Wednesday 29 January 2020


Life itself should be the first wonder of the world. How we wake up each morning at the cry of the alarm & later on drag our feet back home in the evening is not automatic. It is a gift that we don’t appreciate enough to understand its true meaning as we take each day that we are alive for granted. We are but mere mortals living each day by the grace & will given to us. Why would you want to weigh yourself down like the beast of burden?

Why do we fight tooth & nail when called out en masse by our political/local leaders when they want to make a move in the hierarchy. Our government this days fails us at each & every turn. You ask yourself the question, "is it time I alight from this world". The phrase is usually thrown casually here & there like a playing card in Swahili. However, the reality of it is far more scary than can be fathomed.

I have had the privilege of watching a short documentary on YouTube titled "inspector fisi". This is a documentary about how, we have officers in the disciplined forces reaping from the sweat of local citizens. They take bribes here & there without any fear or favor as long as their bellies are filled like the whale that swallowed Jonah. This documentary tries to highlight the dangers on the roads in our beloved country due to the impunity of the supposed law enforcers.

The reality is that a few coins or notes exchange hands on our roads while we are on transit & if it is a rogue driver in a public service vehicle the passengers are at his/her mercy. Later on in the news you will hear that a number of people have been killed all because of a reckless, carefree, money minded, self-centered individual who sees people as sack of potatoes being transported from the farm to the market. Do not let yourself become a static in this world!

There is something that I noted from all the video clips put together in the documentary to show how money was being taken from the normal mwananchi and ending up in the pockets of this officers. As stated by the narrator in the documentary the videos were taken by individuals who were tired of the continued frustration of extortion by the powers that be & wanted to expose this minions of destruction to the world. There was an officer who bluntly said, "our work is to eat your money, while we control traffic"
"if you are blindly loyal to me, then you are just acting like a crony of mine. If you say you admire me because of the principles for which I stand, I understand that, but then you also have the right to call me to the carpet when you think am falling short". Jamie Dimon".
If you look back at our country, during the election periods the worst one being the year 2007. The explosion of violence was so extreme that the humanity lines had become blurred & the tribal lines became boldly marked. Yet all along we had being living as brothers & sisters in a nation identified of its togetherness. What made it all change?

This is the time you all need to wake up from deep slumber like snow white & realize you are the change that you desire. Do not let your local leader make you a martyr for his/her own interest. Think about, if you are given Kshs.200 or maybe Kshs.1,000 how long will it last you, a few hours or a day or a week? We have allowed ourselves to be contented with the way things are run around us, to the extent that when lives are lost it is deemed a normal day like any other.

Let me ask you. Why do we allow ourselves to be used like tools in a garden shed for someone's selfish interest? (you don't have to answer me, but think about it). You become like a puppet to obey without question when orders/directions are given. Some will say, "well the little am given helps in one way or another". I will still ask, are you comfortable receiving blood money or to you money is money as it is still legal tender?

I am tired of seeing senseless deaths all around, turning on the local news can make you sick to the very pits of your stomach. Anyway, am no activist but I believe that we need to understand that when we stand with one voice, there is nothing that can't be achieved. If we take a stand & say no to those abusing power we can make our country go far. When the opportunity comes, I have taken it upon myself to say it as it is. When I see wrong being done, fear has to find elsewhere to reside but not within me. This is the time for "kusema na kutenda".

My request & prayer is that we need to understand that we don't need to fight & hate each other for the benefit of those in/with power. Let me ask you, when teargas is thrown & you are there getting all teary do the politicians/local leaders stay around with you to inhale the burning, choking fumes or they quickly enter their 4x4 vehicles & scamper away to safety?

You need to rise up to the occasion & think how can I build my nation, my beloved country with love & not hate, with sweat & not drops of blood.
"You are not to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or says it". Malcom X