Wednesday 20 March 2019


"No Wahala"  this is Nigerian slang meaning "No Problem". Why would I quote that, well for starters let me first go to my childhood days. Do you all remember the lion king (yes the animation/cartoon). Timon & Pumba a globally known pair for their catchy phrase, "hakuna matata" which is swahili meaning, "no worries". Eeeeh, you thought I was all grown up &, only watching serious programmes on TV, you will be surprised what this eyes have seen.

Please don't mind me, am not trying to bombard you with quotes of old. Now, before I begin let me ask, how have you been? How has your week been so far? Is the year taking you politely? Anything new or eventful happen? Why am I asking all this, maybe it is because I have nothing else to do or maybe, just maybe I am just nosy or concerned (who knows). Anyway enough of that, now back to this merry adventure of the day. 

We have this human desire of having plenty, be it money in the bank, cars in the garage, the colourful job, the  palatial home & so forth. We are a people of varying nature, in which we have our own set goals which we aim to conquer. Whenever, we are asked where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years in a more informal session like a social gathering among our peers. Most times we would say, "I desire in that time to own a mansion, driving several guzzlers, a fat bank account, a well paying job e.t.c.

This is the plight of we the people, aiming for the sky hoping to land on the moon (so I have heard). We are so engrossed on getting the rich quick so as to make a name for ourselves. No one in his/her right mind would want to continue living in the same state they are in now or better yet to improve it. Each day that you have been graciously given you should endeavor to make your life better but in a principled manner.

In the pursuit of happiness we easily get selective amnesia as to what is our true goal/direction in life, blinded by the earthly materials. We want to rush past those who have surpassed us in achieving it all by taking every short cut possible. Day in, day out, we plot, scheme, plan like in Alibaba & the forty thieves as to how we shall "make it in life". Admiring lustfully like the greedy hyena at the buffet before us wanting it all for ourselves.

We live in a society of "rub my back, I rub yours". We make it our mission to be a force to be reckoned with when chasing the big dream, stepping on the toes of those whom we find along the way not caring how many bridges we burn. How easy it is to forget that "mpanda ngazi hushuka" this is to mean "he/she who climb's a ladder (eventually) descends".  Greed begets greed & eventually it brings one to his/her knees.

On a daily basis in the news headlines, our country has been wrecked of how billions have been stolen/looted by those with itchy fingers that can't get enough. What a sad state of affairs that has now become the norm to fill one's pocket with coins jingling & not of its belonging. Is it too much to ask each & every one of us to work smart & hard for that which is meant for you & be grateful that which you have sweated for?
"Today I choose to live with gratitude for the love that fills my heart, the peace that rests within my spirit, and the voice of hope that says all things are possible".