Sunday 18 April 2021


God I come before you as your child & a believer. It has been a journey to see this blessed new year though one filled with its own ups & downs. I come before you knowing that the road has not been smooth. Father, I am placing those who are lacking, in need, suffering, in pain, having lost loved ones, those who are sick, those seeking their daily keep, those healing that your mighty hand shall be on them. Abba Father, I pray for your continued grace, blessings & undying love. In Jesus holy name, I pray. Amen!!!

Hi there, how have you all been doing? It has been a minute, huh! Well, the days have been one of a kind I tell you. It has been like the adventures of Sinbad. Each week has come with its own twist & turn like the devil dust, catching our breath to what is to unfold. Unfortunately, the loss of lives & the number of people becoming critically ill has been on the rise due to the rona. In every corner that you turn, you could always see a tear been shed here & there of one enduring the hard times that have taken us hostage. 

The questioning of the genesis of what has been happening globally has given rise to hair pulling, road rage, maniac behavior of people offing each other. It is quite a sensitive time that people are letting out their frustration the best way they know how to. There are times that I sit down & wonder, am I really strong enough to handle this! Tired, scared, worried, angry, saddened but then I remember those whom I have in my corner & where I have come from & am like, “I can make it & I am not alone in this fight”. 

The reality on the ground is that no matter what is happening around you, not many people will care what it is that you are going through. If you think that am lying & being malicious ask yourself this, “how many of my ‘friends’ have made the time to see how you are doing so far”. I would suggest that we pull up our socks & improve ourselves in seeing how others are faring on. It does not have to be any grand thing, just something simple like a text, a call, a video chat or even a simple visit or having them in your prayers. 

Look at those whom you surround yourself with & what impact they have had in your life & you in theirs. We are living in trying times, where seeing the next day is no small feat but a miracle unto itself. In the real world, currently people are in survival mode trying to see how best to make things work. We are trapped in a whirlwind not knowing which direction the wind will blow & where are meant to go as all around us chaos is erupting like an unstable volcano. What is it that we did to deserve the woes that have plagued us, have we not suffered enough! 

These would seem like the times that the Israelites faced all manner of hardship while in Egypt awaiting to go to the promised land of milk & honey in Canaan. Don’t fret all things work out for good, we may not see it but just know that there is greatness at hand. I would like to encourage you with the word from the book of Mathew 7:7-8 which reads as follows, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks the door will be opened”. 

We live in a world that we need to have something that we have our footing in & a firm foundation. Most of us may have a good heart that allows us to be there for others even if our own situations are weighing us down like sin. Responding to that call that requires our attention because someone we know needs our help & assistance. Right now I can tell you, you can’t do it all by yourself, it will be too much to bear. The thing is this, if you ever do anything for anyone do not do so with the expectation of something in return. 

If you do something & are expecting something in return that is business. You need to search deep in yourself & figure out what kind of person you shall be for those around & close to you. I have had to learn that the smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention. We become so lost in our self-righteousness to the extent if we see someone we know in need we assume that things will just work out for them. 

Since they seem to be clear mind, are strong, are composed, are unfazed or seem to have it all together nothing can shake them. You would be surprised by the hard truth that is, don’t be deceived with what your eyes can see. In the words of a very common cliché, “don’t judge a book by a cover, but by its pages”. I will tell you for free that as long as I have seen today, I am blessed.

I stand by a simple cradle, "Stand behind me, I will protect you. Stand beside me, I will respect you. Stand against me, I will end you".