, scorching hot & dusty area. 

The running trails would make you want to pull the hairs from your head, strip naked, pour water on the sun or even eat a block of ice. Some of us excelled, some eat dust on a literal level, some took it easy, some enjoyed themselves, some conquered their fears, some achieved their goals, some thought they caught a glimpse of the flames of hell but most importantly we all did this as a unit. 

Why am I telling you about this, well, because before, I could not even run a kilometer & not feel like as if I had swallowed a handful of ash & that my lungs could burst at any moment notice. I still desire to achieve the pace of my dreams but I know to get there requires patience, will power, endurance as well as self-belief. Right now, I am at a better place, my endurance & pace has improved over the duration of time, I have been in this family. 

It is vital to note that we have all emerged from different situations to make us the victors that we are at this very moment. It may not feel like it with, world war three looming in the horizon, the corona pandemic shape shifting every now & then, the economy biting like a thirsty mosquito & life becoming an extreme sport of survival for the fittest. I want you to remember that if life knocks you down, try landing on your back, because if you can look up, you can get up, never give up.

Remember that no one can live your life but you. This is a quick reminder we have limited time on this earth, make peace with your past & move forward. You are valued & the world needs you more than you know. If you have breathe in your lungs, then you have worth & purpose, make it count! Do not let the world weigh you down like an ships anchor by it showing you that you are useless. If you have seen today that is more than enough proof to make you stand up & say I can make it for I am blessed & highly favoured. 

There is nothing to be ashamed about in your life as that is what makes you. All we need to do is to appreciate the far we have come, the people we have evolved into & the seat that we want to take. Most times we have a tendency of feeling like as if the story of our being is something to be kept in the archives like a historical book. That, I will disagree with, for you do not know what kind of impact the choices that you made till now will have on others. Someone may learn something from it or even see what not to do.

“Life is so precious, every day is a gift. You have a purpose and this world needs you. I don’t know what you are going through, but today is a fresh start”.