Saturday 9 May 2020


"This is the day. This is the day that the Lord has made. This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice & be glad in it. This is the day. This is the day that the Lord has made". Don't mind me, I was caught up on the memories of the songs of young, when I lived in a world free of care, no sweat to shed or tear rolling down thy chubby cheeks.

Well, It has been an interesting week with the madness that has normalized the world we live in & the nation in line of the current modus operandi. Things are thick to having unfathomable situations like lock-downs, curfews, restrictions, unnecessary drama, threats, scandals & so forth, Indeed it is a new era that we are alive & part of.

Every day is another survival series like the tv drama "into the night". (Where a group of survivors have to chase & embrace darkness/the night since the sun has become toxic & lethal to mankind). We live in times where we ought to give thanks every time that one gets to see the sun rise in the horizon & set in the evening like the credits at the end of a movie. 

Who would have thought that life would take this unprecedented turn of events that would be more of a roller coaster of unimaginable proportions. Each time you see dawn you are holding your breath in anticipation of what the day ahead holds.

I would like with your kind permission to ask you the following questions? Who are you? What are you destined for? Where are you meant to be? When will you get to your destination? How will you get to your destination? I do apologize if it may sound to you like as if am inquiring into your travel plans (believe me it is not or is it?).

We as a people of different walks of life have a desire of what we believe should be how our lives should be like or turn out to be. It is commonly stated that if I want to know who you are I should look at those who you surround yourself with. If this is factual, I would like to know for my own understanding.

This life has become a journey of self-discovery, to the extent of finding out that you had hidden talents & skills while quarantined at home. However, as it is said no one is an island. You or even me, we require someone else to help or guide us charter our way though the murky waters.

Let me tell you, if you get fixated to the fact that you can do it by yourself a reality check will set in sooner than you think. Yes you can make it to some extent by yourself, but remember even when you were a baby your first walking steps were guided by your parent or guardian. 

Who do you keep as your company? Is it the people who make you think critically or is those who make you just think of the now? An example if you hang out with those who have made it in life especially the old & wise, they can whisper to you the dos & don'ts of achievement & the acquisition of assets & not liabilities. 

If you hang out with the wild & free, your chats tend to be about the latest cars, the most exclusive of night clubs, the sickest drinks, the fanciest of gadgets & so on. Most of the times, the conversations tend to be more about the material of things (not saying that they are something to be banished but one ought to tread carefully not to be enslaved by them).

Do you find it worrisome, when you look at your life & see that you are stuck in the same loop. Nothing seems to work out for you. Every time you seek an opportunity to better yourself, it is like a huge boulder has been placed smack in the middle of your path. May I suggest trying to change your environment.

If you are one who wakes up in the morning without a word of gratefulness, try saying a small simple prayer. It can go like this, "God I come before you as your child. I want to say thank you for waking me up & letting me see another day. Guide me in this day & in all that I do. Amen!". This is not a must if you don't want to, you can simply have a mantra.

One can also decided to listen to some music in the morning & am not saying loud blasting music. Just a smooth tune to ease you into the day. If you are a person of every day you need a pint, try replacing it with a fruit juice or just water or the different kinds of tea or coffee in existence. I still repeat this is not a must, but merely a suggestion.

You could also, instead of hanging out with your usual squad, decide to call, text, whatsapp one of your friends who you don't talk often to see how they are doing. It may not do much to you but to them it may be more meaningful. If you are used to hang out with your peers try hanging out with the older folks, at first it may be strange but you never know what you can learn.

Living a positive life means waking up every day and deciding that today will be good and that anything bad will be dealt with as it comes. As I wind up, I leave you with this worship song titled "I will give thanks by House Fires ft Kirby Kaple to ease you into that quiet place of serenity. Have a blessed day filed with hope, love, faith & inner peace.