Saturday 7 August 2021


My Father who is heaven, hollowed be your name. Your very kingdom come and your will be done. May you give me this day my daily bread and forgive me for my trespasses, as I forgive those who have trespassed against me. Lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil. Amen!!!


Well, it is hug your blanket season which just got real, having coming back full force with no mercy. I tell you, everywhere you go the bathroom has become the mortal enemy. Touching water is like breaking the silent vow. I have known cold/chilliness but this my friend is another level of torture, you take a shower & you have but seconds to dry yourself & get into warm clothing otherwise, the chill will get you like a bad prank. There comes a time, when one goes like “to bath or not to bath that is the question”!

How have you been? Anything exciting happen while I was away? Don’t worry, am not going to disappear like that without letting you know first. Life opted to come with the ripper to make a claim of how it wants the show to be run. Did you know that we become so caught up with our daily struggles that we forget to take a moment to just take a couple of deep breaths & appreciate that which we have. The speed at which the world is moving is so unpredictable that one wonders when it will stop spinning.

How do you face each day that the sun rises from the east (no hidden agenda in it, am aware you know it sets in the west), if you don’t mind me asking? Is it that you wake up groaning asking yourself, “why has this day come again, could it just end again”? Or do you wake up all pumped up, looking forward to the surprise of the day, wondering what feats you are going to achieve? Am guessing that at times you wake up & question why you are in this realm & who lied to you about adulting.

It takes a lot to face the days as they are (pandemic and all) & one can nearly break by the mere fact that there is so much to handle. As was wisely said, “yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift that is why we call it the present”. This may sound like a cliché, but it has a nice ring to it when you read it, makes you feel all wise & inspired. We do get at times to be between a rock & a hard place, with the puzzle look of why everything is working against me.

You are a strong person (not meaning physically) but mentally. You are a caring person, you have those whom you hold closely to your heart. You are psychologically capable of overcoming anything, as is said “mind over matter”. You are spiritually empowered, it takes belief & faith for you to move that mountain. You are socially compatible, no one is hard to approach as life is a circle. All these may be so, but you are the center piece of it all. It takes having the will that can make you move from one step to another.

We are blessed with 2 eyes, 2 ears & 1 mouth, to it see all, hear it all & talk about it when it is necessary. Nothing is cast on stone as it can be molded to a better shape if need be. Take a moment to just reflect on that which you have, you have been through a journey like no other. No one understands it better than you do because your path is yours & yours alone. However, you can always travel with others to make your ride to your destination more comfortable.

It takes self-will & belief to get to the heights that you desire. It will in no time be easy but in the long run, it will be worth it. The push & pull, the rise & fall, the slow & fast, the high & low is all part of the theatrics of the show that is your life. No one is a better warrior in your story other than yourself. As the performer before the stage set by the world, you know the ending as the credits roll concluding the show. Don’t fret, you have got this & you are built for far much better things than you can imagine.

“Many people will panic to find a charger before their phone dies, but won’t panic to find a plan before their dream dies – Elon Musk”

How heavy is this glass of water? The absolute weight of the glass does not matter, it depends on how long that you hold onto it. If you hold it for a minute, nothing will happen, if you hold it for an hour your arm will begin to ache, if you hold it for the whole day your arm will feel numb and paralyzed. The weight of the glass has not changed but the holder I hold onto it the heavier it becomes. The stresses and worries of life are like the glass of water. If you think about them for a little while there is no problem. If you think about it for a little bit longer it will begin to hurt. If you think about them all day long and you will feel paralyzed incapable of doing anything. Always remember put the glass down!